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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Hey, See the FAQ here for discord servers https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/FAQ Welcome to the forums.
  2. Don't think you are actually. As for identifying people, we have a bit more tools on the forums I believe.
  3. Feel it's not realistic to have swords do fire damage ^^
  4. In theory it's possible, the problem is that it's gonna be really tricky to combine effects, eg poison + bleeding + fire + something else, which is why I think @Freagarach and @wraitii did not add support for changing variants by status effects. Also it's even more complicated to have different levels of fire
  5. @Silier feel like making a patch for Engine.Lobby.SetNick with a regex or something to prevent using more chars than the inscription window?
  6. Oh, but we can, just need a lot of proppoints for buildings. E.g. carthaginian buldings already do damage. It's just that a few people don't like the idea. And it will cost a lot of time to update the buildings.
  7. As far as I know the XMPP protocol allows changing nickname while keeping the same jid. I suppose the game C++ makes some assumptions though. Maybe @user1 and @Dunedan might know more.
  8. I don't think it's feasible with the current resources at our disposal.
  9. We're not at that level of imprecision, though.
  10. Sure, but the game is not ruined by them but by the others, that can and will create any number of accounts just to troll. My point is that people have been proving that being trusting and nice doesn't work. So it's a minority ruining the game for everyone. You means the terms that you agreed to abide by when you created an account? Questioning rules is good. What I see here is not a problem with the rule, but rather by how poorly it is enforced. From what I gather your issue right now is that your school IP is banned preventing people from playing, not a problem with banning abusive smurfs.
  11. I don't think that counts for simply moving five females to build a field?
  12. You can find the reasons that lead to their removal here: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2495 It's possible. To do so, you need to edit the attack component in the artillery root template like so. <Attack> <Ranged> <AttackName>Stone</AttackName> <Damage> <Crush>90</Crush> <Pierce>0</Pierce> </Damage> <MaxRange>80</MaxRange> <MinRange>40</MinRange> <Origin> <X>0</X> <Y>15</Y> <Z>0</Z> </Origin> <PrepareTime>4500</PrepareTime> <RepeatTime>5000</RepeatTime> <Projectile> <Speed>40</Speed> <Spread>6</Spread> <Gravity>9.81</Gravity> <FriendlyFire>false</FriendlyFire> <LaunchPoint y="3"/> <ActorName>props/units/weapons/tower_artillery_projectile.xml</ActorName> <ImpactActorName>props/units/weapons/tower_artillery_projectile_impact.xml</ImpactActorName> <ImpactAnimationLifetime>0.3</ImpactAnimationLifetime> </Projectile> <!-- The line below defines what is targeted in priority --> <PreferredClasses datatype="tokens">-Human !Organic</PreferredClasses> </Ranged> </Attack> You can find the classes of the ram here https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_unit_siege_ram.xml#L37 <PreferredClasses datatype="tokens">Ram -Human !Organic</PreferredClasses>
  13. I'm gonna pass on the breakage of all lobby ToU because it's @user1's job for now. Lobby has proven countless times that it likes to mess stuff up. It started with toxicity, harassement, smurfing and now it's DDOS on top of all the rest. Can you really tell me that I can trust anyone on the lobby to behave respectfully?
  14. @bb_ @wraitii maybe better value can be found.
  15. Map format was changed between A24 and A25 you need to convert your map.
  16. Hey thanks a lot for the donation Get in touch with @Lopess @Trinketos for precolumbian. For the other mod aristeia about ancient civilization I don't know if anyone is currently working on it. @Zophim changed the way it should be a lot and I think people got lost/frustrated.
  17. user1 is the last person. Dunedan was supposed to be a new one but I never managed to get him enough rights to make a change.
  18. You only give your IP when joining a match, because you need to connect to the host computer. In A23B you would give it when joining the lobby.
  19. Well sure but if no one works on it that means you'll never have A27. I believe there is even a100$ bounty on that feature.
  20. All my attempts to increase or change the lobby management have failed so far. But I keep on trying.
  21. Hey, what OS are you on? From the date of the build I suspect linux. You might have something to do to make OpenAL use Pulse Audio or Jack or something
  22. Don't you really have much on your plate? Also it's a 800 MB mess with files all over...
  23. I actually now have all the assets just didn't find the time to put them back together
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