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  1. Hi guys, I had the idea of making a new random map with multiple purposes : - To adapt a skirmish map from Delenda Est mod and making a random map compatile with it (so, notably to have farmland) - To have randomized but still balanced additionnal ressources near players. They will have the same amount of nearby food (+/- 200) and it can be of same or different types (hunt or berries). So I decided to adapt "Britannic Road" from Delenda Est by @wowgetoffyourcellphone. Thanks to @nani, @badosu and @elexis for answering all my questions on map making Version for vanilla : feldmap.zip Version for Delenda Est : delenda_rm.zip Version for github DE (A24) : delenda_rm_a24.zip
    6 points
  2. Concept art of Suebian fortress, it´s just a pencil sketch of a model for the fortress. It´s not definitive.
    4 points
  3. We can't use copyright material And isn't accurated historically
    3 points
  4. I upload the save. The errors appear immediately after the save is loaded. savegame-0024.0adsave
    2 points
  5. Attack bonus maybe to the units.
    1 point
  6. @Stan` I have interest on ancient languages, so i checked the address given above. ı want to share some ideas: 1. For Brittons, there is a specific class for Brittonic languages under the Celtic Languages (which differencing it from Irish&Scottish which is Goidelic) So the Welsh, Cornish and Bretton language is the best to use as its written already. But i don't know which one is more pure, they both influenced by another classes. 2. For Gauls, like i said above there is specific class for Gaulish languages too. I think most easy to find Gaulish language is Galatian language, existed in Asia Minor until the 12.century, even though they protected the celtic culture, the language is way too influenced on Greek. The easier non-accurate alternative is Old German, but it makes no sense since it has same resource possibility with Galatian. This is a example text i find it in a website after a google search. Gaulish already used in the in-game text i think. And for Iberians, i don't think Basque language is the best since its the isolated language and there is no proven link between Indo-European languages. Is it the one in the in-game texts of Iberians? Also, for Carthage Hebrew is a fine choice, but if possible i think Punic (the original language) can be found. Of course, these ideas looks hard and maybe too professional. I'd be glad if i can provide any help
    1 point
  7. I like it. I would say I find a bit weird the upper part of the inner houses with the wicker still visible, without cover wattle-and-daube is pretty useless. Maybe it could be an opportunity to add player color on the upper part (or the lower part) of the house as well. The contrast between white and colored can be appealing. This is a place of gathering and feasting, an occasion for Gallic aristocrats and elected magistrates (there were elected positions in the Gallic society) to display their wealth in the purpose to get more support (politically, economically and military). We know these particular events were the opportunity to drink wine and indeed there are a lot of amphora remains found in the sanctuary of Corent. Even holes in the ground where wine was poured in, probably as a symbolic ritual to share it with the underground deities. Finally we found another striking feature on the site, coins and tools to produce coins. Maybe the coins were distributed to the guests. I am simply saying these things to give you idea if you want to add more little things. http://www.luern.fr/index.php?mod=scientifique&act=sanctuaire&id=47&img=32
    1 point
  8. That's a good question. The reason it's phased out for that new building is for historical accuracy reasons
    1 point
  9. Hey guys! I've been a fan of 0AD for a while and recently I started reviewing FOSS games. This Friday I made a review for 0AD and I want to share it with you guys and hear your thoughts, as well as some tips on how to get better at the game, in particular on the Ptolomies, which I enjoy playing the most and wanna focus on while I get good(also having free houses helps me cause I'm lazy ). Review
    1 point
  10. Hello, Just played a game against sephan, who quit without resigning. @user1 /Utinam commands.txt
    1 point
  11. Interesting... Is that possible to add 3D model of Neith from SMITE as Cleopatra's Philopator skin?
    1 point
  12. commands.txtHi @user1: @user1 In the game I am Lord_Jack. I was fighting against CapitanJacob in a 1vs1 rated game. When I was going to defeat him he paused the game and did not come back. The match was just ending, I had all the maps and units. I attach the commands.txt for your review. Thanks, Lord_Jack
    1 point
  13. version 0.16.8 Improved: Snap to edge for buildings active by default (Alt to deactivate) also now will return to normal placement mode if no snap mode positions are found. Added: Game setup: countdown command to start game when all are ready. Custom units/buildings hotkeys filters: you can create your custom hotkeys with more precision by typing the filters you want. Example: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Soldier.by.health.wounded.by.rank.3 = "G" //this would select all wounded soldiers of rank 3.
    1 point
  14. They get the Bosporan Hoplite as a mercenary.
    1 point
  15. In English, yes, but in 0 A.D. “wild animal” means “no food”. Those (25) parent fauna templates are confusing and could use some simplification (also because many do nothing or aren't used).
    1 point
  16. Hello and welcome! You might want to review your review, correct the typos (e.g. aboundant, Carthagenians, Macedons, Ptolomeic, etc.), and rephrase some of the poorer sentences. Highlighting each of the thirteen civilizations in game is fine, but if I'd never heard of 0 A.D., I'd be more interested in what makes the game unique and why it's worth trying out. And what's less than stellar. Furthermore, a 50-word summary-and-verdict at the start or end would be desirable, since many (most?) people nowadays don't have the attention span, motivation, or time to read everything. Actually it's 500 – 1 BC; the year 0 doesn't exist (which is why it was chosen as the name of the game ).
    1 point
  17. I might as well stay home I'll be playing on my own I'm banned again... naturally
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Very nice texture can be nice for village phase Sassanids, and central Asian civs.
    1 point
  20. Don't take Lindybeige too seriously, especially on the matter of overhand grip.
    1 point
  21. Updated first post. Will continue to update.
    1 point
  22. Could work pretty nice with freagarach's sockets
    1 point
  23. That looks promising! I actually like the Uffington White Horse too, though not as a Wonder, maybe not even as a structure: capture points and health do not make much sense to me for what's essentially a man-made terrain feature. Not only Wonders, but also many special structures (Amphitheatre, Library, Lighthouse, Stoa, Theatre). And heroes. Anyway, it's part of the game, I suppose. Currently in 0 A.D. about half of wonders are great at healing, the other half isn't. D2660 attempts to unify that, but even that proves more controversial than I expected. I'd be in favour of removing the resource trickle and healing, and of unifying the two pop cap auras into one (+10% instead of flat +10 and +40), making wonders have the same function for all civilizations. A different approach would be to remove the healing and population auras from all wonders and instead give each wonder an unique global aura (cf. Civilization or Rise of Nations), e.g. Carthage −50% mercenary training time or Persia +10% territory influence radius.
    1 point
  24. I really liked the idea of the Uffington White Horse but it does not justify the amount of resources, the garrison and the hp ;-) Maybe the White Horse could be used as a special "building", with specific strategical use (area bonus, territory extension etc.).
    1 point
  25. @coco88 @badosu - To realize your idea would be to totally create another map, maybe in the future I will, but it takes time especially if you want to make them big. - I tried to make the italian peninsula bigger to make Rome easier, which in my opinion isn't so unmanageable, as far as the CC in the north was concerned, I wanted to represent the war against the Etruscans. - The positions of the players isn't random, the players are in precise point to balance the map, so if I would put all the players in west, the map would be empty to the east, and the player closer to empty would conquer half map. - I could remove the Piave. - The Britons at the beginning they can't build a field but any civ have bush-food and the Britons have lot of fish. - Roman situation at the beginning it's bad, but if you can defeat the gaia and prepares 50 men, you can occupe the nord peninsula and you can to thrive, exactly like the Britons you have fish. This territory was under water. Gauls are near to metal and stone.
    1 point
  26. Why so rude? I commented before on Rome lack of space. That's not the point. I am giving my feedback based on @imperium original idea, of course Carthage vs Rome would be a more playable situation... or Mace, Sele, Greece... or Iberia Brit Gauls... or Ptols Pers Greece... etc If @imperium decides to restrict the territory I think we can get more playable maps indeed, if he does that I'll give feedback on that, if he does not I'll give feedback what he does instead.
    1 point
  27. Would it be possible to add some more gravitas to the male sounds? I realize these may be recorded by a young man, so it might be difficult to get a more mature sound for the voices, but I think that would help. I think the Persian voices could be a little louder compared to the Greek ones, but that can be controlled from the XML files very easily. It's great to hear more languages in the game!
    1 point
  28. What was the new account? Anyway, today is after day 14 right, maybe the ban policy should be respected? Even if you don't like the person, if they behave shouldn't it be unbanned?
    0 points
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