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  1. I spent last 2 of my evening on the implementing of the addition light system in the pyrogenesis to find implementing bottlenecks for new objects. And I found some places, but that's not the topic. How additional lighting system looks: Fully dynamic lighting. And all light sources can be attached as props (i.e. to bones): "May the Light be with you..." But what restrictions do we have? We have 2 main: The lights can't throw shadows, because performance (we can implement it, but only few powerful videocards can handle it). There can't be many light sources in one place (at least for low videocards and since we don't support deferred rendering). Because shaders have own restrictions, particularly uniform sizes. But probably it's not the real problem. So I have a question: do we need additional light sources in near releases? Would it be real useful? P.S. I found strange normal values for some model, it should be investigated (probably the shader problem).
    3 points
  2. I usually scout early game my enemy's position and also the he resources in the map for late game. And enemy's Civ tell most as Britons or Gauls are mostly used for Rushing. And Civs like Roman's and Persians are more deadly in later game. So they give you a basic touch of the Civ's capablity but the player's strategy is unknown. You can use your enemy's territory to scout the border buildings and if any walls to break. So scouting is basically very important in early, middle and late game.
    2 points
  3. Exactly what I meant ^^ Imo it would not be considered cheating doing this, as it would actually mean you would see less and would pretty much loose the game for you in a serious multiplayer game. It would fall more into the whitehat category I think. EDIT: Besides, editing an xml unit file to make 1st person mode possible would not work in multiplayer I think, as it would just be a local change on your PC.
    1 point
  4. Perhaps I can reduce Town cost from 1000f and 500w, to 800f and 400w. Would that be a positive change? My whole point is to try to make players establish a strong food income early. Reasoning being that Food is truly the most realistically important resource in the game. Metal is nice and all, but Food is absolutely the most important resource, in reality and in my mod. Maybe just remove the wood cost so people can afford more farms early instead of saving it for the Town tech.
    1 point
  5. I appreciate your post, but you have to be a lot more specific than this. Keep in mind, I haven't even tried to balance anything yet bruh. This is a whole different kind of game. I like the idea, but branching civs are currently impossible to do, except in a really hacky way. That's why I don't even try to do it. Having "culture" groups is exactly what I already do though. Every civ within a culture has some very similar bonuses and techs, but some interesting variations. But honestly, it's all a but too much for 1 dude to handle. So, elaborate branching schemes and whatnot are on the back back back burner.
    1 point
  6. The position of CC is always the same in maps like mainland. When seeing opponent base, i scout his unit composition, his woodline location and his additionnal ressources
    1 point
  7. My first thought that most of the players didn't use regularly scouting seems to be wrong. My second thought that the players that are using scout units do it for tactical reason seems to be partially wrong, they do it for strategy too. My third thought that the players are using it mainly in early game seems to be true. My fourth thought that the players have a lot of information by knowing the faction choose by the opponent seems to be true. Very interesting. What are you looking for when you are scouting the opponent's base? I imagine it is mainly the Civic Center position and which phase he is in. But are you looking for the number of women, the number of houses etc. ?
    1 point
  8. I believe I missed you on IRC. The people that you should convince are @user1 and @Hannibal_Barca
    1 point
  9. Having a first person mode to walk around your town and explore the map up-close would be sublime though. Adding some simplified arcade-style first person battle mechanics would be hilarious. Maybe just for SP?
    1 point
  10. The fact that you can see an opponent's territory expand with each phase (as long as they have been scouted at least once previously) removes an incentive to scout throughout the game. It could be more interesting if an opponent's territory boundaries didn't have that visibility.
    1 point
  11. When you use a defensive strategy for example building walls or a lot of defensive buildings and units.
    1 point
  12. I dont scout enemy base just it’s frontline border. The fact that you can know your opponents’ Civ early is enough and use the scouts to gather. Spamming units to produce is more relevant in the very beginning. When some cavalry units are idle then I have to scout/raid, but rarely do it nor play 1v1 more often in which scouting is a bit necessary. its more important to scout your own border for possible resources and future build up.
    1 point
  13. Ticket exists since 7 years #1088.The feature bounty is recent however https://www.bountysource.com/issues/5689352-multiplayer-saved-games. I think this payment is a very noble gesture, but Im not sure if amounts in the range of 1$/h and less are really incentivizing (at least when considering how long people actually end up working on such features in total).
    1 point
  14. I'm sorry, but you can't do it. You can load a single-player saved game, but not a multiplayer one. You can continue playing it only in single player with Al, I guess. (I had the same doubt when I started playing 0ad)
    1 point
  15. Yeah, most of us aren't prepubescents playing a free game we found in the cereal box anymore...
    1 point
  16. Well I got all of Ordona Province's buildings done
    1 point
  17. It's finally ready, 2 months and 3 days to finish it all. Enjoy everyone!
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. it definitely will for Gohma (eg. eggs, glowing eyes ...) and other civs, which means it would be useful to be able to make settings for this in Atlas editor such as brightness or where to attach it ...
    1 point
  20. Can be nice try to Hyrule conquest such feature, a game with magic can need it.
    1 point
  21. Also it's worth noting that Pyrogenesis should be a standalone engine. Just because 0 A.D. cannot handle it doesn't mean the engine shouldn't support it. IMHO the engine split would be great for that.
    1 point
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