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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Some recent work on the flora and geology area by @Bigtiger @Sundiata testing_new_flora_ao.7z
  2. Elephant and Horses will also have assets and animations
  3. We should reorganize the blender files at some point, because I don't really know where to put them...
  4. I liked the old one, but if you believe the new one will be better... Btw for the texture noise look at the new blender denoiser (maybe it's only in 2.81) Okay, it should be uploaded as well someday
  5. Well it saves some draw calls since the armor was baked onto the texture using → https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/art_source/trunk/art/textures/skins/skeletal/seleucid elephant?rev=22222 Since you are remaking everything though, I guess it's up to you I see a lot of useless materials using. Maybe you could clean it up ? Also the horse displays as purple, so I guess it's missing some textures (Pack them into blend and remove the missing ones) ? Does the blend file contains the nodes to bake the horse skin ?
  6. Great work ! Keep it up. Keep in mind that the three (there is also the non armored asian but it's the same as the other asian) elephants are different Namingly because of the ears and the size. There shouldn't be some weird stretching because of that. Also make sure to remove the useless vertex groups
  7. Well I wish I had known that before I spent three days fixing those animals... At least you'll be able to use them as reference completely
  8. @Alexandermb Here are the (hopefully) fixed armatures. I made three blend files are there are three different elephants though the armature is roughly the same. Keep in mind you will need to reexport all the elephant animations just to be safe, and because else that would trigger the same issue than with the unit mesh. Asian elephants should have 63 vertex groups, and the africans should have 61. elephants.7z
  9. Is it part of the horse mesh or separate ?
  10. Glad you fixed it. Enjoy the game. I guess it's to force the player to expand, but I don't think there is a simple answer to this.
  11. For the HDRi thing, you can either replace the scene sky by an environnement texture and use an hdri, or download the pro lighting skies by Andrew Price (the free version)
  12. Don't let that list take tasks away from you though just do what you like
  13. Dunno if it's my phone screen but the colours look off... :/
  14. Maybe your svn got corrupted ? Try running svn cleanup
  15. Yes. Yeah cause they got half the resolution density of the rest so that people can do what's in the art design document... Basic Human Template - 6th image
  16. Well I guess you could do what do what @wowgetoffyourcellphone wanted and take the arm armor out of the texture, so the unit could have one or two protected arms. But I think that's one of the good skeletal texture we have
  17. Yeah the old one indeed fits better. Why does it need to be updated ?
  18. Using an elaborate enough data visualization, it might be possible to also give interesting data to players watching the game in replay mode
  19. You could use photo texturing... That's what I do They are the best use of the texture space though, nearly 100% Some models just need animating. Also I can texture animals, but I can't animate them, so you could do that and I'd handle the rest Italic Helmet : Looks nice, maybe some more edge wear also why is the bronze less dirty than the rest ?
  20. Sighs... That was a long post to write. Teel free to ask me if you have any more questions @Iakobos
  21. It depends on your OS. You also need the SVN or the GIT version of the game.
  22. Hello @Iakobos First of all let me welcome you to the forums and let me thank you for your interest. Before I begin with what you can do there are a few things I need to clarify first. Some of those maybe obvious, but it is important things are clear before you go on (And I hope you will). All new artists start as external contributors (understand without the possibility to commit art to the repository) . Then after a certain amount of contribution a consensus among the current team artists and the expression of the will to join us, the contributor gets an invitation All external contributions (especially animation) must come with ALL the source files (.blend, .psd, .max, .maya...) (So do internal contributions, but that's another topic) All artists should sign the legal waiver See also : Art Dev. Task tracking Now that I'm done with this, I will actually answer you with the best of my abilities. Notice the post is quite long which is why it took me so long to answer (It wasn't possible to do it on a phone) We also have limited time, so this won't definitely be a problem. Having regularity is nice but is by no means a requirement. Artistic only contributions are fine, as we don't have funds for art anyway. However I'd appreciate it if you could point out flaws in our documents when/if you find some. Collaboration is definitely possible, artists willing to work for open source projects definitely do not come out of the sky. We do value people's privacy. So I won't reveal anything you told me unless you want me to. I understand your concerns about working for free and the issue that would arise for customer you charge for it. Hence if that's okay with you we will only use your username in the game credits, or none at all depending on how you want to be credited. As for the portfolio itself I cannot say much as I am not as seasoned artist as you are, other than : you should be able to help Okay so as I linked a bit earlier in this post all the current tasks are (or should be in this post) Here are a list of things you might be interested in Icons For icons it would seem the only thing we currently need is a "back to work" icon https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4019 (Mileage for mods may vary) That being said if you feel like improving some of the existing icons feel free to go ahead. Icon size vary, rasterized image are for the art source (for the future only) the game only uses png. Illustrations For illustrations the main thing that would be nice to have are some new main menu backgrounds to complete the missing factions (eg the celtic factions) I will give you more information on how it's done if you are interested Another type of thing we need are hero portraits (see the "Portraits" section of the art dev task thread) If you have some time you can look at this Modelling If you are up to the task you can finish the gate of all nations We also need more sizes of rubble for destroyed buildings. Animation (Plenty of work there) Animal list (not exhaustive). All those animals need to be either made, textured, or animated. Yes of course. Most of us are using it now. You might no be aware of it but we use a NON-PBR workflow (Diffuse, Spec, Normal) and we use texture atlases to reduce the number of texture needed. All the buildings from a given civilization use the same texture. Hence why ambient occlusion is baked separately. Some of the objects have only a diffuse, some have more. Some use object color where you specify a color that will be multiplied using the alpha channel. Some have alpha transparency, the rest use player color (where the alpha channel is replaced by the color of the player owning the entity) Normal maps are DirectX height is in the alpha channel to generate a parallax effect. The engine is OpenGL though. Don't worry we will guide you through this I wrote a script that will basically make it really easy for you, (if you know how to copy files in a folder and run a python script) https://github.com/StanleySweet/0AD-Skeleton-Generator Some of the animated objects reuse armatures, but you can't do that for let's say a hen an a human. Well @LordGood is the leader of the art dpt, I just happen to be the messenger...
  23. You need to recompile the game I am afraid because of the following files source/gui/MiniMap.cpp source/ps/CStrInternStatic.h
  24. Yeah that's the one, sorry, it's hard to quote posts on a phone.
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