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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Well getting banned for using multiple accounts for only one physical person is because you are breaking the rules you agreed to in the first place. Everyone is free to create their own lobby and host it somewhere else
  2. Why would people be anonymous on WikiLeaks ? Everything on Wikipedia can be considered dissident in a given country
  3. It makes sense to me. Everywhere you go on the web you are being tracked. You can do like most people and ignore it, but some people just don't. They take caution in every website they visit, make sure to never use JavaScript coming from sources they don't trust, use Tor to prevent their network traffic from being intercepted, (Imagine going to the mall with tunnels between each house on the way instead of taking let's say, a car. Having the right to edit pages without signing in allow you to keep that anonymity.
  4. Yeah a lot of things are weird like that :/
  5. @bb_ Are you experiencing this on Fedora ?
  6. Atlas uses wxwidgets to do its ui rendering unlike the game which uses something so it might be that you are using a too recent version of it 3.04 I don't know. Does the fedora29 compiled game has issue ?
  7. On Linux there are two types of drivers Open Source, and Proprietary. Usually the open source are fine if you don't need a lot of horse power. but sometimes you have to install the proprietary drivers because your hardware isn't supported (usually when its too new)
  8. Switch the cursor in toolbar Tab doesn't work because hotkeys are different but you will see them when overing if you use the other cursor. Use buildings tagged skirmish. They will be replaced when loading the map in game. @vladislavbelov might help you debug it, but I think it has something to do with you using Mesa Drivers.
  9. @LordGood Any hopes for a mod (or a bunch of files in a zip) + source files ?
  10. You need to edit the game's files to do so. In binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates you will find the units' templates in which you can add specific buildings.
  11. Hey @mgj3030 If you register on that website you can edit it yourself. We would be glad if you could improve it
  12. @Leyto Make sure to use our blend file. Else the armature export will be messed up. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/art_source/trunk/art/meshes and animations/skeletal/animals/boar/boar.blend If you haven't you can probably just append the mesh you edited Thanks for working on it
  13. @Alexandermb Can you add the icons and fix the standing pose ? After that you should be ready to commit. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Thanks so much for the icons.
  14. Let me know when you are done with your set. I would gladly commit them to the repository.
  15. The probable reason why it didn't work is because you did not add a second UV map to your model. To use AO you need to add another one. You can find a tutorial on how to do that here. The game will no longer crash in A24 because https://code.wildfiregames.com/D433 was committed.
  16. @Allah Welcome to the forums. It's okay, that topic was outdated anyway and so is most of the Art Design Document sadly. To get an idea of the size of the models, import Collada (.dae) files directly. You can find them here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser
  17. The tournament is over but maybe @PrincessChristmas will make another one.
  18. As far as I know you are free to use different accounts between trac, phab, lobby, forums, irc, as long as they are unique. There would be no reason for us to link them all together. You are also free to change your username on the forums, if you don't want to hide the fact that you changed it. This way you don't need two accounts. You only have to ask feneur for instance.
  19. I have no idea what could causes this maybe bad driver initialization. Maybe @vladislavbelov or @wraitii would know.
  20. 774 let civ = gameState.getPlayerCiv(); 775 let trainableShips = []; 776 gameState.getOwnTrainingFacilities().filter(API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "sea", sea)).forEach(function(ent) { 777 let trainables = ent.trainableEntities(civ); 778 for (let trainable of trainables) 779 { 780 if (gameState.isTemplateDisabled(trainable)) 781 continue; 782 let template = gameState.getTemplate(trainable); 783 if (template && template.hasClass("Ship") && trainableShips.indexOf(trainable) === -1) 784 trainableShips.push(trainable); 785 } 786 }); The offending code. I guess it cannot iterate in undefined. Could be fixed by adding a little check 774 let civ = gameState.getPlayerCiv(); 775 let trainableShips = []; 776 gameState.getOwnTrainingFacilities().filter(API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "sea", sea)).forEach(function(ent) { 777 let trainables = ent.trainableEntities(civ); 778 if (!trainables) 779 return; 780 for (let trainable of trainables) 781 { 782 if (gameState.isTemplateDisabled(trainable)) 783 continue; 784 let template = gameState.getTemplate(trainable); 785 if (template && template.hasClass("Ship") && trainableShips.indexOf(trainable) === -1) 786 trainableShips.push(trainable); 787 } 788 });
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