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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @wowgetoffyourcellphone icons are welcome
  2. He meant I was wrong So there might be way to get it back. @Hannibal_Barca might know more.
  3. Can you make a tutorial at some point ? Maybe it'd be nice to sync some with other human anims.
  4. So did Stamina EDIT : I actually had a patch to reimplement it but it was closed as apparently wasn't the correct way to fix it. Else we'd have 3177
  5. Im sorry I still haven't reviewed committed all this yet but I don't have enough time a row to do everything. Maybe @LordGood could ?
  6. Hello and welcome back. Unfortunately no you can't get your account back as those are reset every alpha.
  7. I guess that's what {native} is for ? Then you add the sele units ?
  8. Model is split from the view thought some logic is in the wrong place. So someone motivated could do it. For formation purposes I will turn it into MVVM which will make transition easier. The model and test are Linux compatible (.Netcore and .Net Standard) just not WPF. One could use Electron too
  9. Here is an update What's new in 1.1: Support for double click on browsable fields. (Note that you might have to tick the line for the change to take effect, it's counterintuitive, haven't found a fix yet marking the lines as selected is tricky when fields are editable) Mod.json support (Dependencies still have to be added manually in the file) Menu to set the material's path. A popup will appear at the first launch to browse for the material folder and use that. The header will give some insights as to what the windows is for. Fixes: Path gathered are now converted to unit paths automatically Shouldn't be any error when cancellation dialog XML files generated have now a final whiteline for Unix users. Features to come: Particle Edition Support SoundGroup Edition Support Material Edition Support Release.zip
  10. @av93 Anything we can do to help ?
  11. Sorry for being annoying but patches → code.wildfiregames.com Easier to review
  12. Depends of the number of auras
  13. You are welcome have fun with the game.
  14. Not sure but I think that works if you replace {civ} by a hardcoded one.
  15. Looks like the SVN did not finish downloading. What happens if your right click on the first folder that was created and click SVN up ?
  16. Once you have checked it out, in the folder that has appeared you'll probably have a color overlay. Just open the folder and look for a folder called binaries, then one called system, then run pyrogenesis.exe
  17. Okay, I think I might have confused you somehow. A22 and tortoise SVN have nothing to do with each other. A22 is a release, a packaged version of SVN at a point in time. After installing tortoise svn you need to follow the instructions there: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions To do step 2 just right click in the folder where you want svn to be installed, and click checkout .
  18. Yeah that is a sound request Now I'm kinda out of hands right now ^^ I have a lot of things to review already :/
  19. You need to ask a lobby moderator like @Hannibal_Barca or @mapkoc there is currently no way to do it in the game.
  20. You can press alt+enter I think but there should be an option.
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