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  1. I've updated the version of 0 A.D. that's present here: https://chocolatey.org/packages/0ad For those who've never heard of it before, it's a platform that brings something along the like of apt-get to windows. It's very convenient. to install 0ad after you installed chocolatey, just type: choco install 0ad -y If a new version came out, Wait a few days after I update the package there and type choco upgrade 0ad -y No need to go the website anymore
    2 points
  2. Most people broadly believe the same values apart from a few differences, but what is the reason that something is good is that way? Typically there two major sides to the idea: deontological and utilitarian. In summary these are the general assumptions. Deontological: Things are good simply because they inherently are. (Example: You should not steal. Thus, stealing to feed one's family is unethical.) Utilitarian: Good things are defined by what benefits the most people the most. (Example: If you can save your family's lives by stealing, that theft is ethical.) Granted, they can be more nuanced than just this, but I find that these are good starting points. I personally lean towards a deontological view, but obviously that's just my own view. What are yours and why? Bear in mind, regardless of whether you might think one thing, the other, or not have any definitive stance, please be respectful of others and keep personal attacks to a minimum.
    2 points
  3. There is truth in all of the above. I think context and perspective are everything. I believe that there can be good and bad in everything. Everything needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis. Sometimes there aren't any straight answers.
    2 points
  4. Already went through there, when reinstalled notepad forgot the indents and had to fix some of the initial files Update: Rome Quinquereme WIP (Found the actual quinquereme design but the description says "imperial" so i thought this fits better in 0 AD Timeframe)
    2 points
  5. I would first move building libpng (around L376) before wxwidgets (L335). Then replace --with-png=builtin wxwidgets compile option with --with-libpng=sys . It probably will fail because it will search in standard system location. Then try to change the wxwidgets CPPFLAGS from CPPFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++ ... to something like CPPFLAGS="-Irelative/path/to/just/compiled/libpng/headers -stdlib=libc++ ... and LDFLAGS from LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" to LDFLAGS="-Lrelative/path/to/just/compiled/libpng/lib $LDFLAGS" . EDIT: it should be similar to what done on sdl2 with iconv (L293).
    1 point
  6. Perhaps I have been framing the concepts from the wrong starting point. Yes, deontological ethics tends to derive itself from various codes, but where do those codes come from? In most cases, the deontological ethicist would argue that it is from something similar Plato's ideas about forms. The codes are a written form of various moral truths that exist, just as mathematical proofs represent various natural constants that exist. ...And here's something else.
    1 point
  7. If we have instancing and the performance becomes acceptable, what could be done, as a simple yet very boring task is to split every grass patch into little grass tufts, and use the drop propping mechanism currently in the game to automatically adapt to the ground. If the tufts are small enough, terrain won't be an issue anymore. Currently that mechanism is not efficient because it implies a lot of draw calls. I guess your time is now limited, but if you still have some feel free to submit more patches. We hope to be giving a talk in Brussels about computer graphics this year. Having your code might make it more convincing. Also, That period of doubt is coming to an end. Mac now has working builds, Slackware seems to have patched itself up, Fedora will be fine, and we are getting RC ready, which means might finally be able to get to that review queue.
    1 point
  8. I would say that while you do give valid points, but in my opinion the issue of a deontological system is usually due to flawed interpretations of the practitioner, not necessarily contradictions inherent to the moral code. A good example would be in Isaac Asimov's Robot series, where the three robotic laws can take wildly different interpretations. Are they flawed because of that? The only way to fully critique the merits of a deontological ethical system is to examine the actions of someone who followed one perfectly, which is admittedly difficult to do. Luther and Calvin, while they could be called "good" men, were more than willing to admit their own faults.
    1 point
  9. @wowgetoffyourcellphone If is like AoM can be interesting for you, I'm awared is part Conan world fantasy. Is more They are billions. now is mere speculation by my side and some comments in YouTube. The scale of buildings, type of buildings, some units. https://store.steampowered.com/app/989690/Conan_Unconquered/
    1 point
  10. It is already the case. Even codified ethics like deontology can be twisted to do what we will consider bad things today. See the following Take an example from the history of deontological ethics, with Calvin and Luther. Their ethics is based on the natural law of God, the belief that what is good and bad is already explained by God. They killed a lot of people, they have forbidden art because of this way to see what is good or not. Most of the theological tyrannies are based on the same mental process of building a moral code from a deontological perspective. Even the deontological ethics of Kant take in account the motive of the person. The only difference from the virtue ethics is that Kant believes in golden rules, as never lying in any occasion (which has cause a lot of debate and contradiction). I really suggest to read this debate about the categorical imperative of Kant from a nazi perspective, there : https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2012/nov/19/evil-trial-eichmann-morally-responsible https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/aug/29/hannah-arendt-adolf-eichmann-banality-of-evil The problems arising in the deontological perspective is often the same: contradicting rules. The trial of Eichmann is in fact solved by calling what we called virtue. I agree totally with MacIntyre for this, in the end all ethics end to the virtue to solve their own weakness.
    1 point
  11. >Why no AA I was working towards that months ago then the project came to a screeching halt because something something EUSSR totalitarian thought police laws. >Texture filtering That's not something I've given much thought to but it shouldn't be all that difficult to implement. I think it's just a minor draw option so it should be possible to enable it centrally. >Grass There is grass, but applying it to maps is a pain. There are some problems with grass, some artistic in nature and some due to performance. Eventually we'll have an openGL 3.3 option with drawinstanced which should take care of the majority of gfx performance issues. The art thing is actually more of a pain because if you place grass on the side of a hill part of it will be floating off the ground which just looks awful. Getting even grass coverage is another challenge, but fixing that requires first fixing the floating grass issue, because it makes shadows (and low angle cinematic shots) look bad and grass looks really bad without shadows.
    1 point
  12. eh? I have no idea when I'm going to be able to get any work done again. I honestly want to do a more sophisticated AA using depth and normals to detect edges more precisely and for less cost than MSAA. I dunno about ReShade I'll have to check that out to see how that works.
    1 point
  13. Hope that is notepad++ you are talking about Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  14. Interesting... I just realized that that fancy church in downtown Accra is actually a Mormon Temple... Similar architecture... Always creeped me out...
    1 point
  15. It looks more than ok! Fantastic work! Thank you! I really love how much work the community has put into visualizing such a rarely visualized history. This is really valuable...
    1 point
  16. I agree that ShuttleSpeed is the best place to start with this. The elegance of it is that it addresses the economic issue across all soldier types. Then combat balancing issues can be addressed separately. To clarify, when you say ShuttleSpeed, do you mean that units travel at the same speed while carrying resources? Or would the unit also travel at ShuttleSpeed as soon as you command them to gather a resource? Either option would be an improvement from what he have now. The first option is a no-brainer and should definitely be included. However, it would only partially address the economic issue because it be active for one way of the trip, and not from when the unit leaves the CC/Barracks. The second option would even things out better for different unit types, but could be circumvented by players micromanaging (you could shift+click near the resource and then shift+click on the resource). Such micromanagement could become obligatory for high-skill level games and feel cumbersome. It would have the effect of widening the gap between expert and non-expert players which might not be desirable. I guess we'd have to think about whether or not it's worth it. But I can think of no gameplay/balance objection to having ShuttleSpeed active while units are carrying resources.
    1 point
  17. By the way im not agree about mormon religion... Are some kind opposite Christianity.
    1 point
  18. Personally I am more in favor of virtue ethics: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-virtue/ https://jme.bmj.com/content/29/5/297 The most important reason for this is because I don't believe we can codify or make a set of rules for what is good and what is bad in absolute terms. It is too late to elaborate, maybe tomorrow
    1 point
  19. Hey guys, thanks for the feedback I tried to change the background a bit to separate it from the character. @Sundiata I've detailed the earring using the reference you posted, but I kept the purple gem for composition and color reasons. This necklace was the second attempt (I gave up on the first one, that's why I didn't show it), but I think it looks ok now
    1 point
  20. Much things for A24 thanks for your work
    1 point
  21. @Victor Rossi Woooow I love it! That scarred eye looks badass! I think it looks great as it is, but if you want to push the accuracy even further, *Puts on my Captain Nitpick-cape: My only suggestion would be to add some more detail to the jewelry (earrings and necklace), which look a little generic now. Here are some authentic Meroitic examples:
    1 point
  22. Use cyan background to balance color palette.-suggestion- @Sundiata must be happy.
    1 point
  23. I'd differentiate the background color from the main color pallette of the subject.
    1 point
  24. With background I mean this. a color palette. Check my profile avatar.
    1 point
  25. I remeber playing carthagianians and making 2000 units xd. Good game. Age of Mythology is another neat RTS.
    1 point
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