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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Hmm. I suppose the point of the extra component is to mimic the behavior you would have with visible garrison (aka turrets). This way a tower would/could shoot as far as a unit on a wall next to it. Does that make sense?
  2. I mean you wait for construction to be finished to compute the range once. Then update it as needed? Since it's not moving. For moving entities we could have a flag like static that defines how much it needs to be recomputed? Seemed like a nice feature for me.
  3. My point is that it could be computed on placement and at each subsequent tech. No particular answer, I just think it's cool to take the terrain into account.
  4. You can get the link in the first post of this thread or through the mod downloader in settings. Do note that it only works with the development version.
  5. You should use the CTRL hotkey to board the ship. See the hotkeys and look for garrison
  6. Install the mod 0ad-spirv through mod.io
  7. Well there hasn't been any significant change in the AI in the past five years (other than the emergency manager) so that's why I suppose. I guess you might wanna look at the diplomacy manager in simulation/ai/petra/
  8. Also covers the user provided mod case, where one doesn't want to go through mod.io for other concern yet still wants to have a preview image.
  9. Almost always have been (10 years ago) #1960 ([PATCH] Elevation advantage for ranged units) – Wildfire Games
  10. You can skip the lobby and connect directly to users, it's just not convenient cause everyone has to know their respective ips. But you'll always have the issue of being DDOSed as long as the game will be P2P. When someone joins your match you're basically letting them into your home. If we had dedicated servers, you'd have the issue of the server being DDOSed, if it was hosted by us, it would DDOS the forums, the lobby, the forge etc. The number of players has been stable, it's just the number of MP players that has reduced. Also, 4 years ago was COVID and confinements, and people are progressively getting back to their lives.
  11. If you have the mod installed you can run the game from the cmdline using pyrogenesis.exe -mod=public -mod=0ad-spirv If you do not have the mod installed you can run the game using then install the mod pyrogenesis.exe -mod=mod -conf=rendererbackend:gl
  12. Interesting, does the tooltip for the sound says 0.0 ? @Langbart are you able to reproduce this on your mac?
  13. Hello @HacheEf Do you mean this https://wildfiregames.com/raw/install.html / https://www.moddb.com/mods/rome-at-war or this https://www.moddb.com/mods/romae-ad-bellum ? (There is also this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2404179025)
  14. Hey @kpatch What kind of sound do you get when you set master volume to 0 ? For me it stops all sounds.
  15. That's because you are using SVN which is doing the caching of assets on the fly (releases are precached)
  16. Did you enable the 0ad-spirv mod you can get from mod.io? If you enable it prior to enabling that mod you'll get a crash.
  17. Mmmh isn't that what guarding is for ?
  18. That's already the case. They only look for those. Here I proposed toget the most injured of the prefered units. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6769#comment:1
  19. Maybe the lobby message could be a JSON with a link array that would work like the option tabs. I don't know much about the GUI @maroder @rossenburg
  20. Thanks for the report! Unfortunately there is not much we can do here. Glad you figured it out
  21. New gate means news animations you'll have to make them in blender. To make your life easier you can reimport existing rigs
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