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  1. Two shapes more: Also, needed to point this: i've added 5 shield shapes in minutes, and the result is 13 shield shapes + 23 texture variants + the amount of spinas + the amount of bosses + 2 celt manipulas. Wich is kinda like a random digits password generator. i managed to make the shield making process less stressfull making shield by shield texture including their ornates, and now its just: Select your shield background. Select your faction paiting. Select your shield shape. (Optional) Assign your spina. (Optional) Assign yor boss. Complex works of weeks, end being a door to simplify works of minutes. I Hope other's factions shields takes this path too, being a full scale shield update in days and not months.
    5 points
  2. Yep, i don't know how i get there, neither how i end finding that way of making it works.
    3 points
  3. Currently structures and archers have a MaxRange of 72. Because attacks go from centre to edge, this means archers (red) can hit centres or fortresses (blue) without those being able to shoot back:
    2 points
  4. Horses look nice. The Amanirenas chariot was pretty cool. The gaia horses though, their manes did not match up their animations with the horse. Reins and chestband need adjusted to the new horse.
    2 points
  5. Adding shadows to shields borders, the difference is clearly noticeable
    2 points
  6. I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I've finished my analysis. The bad news is I can't really do anything about it myself. After what I found last time I did some work trying to optimize the code, but I found that nothing I did had any measurable effect on performance. My changes caused individual functions to shuffle around a bit (and credit where it's due, the pathfinder did once pop up at the top of the list) in the Intel VTune Amplifier interface but I saw no improvement in the actual game. So I took a step back, thinking maybe I missed something at a more basic level. Now, as I said in my first post, the reason for this project is that my team is, as a whole, relatively inexperienced with using our product on video games. We're more accustomed to scientific applications and the like. So I'd approached this the way I was used to doing, and went straight for the largest known hotspots, ignoring the unknown modules. I also focused on the lengths of the frames instead of the overall frame rate. I conferred a bit with someone who was a little more used to the inner workings of video games, and re-evaluated my data. A large chunk of your time is spent in those unknown modules, and you have significant gaps between your frames - what's especially interesting is that if I filter my data down to only the gaps between frames, all the pathfinding, rendering, bone matrix manipulation, etc, drops away, and the overwhelmingly vast majority of what's left is "outside any known module". This kind of pattern can indicate that the bottleneck is an outside factor. Being a video game, the most obvious potential source is the GPU - it doesn't matter how efficiently calculations are being done if things end up waiting for the GPU to finish what it's doing. So I ran a GPU/CPU analysis, but it showed that the GPU wasn't the problem. There were gaps in the activity there, too. So now I looked at the large number of threads involved in your game, most of which are not doing anything most of the time, and thought that might be the problem. So I ran a Threading analysis and saw that there were quite a few transitions between threads happening in those gaps between frames. When I opened the call stacks for those top two objects, the call chains eventually went down into BaseThreadInitThunk (with the semaphore object going through a js::HelperThread::threadLoop function on the way). As I understand it, 0 A.D. is built on a mix of C++ and JavaScript code, and Thunking is a form of interfacing between two different types of code - such as two different languages. So presumably this is where your two languages are talking to each other. So what I believe is going on here, is that these gaps between frames are coming from the game having to wait for the JavaScript. A couple possibilities I can think of are that you might be interfacing the two languages too often, or you might be doing computations in the JavaScript that really belong in the C++. Unfortunately there's not much I, personally, can do to relieve that bottleneck. Technically, I now have enough content to fulfill the barest requirements of my project. Before I continue I want to make it clear that I absolutely understand that you're on your own schedule and I don't expect anything from you! I just want to let you know about my own timeline, in case it affects your priorities or decisions. If you guys do end up fixing your JavaScript issues in the next week and a half, please let me know and I would be more than happy to include the improved results in my initial presentation. If it gets done by mid-April, I would be happy to include a result comparison/improvement showcase in any official documentation I might produce from this, and if early enough, I might also be able to include a second analysis step. Thank you all for your interest, and good luck!
    2 points
  7. Horse mod for those who want to give it a small try, but be aware isn't perfect neither finished. Mod: Horse_Revamped_Mod.7z
    2 points
  8. Added the medium shields and assigned them to the gauls according to the gaul_design doc: And two more designs: Separated units by factions, (artistiscally speaking so only actors) and assigned some of the shields following the gaul design doc (i can't find the british doc): @Genava55 another mod file: Celtic_Shields.7z Side Note: Don't try the cavalry, they are using the Horse - Update 2.0 mod i have, forgot to mention. Going to upload the horse mod in the horse topic in case you want to test the gaul cavalry. Side Side Note: If you feel theres some bosses who needs to be divided or classified, name them and i'll do the changes
    2 points
  9. I feel like y'all have made this overly complex. It's all awesome af though. One suggestion or request would be that you stick to one general shape or a shape and its variants per unit type. This is for visual verification of the unit on the battlefield (I admit that realistically they would be mixed, but this is a game and it has its needs).
    2 points
  10. Just to be clear, footprint != obstruction shape
    1 point
  11. @Alexandermb awesome, I will test it this evening or tomorrow. Superb work! @wowgetoffyourcellphone thanks for the advice, I will try to keep this in mind for the design of the units!
    1 point
  12. I talked with an archeologist that worked on Corent and he told me that the theatron is looking nice like this. They have found shield bosses in the location of the hemicycle and the idea of shields in front of the rows are plausible. They also found a Coolus helmet imported from Italy there, dated from the very beginning of the 1st century BC. The idea of a political and military assembly are indeed the prefered hypothesis.
    1 point
  13. In the middle of battle you neee to find fast if the enemy cavalry is charging your skirmishers o they are suiciding them against your spearmen
    1 point
  14. Yes, I don't quite understand how it works, therefore a lengthier explanation would be appreciated.
    1 point
  15. 1 interesting, would it worth doing it for 23+ texture for now? i mean, having the three tones in all variants means around 70+ when finished (some are british exclusive i guess) 2 i could try add some shadow inside the alpha channel where the player color goes around the edges, but the spina would need a basic rectangular shape with dirt around the spina using alpha channel. This are the used textures for now: And a preview of a shield: @Genava55 give it a try here: Celtic_Shields.7z To try them all together in entities write (Celt) and you see theres two celt_infantry_jav holding a spear, B: No boss E: Boss Note: Some textures may not fit in the shield but they are just for a preview, later texture variants will be assigned per shield type. There are 3 variants for spinas: White - Player color - Brown (wood) decide if they will be used or saved for later shields.
    1 point
  16. Interesting problem. Looking at wikipedia and a few links I would say. Tlaxcaltecans: Coastal so better faster sailing rafts, fishing and trade rafts. Balsa means raft wood. Palm huts on raised earthworks. Less stone work. I would also give them good slingers because the slingers gave Hernan Cortes the most trouble. Xicotencatl the Younger used hit and run kiting effectively. So a kiting slinger or javelin unit. Stealth blow gun unit with good armour verses ranges but blow guns are very short range, low damage with poison. paddle shaped macuahuiti. Spear-macuahuitl combination weapon Probably used for a penetrating thrust with a raking saw action when pulled back. Nasty. Round shields with no feather skirt (chimalli ) or decoration. Top knot cap, low decoration warrior. Poorest of the three. Toltecs: Oldest peoples in the region. The word means artisan. So speed boost to building, crafts & stone work. Their art work includes many tall statues that could be both miniwonder and watch tower/ Tower. Some buildings had colonnades like Greek buildings. Some bass relief show collared jaguar and coyote in war scenes. So war beast units. (like the war dogs) High decoration warriors with cylindrical head dress. Rectangular wood breastplate. Short macuahuitl club, obsidian blades (They are not swords.) with a longer handle. Light fast Blow gun units with poison darts. Mexicas: Essential what we see as Aztecs. Slaves. Plumed headdresses. Can build farms on shallows. Small trees around the farm edge so the farm gives a little wood. Heavy decoration in armour. Round shields with feather chimalli hanging down & high decoration. Most warriors were nobles and slave enforcers so expensive and hard hitting with long macuahuitl club shorter handle. Archers with higher damage but shorter range. Bonus to stone mining. Houses on raised platforms with a hint of water around them. Can build moats[/ canals] as the defence structure with light bridge as gate. Medium armored Blow gun units with poison darts. Small war canoe-raft with two archers. https://www.historyonthenet.com/aztec-warriors-weapons-and-armor Give me a shout if there's more.
    1 point
  17. I was planning to have both manual and auto, all auto in default but with the chance for the player to enter manual modality from the consume panel. This give more interactivity and fun!
    1 point
  18. i also added the stock bar for each product consumed and i linked the happiness level proportional to the consumer status...in this case is quite angry less product stocked means less money to buy it and/or not enough availability, one main challenge for the player would be to keep prices reasonable and enough supply for all population .
    1 point
  19. Just added the icons would great if someone could help me to create a complete list of all products exchange in ancient times with historical attention for each civ. If someone is available please let me know and i can give further details
    1 point
  20. Here a small update...this is the implementation with the code of the consumer panel... is taking shape now the right panel is divided in command consume produce and build....still not icons for the products, i will insert later
    1 point
  21. not all are programmers , or artist other are simply linguist or historian experts.
    1 point
  22. The art and coding are separate you know adding civs is mostly art related while the performance and battalions is code all with different people who actually do the work involved besides we are all volunteers who really just do what we individually want to do Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  23. And here is the Production Panel. he Production Panel will have the duty to : 1) Show the Product in Production, this will appear in 0AD style as a icon on top of the panel with a green layer showing the percent of progress 2) Show the Product produced and stoked by the entity with icon, name, quantity and urgency. These will be the product ready to be sell. Also from here , if you are in Manual modality you can select the product to produce by clicking on the prod icon ( first image ) 3) Show the raw material the entity can stock to produce its products, like before need to be show icon, name, quantity and urgency. ( second Image ) 4) let the User decide if want to handle the entity economic activity Manually or with Ai and maybe in the future other settings. ( third image) please let me know if you feel is intuitive or what to improve.
    1 point
  24. If the Diagram above describe the Taxation to define how the wealth i divided in the Economy System , the Entity Power Diagram define instead the division of power. We describe Power as a Selection Capability of Slaves when we give order. I try to clarify: In 0 A.d we are used to select as a Player whatever entity we want and just pass an order to them. In this Economy Simulation instead if we select one Slave or one Farmer ( it doesn't affect Military Unit that i will leave the way they are or any other Economic Entity outside Slaves and Farmers) our selection capability is filter by ownership. Let s see the picture below and i will make some example: 1) The first on the left is the King who has the power to select all Slaves and ordering them to build 1 Civ Center or to go gather unlimited resources. He cannot order anything else if not this. So far look quite similar in the way we used to, but there is actually one important difference. Instead to make the selection like we are normally used to with the mouse dragging a square and selecting all entities inside, now we need to select first the Economic Entity in charge ( king, sacerdote, landowner Noble et..) and after keep doing with the square selection or the doubleClick. Doing like this we make sure that a slave can just follow certain order of certain Economic Entity, based on the power subdivision. For example in this example every slave will be able to build for the king the Civ Center, but not other order. 2) Now take 5 th entity : Nobles Landowner. They can order just to the slave they own to build 1 Villa or 1 Grain Farm. This is important because the slaves they will just follow the orders of their owner, and other nobles entity will be not able to use them, they will need to buy new slaves from the civ center to expand their wealth. In this way we can create a division of ownership and roles so we push the player to create all different economic entities and for each type more than just one, like in this example we need more than a noble and more than a farm if he want to achieve better economi performance. Hope this was clear, sorry if wasn t , i will try simplify all once all economic system take shape.
    1 point
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