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  1. Hello, I have something fun to share. In this game, the red player captured the rotary mill next to the blue player cc. After the mill was captured, the blue player started to loose all his buildings and he was unable to place a new market to build as if he had lost all of his territory influence (and despite having never lost his cc during the process). Fortunately for blue, red focused on trying to destroy the cc instead of keeping control of the rotary mill. If he had kept control of the rotary mill, blue would have ended up without any building control except those with units inside. I have seen similar bugs in a number of cases in which a cc or a fort is causing one building to turn gaia, but the weird part here is that the rotary mill acted on all the territory and it was a game changing factor. My question therefore is should I focus on capturing rotary mills next to the enemy cc or is there another factor responsible for this? commands.txt metadata.json
    4 points
  2. The thing is, special building has way much higher territory influence, because cc got it lowered in this commit https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP14758. The reason for that change is unknown, maybe they were fixing something, maybe it was just overlooked revert after introduced in https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP14713.
    3 points
  3. Celicnon. https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/celicnon
    2 points
  4. Okay I'll fix that too then. In the meantime I fixed the normal map.
    2 points
  5. Hello and Welcome. The lags problems comme from the pathfinding of each units, so it is not realy a grafic problem. If you and your friend handel only troops in formation, it can reduce the probleme. feel happy, i can not play with more than 300 pop on the map
    2 points
  6. Template? This is the new Gaulish wonder? It looks nice. One minor thing, I think it would look aesthetically more pleasing if the roofs of the houses inside would be a bit higher than the outer walls (though not as high as the roof above the gate platform).
    2 points
  7. ValihrAnt vs Feldfeld Very nice and fun matches. We also both streamed the matches, so if you want you can watch the vods. My pov (with commentary): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/595518040?t=0h1m9s Feld pov (no commentary): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/595515841?t=0h5m8s Draft: Ant bans Gauls, Feld bans Ptol. Ant picks Brits, Romans and Athenians, Feld picks Brits, Athenians and Spartans. Score: PPL Vali vs Feld.zip
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. It's based on the sanctuary at Corent, right? Apparently it had two rows of wooden columns (see image here ; there's more useful information on that site). Also, the sacrificial animals kept in the enclosure were sheep, not goats; and don't put a box of vegetables with them. Furthermore, the sanctuary contained numerous ritually “sacrificied” terra cotta amphorae. I apologize for being demanding. However, it's much easier to get things improved beforehand than it is to get things fixed once they're committed. PS The plaster on the outside is damaged; intentional?
    1 point
  10. Greetings bushido There are enough capricious and arbitrary changes being made in this world. This change would directly affect me e.g. "affects": "mod maintainer", What is the benefit to changing how these tech targets are parsed? Which bug(s) does it address? Thank you for your time.
    1 point
  11. Search for an existing ticket of the bug or make new ticket in https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ Seems to be an edge case bug where the territory ownership on the border makes weird things.
    1 point
  12. This thread is about the parthenos statue so it's the one that will be made another one can be made later on.
    1 point
  13. Iberian wonder for comparison: Also note that the roofs start on top of the outer walls (which makes sense, otherwise rain could get between the wall and the roofs), not on the inside (as in your Gaulish wonder).
    1 point
  14. Well opening your ports allows you to host. If people didn't do so on their side you won't be able to join their game.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Currently in 0 A.D. the Seleucids have five champions (pikeman, swordsman, cavalry, chariot, elephant), but players have to choose between “traditional” (pikeman + chariot) or “Romanized” (swordsman + cavalry), so effectively they have only three. Historically this doesn't make sense, since heavy cavalry was used in combination with pikemen; e.g. at the Battle of Magnesia (190 BC) the Seleucids fielded c. 16000 pikemen and c. 8000 champion cavalry, as well as scythed chariots and war elephants (Livy 37.40). Therefore I for one would be in favour of removing this artificial choice.
    1 point
  17. After the template is finished I think it's good to go
    1 point
  18. -Buenas , pensaba que para la facción de los Arsácidas , para sus Edificios únicos de facción ;-"Embajada", -"establo" , -"campamento mercenario" ,y un o varios -"Caravasar"(un mercado más grande y caro pero que albergando a mercaderes tanto propios como de aliados que con su alojamiento produce recursos ya que se supone que están comerciando). Posible estética de orientación pero con muchas fallas ; (Posible "Caravasar") (Posible "embajada")
    1 point
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