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I'm here now, I was at vacation I'll try to answer to all messages, sorry for delay.4 points
But why you send your units into battle with rolling pins and frying pans? Asking the important questions here...3 points
3 points
Yipeey! Just hit the final progress mark from 94 when I joined Transifex few days ago with last of remaining lines, regarded to game's Terms and Policies documents in place. Still, some more polish to certain areas has to be applied; big chunk of it needs serious work. Unfortunately peeps who had one way or another contributed their efforts are no more around, only one of them was recently doing some reviewing (last 6-12 months) This game deserves more love. What I would do to have a open-source RTS project focused on Nomad Age to Industrial Age, looking similar to Rise of Nations. Fighting Air, Land and Sea, wow.2 points
2 points
All ranged weapon reloadable units should have a cd between shots, also separate animations and functions (Shot > Ammo > Reloading) and make the firing up to sky instead of directly to units, at least for batallions, single units should stay as they are firing directly. Why (Shot > Ammo > Reloading) because i've made the chu-ko-nu (chinese repeating crossbow) animations and as the name suggest it shot a round of bolts before reloading, and game only manages 1 shot per animation frame and inmediatly goes to reloading function In case ranged units wants to be limited, someone could make a mod making the ranged classes limited per conditions ie; 100 Archers per Archery Range, or 100 Archers per General/Officer2 points
Hi guys, "I figured out the problem", lol It's not ranged units that's the real problem. It's actually the melee units themselves that are the problem! They don't have a directional defense, nor can they make use of shield walls. Many ancient armies fought in formations, especially heavy melee infantry formations were usually the core units in pitched battles. Because they often carry shields, they weren't as susceptible to missile fire as they seem in current games like 0AD. Let's face it, shields are purely cosmetic in 0AD, and as long as directional attacks and directional defence aren't developed, we're always going to run circles in this ranged vs melee discussion. An infantry unit (with shield) being attacked from the front by archers should be able to stand his own very well. But should be very susceptible to ranged attacks from the sides or from the back. This implies real tactics, not dancing units! Currently phalangites for example fight out of formation more than 90% of the time, and considering formations are broke, putting them into formation is a recipe for disaster. I don't need to stress how ridiculous this is.. Melee infantry will never properly come into their own until formations and battalions (and their implied benefits) are fixed and implemented, as well as directionality of attack and defence. I think it's frustrating that there are people who think dancing units are just fine, and there are people that think lack of battalion systems and decent formations isn't an important issue, especially with regard to these kind of discussions.2 points
This is not based on one single game, although I have experienced the abuse of ranged units. Primarily, the issue is design related. With ranged units due to high accuracy, it is easy to reach a critical mass in which they can one-shot melee units. This makes it generally cost-effective to employ this kind of strategy even against units that are designed to counter them. Most of my experience seeing the impact of this issue comes from observing pro-games of Age of Kings, yet the principle still stands. Mainly this is can only be effectively done by a player that uses careful micro; when it is done, however, the impact is quite profound. As long as ranged units have a highly consistent accuracy at a long distance, this will persist, but if there is more randomness while still allowing the ranged units to deal some damage to any unit the stray projectile lands on. On the second point, heavy units should be able to shrug off arrow fire quite easily while javelins could get through a slight bit easier. These two should combine to make ranged units helpful yet not necessarily independent units that can help to soften up forces while the melee units do the majority of the work.2 points
2 points
Just a few clarifications: When referring to the proportion of ranged units to melee units, this was in highly general terms. What I would consider broadly inaccurate was the point that one of the most effectual tactics in the game currently is to field forces of primarily ranged units and only a few if any melee units as meatshields. I did not say that armies of this kind did not exist and were not capable of being used to devastating effect, but the instances seem rare. In fact, I even pointed towards the Battle of Sphacteria, a textbook example of the capabilities of peltasts. When citing the statistic from wikipedia, I was and am aware of the website's reliability or lack thereof and mainly wished to provide a small example, and my noting that it was from wikipedia was mainly to be used as a disclaimer. In hindsight, I could have pointed out the soldiers present on the Sicilian Expedition listed by Thucydides in Book VI, but the fact of the matter is that it is only one statistic and would do little to decisively prove one point, just as noting exceptions to a general rule does not disprove it. My intention is to provide definitive evidence for a generalisation, that's a lot of work. As a final point, the reasons for the changes I have proposed are primarily to make ranged units function as they seem to have been in most forms of ancient warfare: support of melee infantry units. In some cases of military traditions, I think that it is within reason to make them less affected by these aspects, but broadly speaking, these would affect all ranged units to some degree.2 points
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@Nerwitz, it's the Napatan dialect of Ancient Egyptian mixed in with a little Meroitic. See: &1 point
1 point
Sure, but I'm still busy with work. When I manage to get some spare time I'll start working on it.1 point
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1 point
Some tactical elements for archers in the roman army: http://jaha.org.ro/index.php/JAHA/article/viewFile/132/111 "The archers have an important role in the beginning of the battle trying to demoralize and disorganize the enemy by causing great loses from afar. Their purpose in the beginning of the battle is to create gaps in the enemy’s attack line and, if possible, to eliminate as many components of the adversary’s commands. Thus, in case of an attack by heavy infantry or heavy cavalry the loses were minimized for their own side and the enemy would become more vulnerable." Peltasts and Javelineers in Classical Greek Warfare: Roles, Tactics, and Fighting Methods. https://etd.ohiolink.edu/rws_etd/document/get/wright1334275977/inline "In the notable battles at Spartolos, Olpai, Sphakteria , Amphipolis, and Aitolia, light - armed soldiers were undeniably decisive and proved their effectiveness with hit - and - run tactics (evading counterattacks), advantageous use of rugged terrain against slower opposition, and even as fighters within the main battle line (mixed with hoplites). The general Demosthenes emerged as an innovative leader of light - armed troops, and he seems to be the earliest Greek commander to seek proactively the various ways in which seasoned javelineers and peltasts could be put to use. By the end of the war, peltasts and javelineers seemed to be viewed as essential components of any Greek military operation, both within and outside of Greece proper. [...] The peltast and javelineer gained a more prominent position within Greek warfare through both the effective execution of new tactics and the improvement of their traditional roles. In Thucydides and Xenophon we see the full range of actions associated with these old and new roles : skirmishing, flanking and protecting of flanks, ambushing hoplites and mixed forces, guarding passes, seizing and defending high ground, raiding, storming positions, charging among or at the head of hoplites, pursuing an enemy in flight, and more. When serving under capable, specialized commanders such as Iphikrates, peltasts in particular became the period’s light troops par excellence and established themselves as an exceptionally formidable and versatile infantry arm. " Missile troops have clearly a role of disruption of the enemy's formations.1 point
You play 0AD in the forest?! Maybe I should go for a hike and play some jungle games myself. The scorpions might add some excitement. A bit of an X-factor. If you explore the globe a little from space with google earth, our species is like a cancer... A lot of the deforestation in my area for example is completely nonsensical. Short term benefits, long term problems. A lot of it stems from a complete lack of respect for nature, and the inability to understand how it affects the weather patterns and crop-yields. Subsistence farming is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Big agribusinesses are taking over, with all the associated problems. The world is now producing more food than ever, but food security is simultaneously diminishing at alarming rates... We desperately need to start replanting forests, or I'm afraid nature will do it for us, on top of the ruins of the modern world. I wonder if in a few thousand years from now, when populations have rebounded from the cataclysm of the 21st Century and a new global system has arisen, if there will be forums like this, creating virtual games depicting our time, arguing about whether spear cavalry is anachronistic or not during the Vietnam war, or whether mobile suits like Gundams, often depicted in 21st century art, were actually used in combat or whether they were purely ceremonial.1 point
I think his point is that in many competitive games particular ranged units provide the platform to victory. The Britons' slinger and the Ptolemaic camels in particular come to mind, seemingly being overused, if you look at their historical roles. Both were historically support units, to my understanding, while they are currently used as the primary unit. For the Ptolemaic faction, and most if not all of the successor states as well as Macedon, the primary unit should be some kind of phalangite. For the Britons, from a historical perspective it should be shock troops like noble swordsmen and chariots or something. Of course the player should always be free to compose the army as they see fit, but the gameplay should be tailored around historical unit roles, and when it favors support units instead, there might be an issue in the mechanics somewhere. It's not an easy fix because it's one of those balance things which causes eternal discussions each alpha again, although this alpha it seems to have calmed down a bit.1 point
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1 point
The gifs look so good that it'd be a shame not to have it. Imagine some guys walking through the forest with torches or a campfire at night!1 point
1 point
Mostly holding ground any Civ can do by building paradise walls and a few outpost can slow them down if enemy is without seige but Ibetian walls and towers are the best.0 points
0 points