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6 points
Sharing links, memes, images and even quoting articles all become subject to EU copyright directives. No exception for fair use. It's only one of many similar assaults on internet freedom, and the full effect will only be felt in a few years from now, creating a false sense of "oh, but it's not so bad". This is what fascism looks like (sorry, but that's what it really is). They're creating the architecture to stifle all "undesirable" content. Which is basically anyone that isn't big business. It will create an environment were politically, socially or economically sensitive information can be prevented from ever even being published (think of sites like WikiLeaks, or even Wikipedia) Our "leaders" are clueless, self-serving crooks that have sold out to faceless oligarchies a long time ago... In my eyes, most policy makers the world round have systematically proven themselves unworthy of our approval, and they delegitimize their own authority through the immoral nature and effect of their actions. We shouldn't accept this. No one should. I don't want to sound like some out of touch revolutionary or something, but International Civil Disobedience is the most appropriate way to respond to this. We have power in numbers. 3.5 Billion internet users worldwide. If we say NO, it's NO. They can't arrest/sue/fine us all over some darn memes (or videos of American attack helicopters shooting up wedding parties in Iraq)... Did I just commit a crime by making that meme? According to the new directives I did... Bite me, EU.4 points
An old work of mine for the mod. Right now i am working on mayan buildings and troops. But they are not finished. yet3 points
If the worst case applies, we may not allow uploading of files anymore unless there is a copyright scan of uploaded files (which does not and cannot detect copyrighted materials properly). In the worst worst case not only binary uploads but even patch uploads (because they could contain the compelte works of shakespeare too).3 points
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2 points
We would be greatful if you could share your textures with us, but we don't really need the 3d models right now as we have our own.2 points
For now we plan around 3 European Civilizations and 3 Native : England, Spain, Maybe France or Russia and the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas.2 points
http://www.wired.co.uk/article/eu-meme-war-article-13-regulation Unless there is a massive public outcry, it will most likely be voted into effect, so there is an actual need for concern. It's like the whole net neutrality thing... These draconian regulations keep coming back in new forms, with new names and different packages, but at the end of the day, the power-balance shifts in the same direction. All can work in tandem with each other, and can be applied selectively, targeting/benefit who-ever certain corporate or political lobbies deem to be acting against/for their interests, whatever those may be. Say, for example microsoft files a false copyright complaint against 0AD ("the directive does not provide penalties for abuse"). The game needs to be taken down, even though 0AD didn't do anything wrong, because, protecting copyright holders from "potential" infringements is more important than protecting actual content creators who may not be able to pay legal fees, or even understand how to get their own work "un-flagged". It's a worst case nightmare scenario example I'm giving here, but these directives create the legal framework to do this. Agreed! I was thinking somewhere in the South Pacific... Something like this place should serve 0AD's interests well:2 points
The EU is a darn mess. Within the span of a couple months they'll go from implementing consumer friendly privacy regulations to doing @#$% like this at the behest of media conglomerates. But maybe I'm reading the situation wrong.2 points
It's been about a week and a few days, and I'd like to share what I've been doing. It's nothing visually interesting, but those with lower PC specs will probably like it. Most Real Time Strategy games (and in fact most graphically intensive games these days) have a feature called LODs, which stands for Level of Detail. The short of it is, the further away a camera is to any object, a more low-quality, low poly version of that object's model will load. This significantly helps frame rates and performance. Unfortunately, 0AD has not yet implemented LODs, so currently the high poly versions of models show at all times, even when zoomed out to the maximum distance. While this assures everything looks good, people with lower end PC's have reported bad frame rates and terrible lag. Until 0AD properly implements LODs, a small, separate download will be available that replaces the game's models with low poly versions: The might not look nearly as good up close, but from a distance you might not even notice. This should help users that lack a powerful enough PC to render hundreds of high poly soldiers at once.2 points
-Oniversalis : Age of Exploration is a total conversion project for the game 0 A.D Empires Ascendant. This modification will bring the era of colonisation and European dominance of the world to the game. Oniversalis : Age of Exploration is set in the time period of 1492 (this is when Christopher Columbus made his famous voyage across from Spain to the new world, only reaching the mainland parts of Central and South America), and 1800 (we picked this year because this is when still a lot European nations had colonies around the world unlike later on when it is practically just Great Britain and France dominating the world, as well as because this is just before the industrial revolution in most of the world began to seriously take off, for example factories didn't seriously take off until after this date as well as a lot of industry still being rural). The mod as is the base game, is split into the 3 ages which you must research via your town centre, these 3 ages are "The Renaissance" for tier 1, the "Age of Discovery" for tier 2 and the "Age of Enlightenment" for tier 3. The player for these 3 eras will a course receive access to new types of technology as well as upgrades to current ones of the previous era (for example in the base game you can upgrade from having a wickers basket researched in tier 1 to a wheel barrow in tier 2), recruit different units (When you complete the research to the next era, you will notice that your units will change) and unique units for that specific era/tier. (however if these unique units are going to be unique for all factions, that is yet undecided). The thing that really sets this mod apart from other mods, is it's unique gameplay of gunpowder units as well as a variety of other weaponry and their use and evolution throughout the mod's matches, for example the renaissance will have access to gun powder units, however these will be very expensive to produce while developing on to tier 2 and tier 3 will becoming increasingly cheaper and will have more variety of uses. If anyone is wondering the gunpowder units will mostly work like the archer units from the vanilla game. Further more the mod focuses on slow pace realistic gameplay, with units being very expensive to produce as historically, most countries of the period the mod covers did not have professional armies until the thirty years war, however in tier 3 units will be much cheaper, than tier 1 and tier 2. The list of nations/factions included in the mod will be the following; Kingdom of England/Great Britain, Kingdom of France, Spain, Portugal, Ming/Qing China, Aztecs, Inca, Mayans, Iroquois, Mughal Empire and the Ottoman empire. Questions you may have? Will there be a diverse range of units for each faction upon release? - The answer to this question is no and has uncertainty to it. Indeed we plan on making each faction as in the base game have a completely unique set of units with different stats etc, but for the first release of this mod we will give the 2 European factions both the same set of units however we will try and include in this first release the unique units for the specific eras/tiers as mentioned above. Further on in future releases we will increase the unit diversity a bit, this will overall improve the quality of the mod, but we will try to keep the balance somewhat. Will there be unique building models for each faction on building types? - The answer to this is similar to that above, we do plan on making this for certain European factions but some European factions will have the same set of building models. Again in future releases we will increase the diversity for building models. Will the native factions be playable and have diversity? - A course we are going to include the native factions, luckily for us in the present day when for say the Spanish went around and conquered these people, they recorded everything they could find about their civilisations so we will try to do our best to make every native faction a unique one, we will only really include some major native powers such as the Aztecs, Incas or Iroquois. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask below, or if anyone is interested in helping in the development of this mod please contact me (Dan The Strategist) The mod's Mod DB page ---> https://www.moddb.com/mods/oniversalis-age-of-exploration Current things we are looking at doing - Cannon artillery, musket mounted elephants, possible introduction of new resources into the game. When the majority of the mod is done we will look at adding a what if Byzantine faction, just as a proper meme they will not be OP or anything but they will make for a extremely interesting what if faction. If anyone is interested in playing matches upon the mod's release please join the "Total War: Romania" Discord, from here we will host games and tournaments, using the code below copy and paste it into the text box when you click "join server" KmQz4AX Developers of this mod; - Vasikle - Dan the Strategist1 point
Cause Everything is currently frozen until we are GDPR compliant. Then the public mod hadn't changed much in the past years due to a lot of reasons but mainly lack of manpower. We're not closed to solutions. We just don't always have the capacity to process it.1 point
Don't underestimate our moods... many things were created in mods first before vanilla.1 point
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1 point
And no aura boosts them ? if let's say a unit with an aura was boosting a siege engine and that last one was converted might have triggered this. If you have formation bonuses and the siege engine was part of said formation might have triggered it as well don't know if formation controllers have cmpPlayer.1 point
1 point
I have a lot of friends in the Philippines (originally from there), so maybe I could help.1 point
I guess Brexit will be a différent kind of pain to deal with.1 point
Yeah, Contributing art to an open source project will become a nightmare. to me that's just a different gdpr.1 point
You better credit Microsoft with that Warchief's Expansion Pack Art :)!1 point
1 point
Maybe we could have square water tiles, with obstruction. You wouldn't be able to sail on them though.1 point
@Samulis has been in touch with me, I pointed him here earlier today! I'm currently working with him to process some music contributions to the game, and I'm sure he'll do great work as our new Sound Lead! I'll be around to offer feedback on all audio assets as needed, and please feel free to reach out to me with any concerns or questions1 point
Using the version made available here as a starting point: To support the kokiri groves, put this file: core_hyrule.js in gui/reference/common/ (also adds support for the gamestart hero-selection techs). For the factions not loading in the Structure Tree when directly selected from the Game Setup or Civ Info pages, or by clicking the emblem in-session, @SirPope has it correct - you need to use the correct phase tech naming schema. Here's a patch: patch_phasetechs.diff (Also removes the athen-specific phase techs from the gerudo Oasis.) In addition, here's a further patch that corrects the civ-identifiers on various templates: patch_civcodes.diff. The four non-UTF8 characters the game complains about are in data/civs/kokiri.json - in the civ history, and the blurbs of heroes Saria and Mirora. Did someone copy-paste from M$ Word? And finally, if you're going to have *_packed and *_unpacked variants of a siege unit, both inheriting from a *_common template file, then place the default icon for the unit in the *_common file and place the icon you wish to use specifically for the unpacked/packed version in the relevant variant template. (Instead of having the same icon mentioned in both the *_packed and *_unpacked template files.) Edit to add: I might be wrong but the Kokiri civil-centre with the public-hanging and watch-tower upgrades has an incorrect prop added to the prop of the actor (the final result is visually identical to civil-centre with communal-home and watch-tower).1 point
1 point