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  1. Double his healthpoints, like in A23. Currently his only strength is that he is not Leonidas, so if he dies you can still train... Leonidas.
    3 points
  2. Buenos días /tardes; -Nuevos edificios ; (Santuario lusitano) (Piedras hincadas/estructura especial) Disculpen las molestias*
    3 points
  3. I divised some plans for the unique build : "Fortified Port", now only need a sketch. Its not perfect but I think it can help to visualize the proportions. It's to ocupy roughly the same area a military colony.
    2 points
  4. You're asking the wrong guy. @wraitii @Freagarach @Angen @Stan`
    2 points
  5. Buenos días /buenas tardes; -Aquí les traigo una proposición para una nueva facción "Lusitanos"; (Edificios) -Los edificios son ; Murallas. Corral. Fortaleza. Factoría púnica/embajada cartaginesa(edificio especial). Casas. Embarcadero (puerto). Santuario (templo). Herrería. Castro Vetón. (edificio especial) Almacén. Centro Urbano. Establo. Torre centinela. Granero. Cuartel/Barracas. Piedras hincadas (estructura especial). Mercado. Sauna (edificio especial). (Faltan dos edificios ; "Castro lusitano "(edificio especial) y la "Maravilla" que aún están en proceso .También se tienen que tener en cuenta , la empalizada , el huerto y la torre de avanzada , comunes en todas las facciones haciendo un total de 23 edificios para la facción lusitana) -No todas las texturas son las adecuadas pero las nuevas serán similares , aún así ,pueden interactuar con esta facción en proceso en el "Mod Lusitano" (desarrollado con la colaboración principal de @Lopess y otros compañeros y compañeras) , para más información o apoyo no duden en mirar el foro,"For a New faction; Lusitanian". Disculpen las molestias*
    2 points
  6. 1. Download and install TortoiseSVN Dowlnoadpage https://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html Standard setting during install will work After finishing installation create a new folder in your Userdirectory. It should be located in "C:\users\username" . I called my directory "0adsvn" Then right click on the new created directory and choose "SVN Checkout..." In the Checkout mask just enter the URL of repository: "http://svn.wildfiregames.com/nightly-build/trunk" Then click on "OK" Now it starts downloading the 0ad Nightly version. Depending on your Inet speed this will take 20-45 minutes and needs around 14GB free HardDisk Space After the checkout is complete, you can start the SVN game from the "pyrogenesis.exe" binary wich is located in your created folder under \binaries\system\ I created a shortcut for this and placed it on my desktop. Dont forget to updated your 0ad SVN copy every time you going to play in svn. This can easily be done by right click on your 0adsvn directory and choosing "SVN Update" Have fun
    1 point
  7. Syracusans/Sicilian Greeks Civilization Profile Overview and Introduction Flavour text for the struture tree Long as Syracuse championed its citizen’s and fellow Greek’s independence, be it against Carthaginians or Romans. As a Doric colony it kept ties to other Doric cities in the Greek mainland. Although brief respites form their conflict with Carthage did occour under some of its rulers, the city's history is dominated by their wars with Carthage and other Greeks and the eventual concession of its autonomy to Rome. For my first faction I designed so it has a less orthodox playstyle to what I became accustomed during Alpha 24, my aim was to make an amphibious and mercenary civ where a rush or semi-rush pays off. So, I tried to bring new ideas to table and these will be further discussed during the champion and hero rosters sections. I also tried my best to make a civilization that doesn’t require too many new assets because people’s time is short. As for the values present, these can and will probably change with each revision of this document. Disclaimer: I do not know nor studied attic, doric and koine greek so the few names of the units that I present can and will most likely have speling errors, not be in the right order syntax wise and probably not be all from the same dialect but I tried to post this by standards of similar posts. I had images for this but they did not show up when i copied this from Word and adding them is a pain so... #NR means not researched...,yet. Faction Bonuses Jewel of the Mediterranean Grain gather rate increased by 10% gather rate Mercenary Loyalty A lot of mercenaries were employed for life under some of the tyrants and not just in time of conflict like the Sileraioi who were given land and accomodations, so in a way this a precursor the cleruchy system of the sucessors. The metal cost of italian and iberian mercenaries ( italian swordsman, iberian swordsman, tarantine cavalry) is decreased by 45% Team bonus: Trade Empire +10% international trade goods for self and allies Unique techs Archemides' Screw More water = better sanitation, better crops, more hydration = healthier and more citizens. Also in the abssence of conveyer belts water canals can and would be used to carry crude mineral chunks. Replaces the "Gather training" upgrade at the farmstead. Phase II, farmstead +10% grain gather rate for all units +10% faster metal collection for all units Cost: 300 wood 300 metal Ballistics Phase III, artilery foundry Adds/Increases area damage on siege engines by (x) aumount and increases their projectile speed. 300 stone 300 metal Archimedes Odometer Phase II Available at the CC Structures are built 20% faster. Cost: 100 stone 200 metal Secret Police Phase I, sentry tower +10 meters of LOS ( line of sight) to all structures. Cost: 400 food Solar Tower A complementary upgrade for the sentry tower, now the player has the choice to upgrade it to the stone tower or to the Solar Tower which does reduced damage to units but excels in damaging ships and siege machines. Phase I, sentry tower Upgrades the sentry tower into the solar tower Cost: 150 wood 150 stone Mamertines A one time, instantaneous shipment of 20 mamertines (italian swordsmen, same stats as the roman champ swordsmen) to the Tyrant's Palace. Available at CC, p3 Cost: 2000 food 3000 metal Doric camaraderie A one time, instantaneous shipment of 20 spartiates (spartan champ hoplite) to the Tyrant's Palace. Available at CC, p3 Cost: 2000 food 3000 metal Technology Tree Structures As Syracuse was a colony of Corinth, it should heavily feature Doric Architecture, much like Sparta. Although unlike the Spartans, Corinth and Syracuse seemed to have inherited a love for monumental buildings and public works from the Attic region. In short, make it so their buildings have the Sparta template but more embellished (and maybe replace the roof tiles with the roman ones). I don’t expect any new models to be developed ASAP for this and it is acceptable since I haven’t the skills required and am at the mercy of some good souls willing to model these. As for buildings available, these should be standard Greek roster available to Sparta, Athens and Macedon but I do propose 2 unique/special buildings for this faction (whose names in Greek I have yet to research) and I also propose that Syracusans only be able to build/have one Civic Centre, representing Syracuse itself and making for a risk reward type thing when attacking/rushing. Seaside Outpost/fortified port Syracuse itself went on to expand their influence over other territories through colonies of its own although these were more akin to fortified trading posts than full blown colonies, much like the Portuguese Feitoria. Can only be placed along shorelines and functions like a cross between a military colony and a market, where one can send caravans to. Can’t train ships except for the merchant vessel but can heal all ships, otherwise it can train caravans, one champion and some of the mercs available to this civ. This building will also have a technology that improves trade goods received by caravans that visit this building, again building on that risk/reward thing. Its cost should also be between a military colony and a CC. Tyrant’s Fortress/Palace A reference to the fortress of Euryalos. Essentially a better fortress that trains two of these civ’s champions(crossbowman and tyrant's bodyguard) and its heroes in addition to the “will to fight” tech that all civs have. A player can only have one of these per match (if not possible to implement this, then it could have a max count of 1). It won’t be any more expensive than a normal fortress and doesn’t replace it. Serves as an territory anchor like a CC. Wonder: Hieron’s Altar Unit Roster For my first draft of this civ I have 11 units planned, 3 citizen soldiers, 5 mercenaries and 3 champions. For this next section I will specify which buildings train what units using the following template, building, citizen soldiers, mercenaries, champions. Citizen soldiers -Syracusan Hoplite Generic name: Syracusan hoplite Specific name: Hoplites sikeliotes Pierce armament: Dori spear Attire: Unit variants should bear the Montefortino, Italo-Attic and Corinthian helmets . Rank 1 gets a tunic and one of the greaves, rank 2 gets the linothorax and both greaves and finally rank 3 gets the feathers in the helmets mentioned and a tri-disc cuirass over the linothorax. Aspis shield should have marine elements in it (dolphins, tridents, nymphs like the oceanids, pegaeae or the nereids or hell even Arethousa herself). Stats: Health: 100 Hack Damage: 2.5 Pierce Damage: 3 Crush Damage:0 Interval: 1 Range:4 Hack Armor: 5 Pierce Armor: 5 Crush Armor: 10 Walk Speed: 9 Run Speed: 15 Cost: 50 food 50 wood Loot: 5 food 5 wood 100 exp - Sicanian skirmisher Generic name: Sicanian skirmisher Specific name: Peltastes sikeliotes Ranged armament: Javelins Attire: Pelta shield obvs. Rank 1 has a straw hat, simple tunic and no greaves, rank 2 gets a chalcidean helmet and a decorative unic, rank 3 gets padded armor and a chlamys. Note: to make this a more “aggressive” civ and to drive the player to use mercs and champs these should have slightly worse stats than a standard skirmisher, -10% health. (Also, I don’t like how armies right now are like 4/6 ranged and 2/6 melee so that is also a factor in this choice of mine). Stats: Health: 40 Hack Damage:0 Pierce Damage: 16 Crush Damage:0 Interval: 1.25 Range: 30 Hack Armor: 1 Pierce Armor: 1 Crush Armor: 10 Walk Speed: 10.8 Run Speed: 18 Cost: 50 food 50 wood Loot: 5 food 5 wood 80 exp -Greek Lancer Generic name: Greek cavalry Specific name: Hippeus Melee armament: Xyston Attire: Rank 1 has a straw hat, linothorax and no greaves, rank 2 gets a boeotian or a boeotian-variant helmet and a chlamys, rank 3 gets a plume in their helmet. Stats: Health: 160 Hack Damage: 4 Pierce Damage: 3 Crush Damage:0 Interval: 1 Range: 6 Hack Armor: 4 Pierce Armor: 4 Crush Armor: 15 Walk Speed: 18 Run Speed: 25.5 Cost: 100 food 50 wood Loot: 10 food 5 wood 130 exp Mercenaries - Italian Swordsman Generic name: Italian Swordsman Specific name: "something" xiphophoros Melee armament: Xiphos Note: we can use the swordsman merc model of Carthage’s Italian embassy. I named them italian swordsman because making a unit for mamertines, campanian, sileraioi and samnites mercenaries is redundant. Stats: Health: 100 Hack Damage: 5.5 Pierce Damage: 0 Crush Damage:0 Interval: 0.75 Range: 3 Hack Armor: 5 Pierce Armor: 5 Crush Armor: 15 Walk Speed: 9 Run Speed: 14 Cost: 20 food 35 metal Loot: 2 food 6 metal 100 exp -Cretan archer Generic name: Cretan archer Specific name: Toxotes Kretaikos Note: There is already a model for these in game so no point in describing this one further Stats: Health: 60 Hack Damage: 0 Pierce Damage: 6.7 Crush Damage:0 Interval: 1 Range: 60 Hack Armor: 1 Pierce Armor: 2 Crush Armor: 10 Walk Speed: 10.8 Run Speed: 18 Cost: 20 food 60 metal Loot: 2 food 6 metal 100 exp -Tarantine Cavalry Generic name: Tarantine Skirmisher Cavalry Specific name: Hippeus Tarantinos Ranged armament: Javelins and pelte shield Attire: NR Stats: Health: 100 Hack Damage: 0 Pierce Damage: 18 Crush Damage:0 Interval: 1.25 Range: 30 Hack Armor: 3 Pierce Armor: 1 Crush Armor: 15 Walk Speed: 15 Run Speed: 21 Cost: 50 food 50 metal Loot: 6 food 8 metal 120 exp -War Elephant Generic name: African War Elephant Specific name: NR Note: The only mercenary elephant in the game and as such it should have a very steep cost. Stats: Health: 500 Hack Damage: 30 Pierce Damage: 0 Crush Damage: 70 Interval: 1.5 Hack Armor: 10 Pierce Armor: 10 Crush Armor: 20 Walk Speed: 9 Run Speed: 15 Cost: 300 food 160 metal Loot: 30 food 16 metal 250 exp -Iberian Swordsman Generic name: Iberian light swordsman Specific name: Hacker armament: Falcata and buckler Function: These are to be a pseudo glass cannon, less armour but more hack damage and more speed when compared to the standard merc swordsman. We can recycle the Iberian CS model. (Bootleg skiritai) Stats: Health: 80 Hack Damage: 6.5 Pierce Damage: 0 Crush Damage:0 Interval: 0.75 Range: 3 Hack Armor: 4 Pierce Armor: 2 Crush Armor: 10 Walk Speed: 11 Run Speed: 16 Cost: 20 food 30 metal Loot: 2 food 6 metal 70 exp Champions The champion infantry of this faction can only be trained intialy at the regular fortresses and at the special buildings mentioned above but will be available at the barracks after the player researches the "unlock champions" tech. -Syracusia (Ship) Note: historically it was known to have been a gift to the Ptolemies and was more of a show of whealth but you can´t make a champion function as a ferry only. Generic name: Syracusia Specific name: Syracusia Armament: ram and arrow towers Function: A really big ship, should be extremely expensive and slow but can be garrisoned like a tower to increase its firepower. It must also be capable of holding 50 soldiers. -Crossbowman Generic name: Crossbowman Specific name: Gastraphetephoros Armament: gastraphetes Attire: Similar to their Macedonian counterpart Stats: Health: 120 Hack Damage: 0 Pierce Damage: 40 Crush Damage: Interval: 2.5 Range: 60 Hack Armor: 5 Pierce Armor: 5 Crush Armor: 20 Walk Speed: 10.8 Run Speed: 18 Cost: 80 food 60 wood 80 metal Loot: 8 food 6 wood 8 metal -Tyrants’ guard/bodyguard Generic name: Tyrants’ Peltasts Specific name: Somatophylax tou tyrannou Melee armament: javelins, kopis and aspis Attire: As per the nature of their role and their value as a hybrid, high priority unit, they should be easily recognized in game, so I’m going to kill two birds with one stone by making them the flashiest units in game. Certainly, a tyrant would want show his wealth not only by investing in his personal image but also his entourage’s, the more decorated the panoply, the better. Firstly, their body armour, bronze muscle cuirass or an iron linothorax, like the one Phillip II uses in game. Both greaves made of bronze/iron and of course a cape. The helmet could be either a thracian or a late attic plumed . Function: The star of the roster for sure, this is meant to be a hybrid unit, a heavy peltast, cross between a skirmisher and a swordsman that is capable of both ranged and melee damage. The idea came to me after browsing Yekaterina’s post about making such a unit, basically my idea was that the damage type be exclusive to each “mode” of the unit, these “modes” could be toggled manually via formations but if this isn’t possible then have them only get in melee when right in front of another unit (< 4 meters). As they are also swordsmen, they can deal with CS infantry with varying degrees of cost-effectiveness. Naturally their counter would be cavalry. Finally, as to balance them I was thinking they could have an increased prepare time or downright less attack speed on their ranged stance. These should also have just a bit less health (than normal champ swordsmen) so that lose to other sword champs if none of their shots landed or if they hadn’t had a chance to fire but should be able to win if at least two or three shots connect before going into melee. Range Stance's Stats: Health: Hack Damage: Pierce Damage: Crush Damage: Hack Armor: Pierce Armor: Crush Armor: Walk Speed: Run Speed: Cost: Loot: Melee Stance's Stats: Health: Hack Damage: Pierce Damage: Crush Damage: Hack Armor: Pierce Armor: Crush Armor: Walk Speed: Run Speed: Cost: Loot: Heroes For this section I choose not to include any post Pyrrhus heroes and instead opted for the first dynast of each dynasty pre epirote influence . Gelo/Gelon I Elitism: Champions and cavalry train 15% faster while citizen soldier infantry train 10% slower. Cavalry Commander: Citizen and mercenary cavalry within a (Y) radius of Gelon receive a +2 crush, hack and pierce armour in addition to a 30% line of sight increase. To fit his bonuses and history, he would have to belong to the spear cavalry category but it is imperative that he posseces a more classical look than the following heroes, maybe a boeotian helmet with a laurel crown and a simple plume would fit him nicely: #Here is the crowned boeotian helmet in-game, to which I have added 3 plumes( i think they are props), just to give an even better idea of what I am talking about: Stats: Health: 1100 Hack Damage: 16 Pierce Damage: 14 Crush Damage: 0 Range: 6 Interval: 1.25 Hack Armor: 11 Pierce Armor: 10 Crush Armor: 25 Walk Speed: 19 Run Speed: 25 Cost: 300 food 200 wood 250 metal Loot: 10 food 50 metal 400 exp Dionysius I One the most infamous tyrants of Sicily, his contributions go from upgrading the walls of the city to furthering the development of siege machines. Dionysian Walls: Defensive structures get a 10% health boost (palisades, stone walls, fortresses, civic centres and all towers). Court Engineers: Siege units have their attack speed and movement increased by 20% in a (k) radius. As for his physical model I couldn't find much but following picture gave me the idea of giving him a linothorax, maybe scaled, underneath a chlamys, kinda like Themistocles in-game: #i also think he should be a sword cav hero Stats: Health: 1200 Hack Damage: 20 Pierce Damage: 0 Crush Damage:0 Range: 5 Interval: 0.75 Hack Armor: 11 Pierce Armor: 9 Crush Armor: 25 Walk Speed:18 Run Speed: 25.2 Cost: 300 food 100 wood 200 metal Loot: 10 food 10 wood 50 metal 400 exp Agathocles Another famous ruler that, much like Hannibal during the 2nd Punic war, brought the fight his enemy’s doorstep, somewhat shielding(not really tho) his own territory. He also burned his ships after disembarking in Africa, that way his mercs and soldiers were in a do or die situation. Natural Leader: +50% capture points in a (j) radius for both allies and your own troops. Relentless Advance: Mercenaries and citizen soldiers gain experience 10% faster (this, I think can be done by multiplying the experience points given by enemies in (x) radius or by multiplying the experience received by friendlies in (x) range of him). For his appearance and unit class I was thinking that he could be an infantry spearman, something like this: # Maybe a cloak or something to make him more distinguishable. Stats: Health: 1000 Hack Damage: 10 Pierce Damage: 10 Crush Damage:0 Hack Armor: 10 Pierce Armor: 11 Crush Armor: 20 Walk Speed: 10 Run Speed: 18 Cost: 200 food 300 wood 150 metal Loot: 5 food 15 metal 400 exp
    1 point
  8. Buenos días/tardes; -Muchas gracias , si , la Península fue muy apreciada por sus metales , culturas locales como Tartessos se enriquecieron con su comercio y sobre todo lo evidenciaron; los cartagineses ,que invadieron la zona para hacerse con sus recursos minerales para poder pagar a sus mercenarios y los Romanos también , tanto , que llegaron a contaminar el medio ambiente (como pasó con el Rio Tinto). -Así que podrían tener una bonificación de recolección de metales. Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  9. With a little research you will see that there are many differences, just for a start the Iberians were not Indo-European, what happens now and that the current Iberica civ is a large coopilation of the peoples of the Iberian penisula at the time. The fact is that the research-based Lusitanian mod focuses precisely on the Lusitanian tribes and is therefore more accurate, I don't think we should worry about being radically different from the Iberian 0ad for two reasons. 1. The Lusitanians and Iberians geographically close would have one thing or another in common. 2. The civilization represented in 0ad has some characteristics of the Lusitanians (ex hero Viriato). About " guerrila warfare" some things being done in Delenda est, I haven't seen the background as I don't have much time to play lately. But nothing is too difficult to prevent you from being tempted.
    1 point
  10. If you need anything else just say it. And thanks again.
    1 point
  11. Enough for a start, tomorrow I'll have some free time, I'll do it on top of Spartan structures.
    1 point
  12. I won't pretend like I did any interested in the Iberian peoples, only after sertorias did these people come to my attention and i think it is hard to give differentiate them significantly from the Iberian faction as it stands right now. Iberia is land of plenty so naturally it highly valued by the powers that be. To reflect this I would sugest a slight metal gather rate increase, in the order of 8%. It is also very difficult to reflect guerrila warfare, even fabian warfare so I don't see a way around this.
    1 point
  13. Damm, I'm so illiterate, can't even spell roof tiles right...
    1 point
  14. just change the helmet
    1 point
  15. The portrait you sugested also bears a very bland expression ahahah
    1 point
  16. I guess same here, only with the addition of setting a rally point. I never tried the autociv mod, maybe that could get you more flexibility/functionality.
    1 point
  17. He has that lacedaemonian look yes but i don't see it as reason enough to change his portrait in game. Altough it does seem like sparta is your favourite civ.
    1 point
  18. Forgive me for asking but how different are the Lusitani from the Iberians, gameplay wise?(page 4 onward) While these have acess to mercenaries, the roster seems unchaged in function. The builds sure have a distinct look to them and the Trade post from Carthage is a nice touch. The faction bonuses are bit bloated no? Fortifications and essencially spartan women? Plus the temple aura that both heals your troops and damages the enemy, not to mention the ability to train CS from houses. If I am not mistaken these even have the same unique armory tech that the Iberians have. Despite all this I do have to say that our spaniard put alot of love and work in to this! Great job with the models, really.
    1 point
  19. In advance you can add all these buildings to a control group (ctrl+number) Then select (number) and press u
    1 point
  20. Hola Duiloga...una pregunta ¿ Esos modelos de Los Lusitanos los hicistes tu???? Porque se ven bien cool!
    1 point
  21. The orange soil biome is Nubia Above it was Sudanian Savanna Both are nub biomes, avoid them!
    1 point
  22. Translating into american "Ancient big bowie knife "
    1 point
  23. A campaign run translates exactly to German "Durchlauf". The system is that you can start a campaign several times (with different presets, difficulty whatever) at the same time. Every time you start a campaign, a separate save file is created. This is a "campaign run". This is a thing for languages other than German. when you have a string that says "4 players", there might be other languages that place the number after the noun, like "players 4". German and English are so closely related that you can translate these placeholders in an identical way in almost all cases. In your example, languages might want to have a different dash character (Chinese comes to my mind). This is not a plural "s", it is part of the tag that is replaced in the end. You know this because replaceable tags are highlighted in colour. There is a special category for pluralized strings. They are very rare among the 0 A.D. strings, so you might not have encountered them yet.
    1 point
  24. To give you an example: https://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/translate/#de/public-gui-campaigns/324902396 "More Info" says it originates from "campaigns/new_maps.jsonDescription:" You browse the source and find https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/campaigns/new_maps.json Everything concerning game data is located in the "public mod", so the front part of the full source path is omitted on Transifex. If you follow the link, you find this string. If you want to change it, you have to write a patch that changes this text in this .json-file. Strings that are marked as translatable strings are fed into the Transifex system which processes them in a convenient way for localization. Transifex, in turn, converts the translated strings into the .po files. These are never changed manually because they get overwritten on a regular basis. In short: you find an improvable string in Transifex, look up the source path in the "More Info" panel, look that up in trac, you write a patch in Phabricator for that file.
    1 point
  25. Basically, strings are duplicated in the source sometimes. You need some basic text in many places and it will be always the same (e.g. "Cancel"). Transifex merges translations (not the source strings) when they are exactly identical, but if there is e.g. different capitalization in otherwise identical strings, it does not because technically, they are not the same. If you click on one of the examples, there is a "More Info" panel. In it, you can see the exact origin of a string in the source code. One of the "no campaign selected" strings is from a Javascript file and the other is from an XML file. IMHO, this is part of the optimization potential, because if the two strings get a unified spelling in the source code, the strings don't need to get translated twice (for all languages).
    1 point
  26. @Lopess @Yekaterina The civ's structure tree should look something like this no? I've put some stripes underneath some portraits to better distinguish them; green indicates mercenaries, yellow indicates unique technologies and purple I reserved for champion class units. Also the i used the athenian champion portrait as a placeholder.
    1 point
  27. I'm late with my translation this time, would it be possible to do another pull this weekend, or is the release already tagged? I did a big batch today but I'd like to get Misc GUI back to 100% too.
    1 point
  28. As far the wonder i proposed there are only a few piles of rock remaining, thankfully some people have taken to the making of virtual reconstructions but i can not verify these. I again show the folloing picture taken direcly from the design document, and following that a pretty rough 3D model in paint 3D, because I completely forgot had SolidWorks . Yellow cilinders -> statues Green Rectangles -> doorways
    1 point
  29. In regards to what few structures are left we have the temples close to Akragas, also the big bronze boy ain't the only one so it is safe to say that statues like this could have appeared elsewhere in Sicily. In the following 2 pictures one can see more details from the temples here. I mentioned the temple of Athena that was tunerd into a cathedral, well here is a piece of the facade in the frist picture and the latter illustration depicts the side on the temple, pay attention the upper part.
    1 point
  30. Buenas ; Actuales edificios disponibles en el Mod Lusitanos (o que estarán en breve); Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  31. https://github.com/0ADMods/Syracuse-mod I created a repository on github for the civ, added the initial files and some templates, it's already minimally playable, ready for the necessary edits. Send you an invitation as adm @Yekaterina.
    1 point
  32. Did Syracuse ever use elephants? I don't think there were numidian/african mercenary elephants.
    1 point
  33. that serves you with artillery. not with archers or javaliners. I made an icon for delenda est.
    1 point
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