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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Nope but it's okay. It will be easier to spot bugs as well
  2. @Alexandermb can you link #4460 in your next commits ? (That's the ticket you are fixing) Try smaller ones as elexis suggested.
  3. If you can also attach the files that are named in the error message that would be nice
  4. And for some reason it's incredibly hard to reproduce...
  5. Okay I believe that Jenkins runs checkrefs as well
  6. Try adding the bin perl installation folder to your environnement variables You might need to restart cmd.
  7. Well we dont have the source files for all of them unfortunately :/ but yeah animation reexport is more annoying. Especially with complex animation systems.
  8. On windows you need to install strawberry perl. Then you need to go in the folder source/tools/entities/ and run perl checkrefs.pl
  9. Quite a few, though not all of them are used. I updated the zip there → https://trac.wildfiregames.com/attachment/wiki/ArtDesignDocument/base_human_skins.zip (Missing the native american because of the 2MB limit) Well that's why artists use layers. the skin is just the bottom layer (Hence the importance of source files.)
  10. Well at least there seem to be an exit
  11. What a lovely country. I hope the people I know that live there are all in the USA now ^^
  12. Would be nicer if done via script so it's reusable Do they all have the same skin tone ?
  13. I meant just the container, not the actual disk https://www.amazon.fr/High-Tech/s?k=USB+2.0+2.5+HARD+DRIVE+SATA+HDD+EXTERNAL+CASE+ENCLOSURE&rh=n%3A13921051
  14. @elexis Does polar sea offensive wolves have a broken template ?
  15. You should buy an external USB box for your HDD and take it with you Maybe if they weren't that complex you could redo them, so that the set is complex.
  16. If 30% aren't using them, it means 70% are That's still a lot of time used with a little impact vs usefulness ratio Deer → Yeah it's not so great. I like the current one, maybe you could just use the mesh, you don't need to reexport it (Unless you change the UV ofc) Maybe one day I'll find a way to import the armature in Blender, Pyrogenesis is the only engine that likes it. Even unity 3D doesn't work.
  17. Actually it's already over
  18. I agree, after all there is Pyrogenesis and 0 A.D.
  19. Ah yeah sorry for the miscommunication, we are talking about archers and drivers animations
  20. There are a few other, but nothing called elephant, and the riders animations are all for cavalry... Enrique hadn't had the time to make elephant rider animations by then.
  21. Nice, had no idea you could that ! (The zip file export) Unfortunately it's not, only cav anims in there... But thanks a lot for the digging ! Found it in "art_source\trunk\art\meshes and animations\skeletal\units\New units blends\New units armored version with animations.blend" @Alexandermb I believe you are the only one that have the elephant animations They were not in the blend file at that time and haven't been since... Should have asked you then, I'm sorry EDIT : They were committed in https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/20716/
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