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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-09-27 in all areas

  1. Buenas , estuve trabajando en posibles edificios para Arsácidas ; ( SON BOCETOS , así que serán moldeados en breve ) ALMACÉN; BARRACAS; CENTRO CÍVICO; CASAS; (4 MODELOS) CORRAL; GRANJA (MOLINO DE AGUA); (también haré un molino de viento) MERCADO; PUERTO; HERRERÍA; INSPIRADOS EN; (TODAS SON DIFERENTES ALDEAS , AUNQUE PAREZCAN LA MISMA) Son casas y aldeas datadas en fechas del Imperio Arsácidas (con apenas cambios desde entonces) y por eso las tomé como ejemplo , ahora hace falta añadir elementos persas , arsácidas y alguno helenístico. Disculpen las molestias *
    2 points
  2. Thanks, @Stan`! I've received the email and will be looking out for a track from you, @Fego. Omri
    2 points
  3. True, but a part of public relations, especially with a project of this kind, is education. People can be educated about how and why things work, and this engages them. Also, any post, no matter how technical, tells the fans or potential fans that progress continues.
    2 points
  4. What do you all think of the new forums? The new look? Lets get this place hoppin! I want to see some more posting Glad you can make it, and if you have any question about the 0 A.D. project, please feel free to ask!
    1 point
  5. Hi, I'm a fan of 0AD! I have such a small request, a sneak peak, that the Hoplites from Sparta have more differences than the Athenians, after all, the Athenians are not associated with this formation, and the Spartans rather bragged about war and fighting most of all Greek polis, right? Additionally, I will ask if you have any plans to add some mythical units? Minotaurs fighting with some creatures from other mythologies (I don't know creatures from other mythologies except werewolves: D). Or at least as a challenge on the map with treasures or something :)
    1 point
  6. Aye Pirates Mod attached as .zip version 0.9 BLM Captain your crew in the Carribbean back in the 17th century ... Boats -- Whales -- Boars -- Cannon(ish) -- Slaves (can become free) Muskets -- Original Music -- Re-worked gameplay -- Tides!!! I know Lion has asked for screenshots but my rig is broken ATM. More to follow ( I hope) Enjoy! aRRRRRRRRRRR - happy ps its really rough and a work in progress here is the hash ayepirates_0.9.zip MD5: 4e01f885ee0d237f09cdc5fe6ee4317b ayepirates_0.9.zip
    1 point
  7. This is my first custom made map. Looking for people to test it out and give suggestions and/or criticism. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PfOcfxo It is a little heavy due to lots of structures, units and vegetation. Anyone who can optimize/beautify it without loosing the essence of this map is really appreciated. Essence of the map: 1) Player 1 is advanced and has lots of structures and treasures inside the city for scarcity time. Protected by the impenetrable wall. Comparatively low natural resources inside city, so dependent on resources externally, in order to save reserves against a siege. 2) Player 2 has lots of units, ready army, lots of resources and can launch a siege against player 1. 3)Player 3 & 4 are smaller but crucial. The player 1 and Player 2 have to maintain diplomacy with these smaller "nations" in order to survive and have access to external resources out of their country. Which they will require to launch an insane campaign to kill the huge opponent. 4) You can play as Player 1 defending against a siege and defeating Player 2. Or the other way around. You can even play as smaller "trade" nations in order to define the balance between powers. 5) Best enjoyed 2v2 or 1v1vCPU [player 1 and player 2 as manual] The inspiration is being saturated with the same rush to resources, upgrade, reach new ages and win. I wanted more strategy and diplomacy. Hope you guys have the patience to put up with a first time publisher. Have fun! Epiphany_v5.xml Epiphany_v5.pmp
    1 point
  8. You can enable it by changing the terrain xml files DE has special ones for terrain https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/blob/master/art/materials/terrain_parallax_spec.xml Notice the big USE_PARALLAX You can also boost the specular value of a material. It's the second number. See the comment here https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/blob/master/art/materials/player_trans_parallax_spec_helmet.xml
    1 point
  9. Yep on it. However hard to know what is the list. Its it unit list channel ? but units abilities seems to also have some kind of list ?
    1 point
  10. Also consider increasing the elevation so you can block access to shore on the bottleneck with hills instead of those spiky mountains.
    1 point
  11. I think you should add a goat path in the mountains that connects the two players. So that angle of attack and tactical variety will be more diverse. Also think about adding a shore accessible to both sides. Maybe they can build boats. but not connection by foot. On level design, think about diversity and how the player can add it's own twist to what you present.
    1 point
  12. I like the idea. If you are ok about someone redoing the map to an higher level of detail, it could be an interesting scenario.
    1 point
  13. Decidí no hacer todos los modelos para todos los edificios , porque no sabía si iban a ser aceptados , si lo son , continuaré y moldearé , encontré ruinas para el Templo , Fortaleza y Posible Maravilla.(con sus nombres originales) -Elementos a añadir ; "iwanes" , columnas , columnas empotradas , arcos , arcos ciegos , celosías , mampostería , bajo relieves , terrazas , balcones , bóvedas de cañón y escalinatas entre otras ...(dejé los edificios en blanco sólo porque no sabía si iban a ser aceptado además de que no se aplicar del todo los colores. Posdata; También tengo ideas para el aspecto de las unidades (pero tengo todavía que trabajarlos y necesitaría algo de ayuda)Aún no domino la aplicación de diseño gráfico , pero estoy aprendiendo para reflejar más los detalles. Disculpen las molestias *
    1 point
  14. Buenas , estoy abierto a todas sugerencias , a lo relativos a cualquier cambio , buscaré las traducciones en los diccionarios .Por ahora , lo que presento son bocetos , nada cerrado ya que mucha información está traducida del persa o el árabe al inglés y luego debo buscar su traducción al español (eso lleva tiempo y de seguro algunos errores de traducción) La idea de la caballería en el corral es interesante , ya que tanto Arsácidas y Xiongnu tienen un origen nómada . Pero creo que esa particularidad sería mejor que quedara como algo único de los Xiongnu ( es solo una idea). Roma y Parthia eran eternos enemigos , pero claramente hubo periodos de paz y los más importante , la Ruta de la seda , que llevó al intercambio de personas y mercenarias durante siglos.Por lo que no es descabellado pensar que hubo desertores que se pararon de un bando a otro o por otros motivos etc... (pero también sería más lógico un mercenario Póntico , Armenio ... entre otras posibilidades ) Respecto a los camellos (incluir también dromedarios bactrianos) ,debería haber camellos arqueros , camellos lanceros , camellos catafractos , camello mercader (como el camello mercader Persa) y un camello de logística (como el elefante maurya) ya que se cuenta que en batallas (como la de "Carrae" )y otros usos , los Arsácidas los usaron. En último lugar , voy a hacer una traducción de su modificación de la plantilla de unidades al idioma Pahlava -hablado por los Arsácidas-(que no me parece mal ) haré algún cambio después si no le molesta . ¿Podría usted desarrollar más la idea de los campeones ?, no le entendí . Disculpen me las molestias y gracias por la ayuda*
    1 point
  15. I'm pretty sure the purpose of social media is community engagement. Which doesn't occur from not posting. Again, not mean't as a criticism, merely an observation. If there is truth in the fact that potential players are being turned off 0AD by the perception that the project is dead, which could be arrived at due to there being no uploads to the official 0AD Youtube channel since the A23 trailer (i.e. no uploads since 2018), and infrequent social media posting generally (last post on FB was from 20th sept (only post in Sept) about European Bison) - then how could positive engagement not help? When has positive engagement with your community not helped any project ever?
    1 point
  16. V 0.92 of Aye Pirates has a large changelog and some known bugs but I am mostly happy with it. capture the relic for 10 minutes on the large map is fun i think.
    1 point
  17. Make sure it's running on the right GPU and/or you are plugged in:)
    1 point
  18. Since there will be more than one type of cavalry archer for the Parthians, think this should be high time to implement the camel stench aura like in Delenda Est. Suggest that the unarmored cavalry (axeman, skirmisher, archer, and camel archer) can be recruited from the Corral, like the Xiongnu faction, while the cataphracts from the Stable (a City Phase building). The Persian Kardakes hoplite, Persian archer, and camel cataphracts from the Fortress. Had the Parthians actually recruited Roman mercenaries? Thought Rome was one of their traditional enemies. If not, the embassy can hire a Pontic phalangite alongside the Parthohellenic theurophoros swordsman and Hindu war elephants. Expecting at least 7 champions for the Parthian faction. Does the Spanish mean the trader (camel) the same stats as a Maurya elephant? Or there will be elephants as mode of transporting goods? Here is my proposed breakdown (slight modified from @Duileoga's above, and friendly for non-Spanish speakers): City Center Persian spearman Parthian archer Cavalry skirmisher Cavalry spearman? (Town phase) Camel archer? Barracks/Training Ground Persian spearman Eastern hillman (axeman) Parthian archer Corral Cavalry axeman Cavalry spearman? Cavalry skirmisher Cavalry archer Camel archer? Stable Cavalry spearman Cavalry archer Cataphract lancer Cataphract archer Embassy (or swordsman and phalangite go to Barracks in City Phase, elephant in Fortress) Parthohellenic theurophoros swordsman Pontic phalangite Hindu war elephant Fortress Persian Kardakes hoplite Persian archer? Camel cataphract (lancer) Which one of these can be the champion spearman? There's already the Parthohellenic swordsman, so the latter will suffice.
    1 point
  19. @NescioHere is a depiction of a Kushite battle ram during Piye's siege in Egyptian cities. Is there a way to get this added to Kushite military in the upcoming alpha 24 update? To me their battering ram looks similar to the in game rams used by the Greeks. Perhaps we can get Kush something similar just like we did with the siege tower. I think something like this is in-game. We can simply give the Kushites one too.
    1 point
  20. After the latest updates of amdgpu driver (mesa 20.3) from oibaf repo, I experienced a game freezing with half black screen. This issue fixed with rolling back to open source ubuntu amdgpu driver(mesa 20.0.8).
    0 points
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