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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Probably times out when trying to login. Can you open lobby.wildfiregames.com in a browser ? I think the problem is with your internet service provider. You could try to call them in case they ask XMPP port to connect to the lobby is 5222
  2. You can research techs using triggers and calling the TechnologyManager. You can also give them arbitrary modifiers using the modifier manager.
  3. While that's true we can have deterministic pseudo random numbers. For say unit randomnization
  4. Would be nice to finally get @SciGuy42's campaign ready for A27
  5. I suppose writing a script should be pretty easy that edits all xml files to point to a single grey texture.
  6. Not in the next alpha. There was some work for it for single player but it never was finished.
  7. Interesting it seems chariots are missing from Unit Tables (wildfiregames.com)
  8. Can you use your phone as a modem? Just trying to rule out possible points of failure.
  9. I have to clarify, I only meant they cannot be affected by technologies. You can totally change the XML values in a mod.
  10. So you're using your phone as a hotspot? If so can you try to use "normal" connection e.g Fiber, or copper wire
  11. If he uses windows this won't work. To get the "terminal log" you need to run dbgview from sysinternals in parallel (DebugView - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn) (Or run the game in a debugger) The mainlog.html might be enough. If you just want the javascript errors, they are all logged in interestinglog.html
  12. @Helicity Does that happen if you disable the option as shown in this video ? Re-installing the game might not be enough. If you are on Windows they are in %APPDATA%\0ad\config you can type that in the address bar, or in the run command
  13. Given the mod.json has "ignoreInCompatibilityChecks": true, yes.
  14. We do not block any Iranian IPs as far as I know. Given that you can access the forums, maybe something else is off. Are you on a restricted network, such as a public Wi-Fi or a School Wi-Fi?
  15. I just checked https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/source/simulation2/components/CCmpUnitMotion.h#L742 We only support affecting UnitMotion/WalkSpeed and UnitMotion/RunMultiplier not Acceleration and InstantTurnAngle According to wiki:TechModifications and https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Attack.js we don't support changing projectile speed either. So sadly, no techs can affect those value.
  16. Right so that would require trac pages to be versioned somewhere (in svn it would seem) and then somehow generate the docs from that... That sounds hella tedious. Also I assume more people read the Meson docs than people read the trac wiki.
  17. That's different. This one is just bad UVMapping.
  18. Autociv's code works well but it's built around the game's code rather than with it. Which means it's gonna be hard to maintain. Also the requirements "it works" are not enough for an inclusion. Tried it a few times. Never managed to pass the inclusion bar => [Differential] D2936 Allow limiting the max number of corpses simultaneously visible in the game (wildfiregames.com)
  19. Yeah my point was I don't trust some people uploading replays Whether it's SP or MP. As long as it's a handcrafted title, it's risky. Indeed. Anonymising all nicknames sounds annoying, but it's doable.
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