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  1. 2 Player versions (day & night) uploaded to original post
    4 points
  2. It's the bane of being a productive member, lol. Everyone starts to look to you for new things. Yep, "feature rich" doesn't need to mean a bunch of stuff on screen. Sometimes good aesthetics and good user experience can combine into something "simple, yet effective, and pleasing to the eye" all at once.
    3 points
  3. I'm thinking it's easier to just quickly decide on which units should not be TreasureCollectors. e.g. <TreasureCollector disable=""/> I think these make sense: template_unit_catafalque template_unit_dog template_unit_fauna template_unit_ship_fire template_unit_siege
    3 points
  4. I made some script to load game data in to python to plot it as I'm more familiar with python for plotting and analysis. Also it's much nicer to view all the variables in a variable explorer like the one from spyder. Commands per seconds or turn (0.2 s) have the disadvantage that during lag (or later in the game) a player is able to do a lot of commands in one turn. Here is me doing 10 commands in one turn: turn 5455 200 cmd 2 {"type":"walk","entities":[10472,7963,8997,10619,11200,10735,9713,8881,10288,10455,10152,11198,6126,10820,9851,9287,10734,10641,10289,8975,9333,9008,9220,9281,9355,9356,9451,9453,9471,9561,9562,11199,9706,9712,9734,9838,9852,10620,10745,9926,10016,10151,10153,10575,10576,10291,10454,10574,10703,10775,10819,10830],"x":368.4579772949219,"z":944.2227783203125,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} cmd 2 {"type":"walk","entities":[10472,7963,8997,10619,11200,10735,9713,8881,10288,10455,10152,11198,6126,10820,9851,9287,10734,10641,10289,8975,9333,9008,9220,9281,9355,9356,9451,9453,9471,9561,9562,11199,9706,9712,9734,9838,9852,10620,10745,9926,10016,10151,10153,10575,10576,10291,10454,10574,10703,10775,10819,10830],"x":374.57586669921875,"z":970.2582397460938,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} cmd 2 {"type":"attack","entities":[10472,7963,8997,10619,11200,10735,9713,8881,10288,10455,10152,11198,6126,10820,9851,9287,10734,10641,10289,8975,9333,9008,9220,9281,9355,9356,9451,9453,9471,9561,9562,11199,9706,9712,9734,9838,9852,10620,10745,9926,10016,10151,10153,10575,10576,10291,10454,10574,10703,10775,10819,10830],"target":6368,"allowCapture":true,"queued":true,"pushFront":false,"formation":"special/formations/null"} cmd 6 {"type":"walk","entities":[11159,10853,10854,10963,10965],"x":233.2589111328125,"z":647.6427001953125,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} cmd 6 {"type":"walk","entities":[11159,10853,10854,10963,10965],"x":289.00238037109375,"z":808.5845336914062,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} cmd 6 {"type":"walk","entities":[11159,10853,10854,10963,10965],"x":289.2769470214844,"z":809.2060546875,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} cmd 6 {"type":"walk","entities":[11159,10853,10854,10963,10965],"x":289.27691650390625,"z":809.2093505859375,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} cmd 6 {"type":"walk","entities":[7228,7882,7883,8114,8943,11225,11230],"x":309.6015625,"z":795.3712158203125,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} cmd 6 {"type":"walk","entities":[7228,7882,7883,8114,8943,11225,11230],"x":309.6015625,"z":795.3712158203125,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} cmd 6 {"type":"walk","entities":[7228,7882,7883,8114,8943,11225,11230],"x":309.6001281738281,"z":795.1552734375,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} cmd 6 {"type":"walk","entities":[7228,7882,7883,8114,8943,11225,11230],"x":297.7958984375,"z":817.514892578125,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} cmd 6 {"type":"walk","entities":[7228,7882,7883,8114,8943,11225,11230],"x":297.3807067871094,"z":812.8035278320312,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} cmd 6 {"type":"walk","entities":[7228,7882,7883,8114,8943,11225,11230],"x":297.3807067871094,"z":812.8035278320312,"queued":false,"pushFront":false} end Notice player 6 (me) just does actually do 2 commands with 2 unit groups as these walks are not queued. If your familiar with python / matplotlib go ahead and tinker with the script and analyze some games.
    2 points
  5. How good it looks with its resources.
    2 points
  6. Hi, thanks for letting me know I'll update the terrains. I think the 4 player versions need a little refining too anyway.
    2 points
  7. May I request that you use the newer Sahara biome terrains for this? I'd like to eventually deprecate the Desert biome assets at some point (along with mediterranean and some others). It would be great to add these to the game, but I want all new maps to use the newer biomes. Otherwise, these screenshots look fantastic and good quality.
    2 points
  8. What about dogs and goats? (I have no idea if livestock would be able to pick up treasures without that tag.)
    2 points
  9. @Lion.Kanzen Would it be useful and possible to create kind of an index or a table listing different ideas, pointing towards the respective thread where they were presented and discussed? Something like "Name of Proposal", "Short Description" , "Thread where it is discussed". This could probably be an introduction page to this thread that is regularly updated as new ideas come in.
    1 point
  10. It would be good to take up that idea again. As I said in the other post I had already mentioned that. But I didn't have the level I have now on the forum.
    1 point
  11. Another idea I made years ago. I suggested that but I had trouble speaking English at the time. There is a game where there was that mechanic. Ancient Wars : Sparta.
    1 point
  12. So thanks a lot for taking the effort to create this new map!
    1 point
  13. Alright, here is what I envision for scenario 0: Scenario 0 will neither to last the length of a full game nor feel like it. Instead, it is only supposed to introduce players to the basic controls and UI. The map more or less covers the following area: The player starts in the southwestern/bottom-left corner with a couple of soldiers, women, and the hero, but no structures, and is told to scout the land for a suitable place to build the colony. Because there are no ships yet, the player is indirectly forced to make their way counter-clockwise around the map. On the way, two things happen: Firstly, the player finds a treasure and collects it. He is then told to collect enough treasures more from around the map to afford a civic center. Secondly, a few wild animals attack some of his units, and the player learns the basics of combat. Eventually, he will find his way onto the target peninsula and is ordered to construct a civic center here. The player "wins" the game as soon as the construction of this civic center is finished. What do you think?
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Some sort of animals symbol is mentioned by Plutarch; but the description is pretty vague. It seems to be a Port helmet, introduced around 60 B.C.
    1 point
  16. @user1 My username: kuconi Offending player: Jacklegenda (quit rated game without resigning when I was winning) commands.txt
    1 point
  17. Historical authenticity is none.
    1 point
  18. I know but, they don't care. Most of their fans won't care, the helmets are reused assets. ""Goths"" helmets.
    1 point
  19. I had already made a symbol with this one. It must be lost somewhere in the forum.
    1 point
  20. Player color uses the alpha channel of your textures. For it to work, the actor referencing those textures must have a player_trans*.xml material. Alpha controls how strong the player color is.
    1 point
  21. I would suggest we make a document with information for each of the four scenarios containing exactly what players need to learn in what order, and make the maps to work with that. For example if the first scenario is just them exploring, we kind of need to know for how long and what they need to do, so we can build a map with everything. Plus we need to research the region and see what it looked like and figure out how big the maps we need.
    1 point
  22. Sounds a good job for @Vantha Well, I can't do everything at once, but I like the idea. Will keep it in mind for the future. Is there a ticket/issue for it yet? I can only agree. It shows that you don't have to stuff in twenty different buttons and labels to create an appealing page. Would be cool have something similiar for our campaigns.
    1 point
  23. Animals need this tag too, but won't be affected by this change. What we do is edit the tag in template_unit_ship, the new value will automatically be inherited by all its children templates, their children templates, and so on (i.e. exclusively all ships). And then we only need to disable the tag for some specific types of ships.
    1 point
  24. That's what I was going to say, but I never tried it. There was a time when the goats were used for exploring... More than 15 alphas ago...
    1 point
  25. I really like the campaign UI! Very simple, yet effective. I like the map icons "locked" behind chains. Another thing I've always liked and wish we could have in 0 A.D. is the "Hints" tab in the "Objectives" screen. It would give more background to the scenario or match you're playing. We can move all of the general map settings information to a new "Settings" tab in the Objectives screen. So, three tabs/screens. Leave the "Objectives" tab for the true objectives of the match.
    1 point
  26. Yeah, that's pretty much everything there is to say. Full wysiwyg editing is not possible. But adding and modifying basic GUI elements becomes a quick process once you get the hang of it. Let me know when you need anything in this regard.
    1 point
  27. Progui is already very easy to detect from an observer's point of view and also from replays, even without these statistics. The main value is in determining the impact the cheats have on the gameplay, which is very important for increasing awareness. In the case of a more subtle cheat like a macro that could arise in the future, an actions per minute statistic could help detect those cheats early on. I think the same statistics that could help reveal cheats would also be very helpful for players to try to improve their skills. They could look through the cumulative idle time plots to see where their first big increases happen.
    1 point
  28. You can see some stats like that on https://replay-pallas.wildfiregames.ovh/ Maybe with the help of @Dizaka we could add such graphs.
    1 point
  29. Norse Harold and ffm2 raise valid concerns. I now have a safer and more convenient plan than the hashes: The host exposes the list of mods (must be registered, signed mods) that they are using to the clients. The client sees the list and automatically downloads the specified mods from the trusted mod.io repository. The newly downloaded mods will overwrite the contents of their mod folder and automatically activate themselves. Then they can join the game and will not need to re-download and reboot. Many new players are not able to download and activate the mods correctly themselves. Players who take vacations may come back with an outdated version of the same mod and OOS desync the whole game. Meanwhile, it is inconvenient for players to keep switching between community mods and public, then re-activate Mainland-Twilight or Feldmap; many players loose their slots or crash in this process. This is why I insist on refreshing the mod files automatically during the gamesetup page. I hope you can understand my perspective. If the host is using unsigned mods, then the clients will not be able to find the list in mod.io and the host will not be joinable. If the host edits mods without committing to mod.io as new versions, there might be an OOS issue. To combat this, we can use Norse Harold's suggestion of hashes to guarantee that everyone is running on identical source code. I hope you find my suggestions helpful.
    1 point
  30. maybe the most popular autociv items can just be merged to 0ad: the building placement and selection hotkeys, in-game mute, /link, and gamesetup functions.
    1 point
  31. I absolutely agree. There are some maps with very small bodies of water and I have to train a stinking merchant vessel just to get a shipwreck on the shore, after that the boat is useless. The merchant boat only mechanic is not realistic and it does not make gameplay any better so I vote we kick it.
    1 point
  32. This is a good watch for those familiar with the automation debate. Ok so maybe its a different game from 0ad, but many points on automation are valid across RTS games. Maybe the most important is the division of attention between fighting and economy. The controversy of this farm auto-placement puts into start contrast the motion to automize unit and technology production like in proGUI. In 0ad, we already have some things heavily automated like autoqueue. Admittedly, autoqueue is more justified in 0ad given the citizen soldier mechanics, but I heavily advocate against further automation. Some say 0ad is too hard, but I say let it be hard. Learning how to do hard things and winning for your efforts is rewarding and exciting. To improve the experience of new players, focus should instead be placed on improving the ui, ranked games, and matchmaking/finding. Obviously, we don't have any kind of matchmaking, but it is important that new players get a few games with players of roughly equal skill so they can experience more than just village phase. Excessive automation makes RTS games easier sure, but also shallow, and shallow games are not fun for long. One of the main issues with aoe4 is that where aoe2 is deep, aoe4 is shallow (homing bullets, 1-click strategies). We can make 0ad more deep by increasing the amount of player-controlled features, adding more technologies (unique and/or unit-specific), and diversifying unit stats.
    1 point
  33. Stone & metal before and after
    1 point
  34. Never found. Neither during the Germanic Iron Age or after. Moreover the Nordic Bronze Age helmets are different from those depicted in medieval era. This is probably the same situation than any country in Europe, Bronze Age fashion is not surviving to the Iron Age.
    1 point
  35. Yes, it is my art, i made it today
    1 point
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