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  1. Agreed Seems like we got value for the money (especially since it gave several developers a chance to meet in real life, something which hopefully should further encourage friendship and team spirit and in turn lead to more work on the project).
    4 points
  2. 2 Days ago we had no internet conection country-wide, so just in case i'll leave here as a backup for the forum/repo the files as they are for now. Mod folder > Camel_New.7z Blender file > New camel with rider animations.7z Camel new mod may ask for this two mods files. weapons_update.7z Horse_new_armor.7z
    3 points
  3. Plain cow brow then, i'lll make it soon so i could start making the attack javelin animations.
    2 points
  4. In previous events where all the travel was within Europe, the treasury committee has given sums of about EUR 150 per participant, plus about EUR 100 for promotional materials. This request for EUR 462.80 is well in line with this rough rule of thumb, given the large number of 0 A.D. delegates at FOSDEM this year, which stands at five. I also think our fiscal situation allows for this "ad hoc" expense. We have about USD 28,000, with about USD 1,000 spent every year on hosting. (In terms of Euros, those sums are equivalent to about EUR 23,000 and about EUR 800 respectively.) Until we do build a budget, I think we should reimburse the attendees. Therefore, I vote in favor of this proposal. @feneur @MishFTW
    2 points
  5. The 0 A.D. package in the openSUSE distribution is missing a maintainer. Currently Philip (@Ykkrosh) is marked as maintaining the package, whereas he has been retired for years. If you are using openSUSE and have an interest in package maintenance, please let the maintainers of the games project know!
    2 points
  6. Please Lion, when you're posting something in the forums, instead of doublepost, try to edit. You're shadowing others post or contributions. The left column of recent activity will look cleaner and more diverse.
    2 points
  7. The github branch is a very good idea for maintenance. PointXZ was nuked because it was a duplicate of the Vector2D. The entity placement method was changed, like many other methods. A list of changes in alpha 23 is found here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/query?status=closed&component=Maps&milestone=Alpha+23&group=resolution&col=id&col=summary&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=component&col=time&order=priority. Using what we currently have in rmgen is a necessity. I like maps inventing their own thing, but it should be so universal that every other map can be combined with this new feature. That the Placer, Painter and Constraint interfaces were implemented is a very good improvement. About the player territory border being harsh, you could use a ChainPlacer, that covers up bordes pretty well. Yes, we need those paths and I have converted FeXoRs path placement method from Caledonian Meadows to be a bit more reusable thinking about this and other maps. That mountain looks like it could use a second texture for higher slopes by using the SlopeConstraint once this is migrated to alpha 23. The latter has to be done sooner or later by one of us (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions). The code of the oasis map looks much better now that the library code was removed. In alpha 23 we have a playerbase function, so you can replace those 100 lines with one function call and some values. The textures and template names should be constants at the top of the file. I'm not particularly fond of the TileObjectMap prototype as it reinvents what is covered by the library for a great part, as it has a very confined use case and is a global that needs to be initialized, kept in sync and used throughout the map generation. But Placers, Painters and Constraints should not rely on globals other than g_Map, receive all other data in the constructor. This way the the function becomes deterministic given the arguments. The heightmap is saved already in g_Map.height. The slope is currently only computed on demand since recomputing it upon each elevation change costs too much performance. If it must be cached, then it would better fit in the g_Map object so it can be reused. The paintMap method should not be part of the library as it's the meaning of the map if there can be such a thing as cliffs or something that only one map uses. findPlayersBases is playerPlacementRandom in the alpha 23 library. putRandEntities sounds a lot like createObjectGroups. putLargeEntity: the map should define what is large, small or very large, in numbers. putForestChunks should be Terrain painting or createObjectGroups. AvoidSlopeConstraint - there is a SlopeConstraint in alpha 23, AvoidAltConstraint - HeightConstraint. paintPointsArray -> createArea + MapBoundsPlacer + TerrainPainter. buildRoads -> this looks like the RandomPathPlacer We should aim at getting those 1700 library lines down to 400-600. But one step after another. I believe migrating to alpha 23 is the most urgent thing, because every line that is added now to the map has to be rewritten. So one can save time writing the lines only once. Since many functions were renamed, deleted, replaced and received different arguments, you can ask me on IRC what has changed for specific functions (https://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=0ad-dev), or here if you want to. I assume this process won't be finished before april, but it would yield a high quality addition if done properly and will be reused by many maps. The new library should be part of the main library. rmgen2/ and heightmap/ are only temporary workarounds, put aside because they are some experiments. It shouldn't become three but one consistent library to rule them all :-) The randombiome library is the only one so far that is legitimately split IMO.
    2 points
  8. Player_{civ}.xml has the wrong tech name then. Perhaps setting some 'base' templates would help. Most of the information in your templates are copy and paste. Look at template_{civ}_civic for example, they are the exact same for every single civ (except for the zora - see spoiler for a fix). The base template would reduce bugs, speeds up additions, and lessen the upkeep. If you wanted to, give civic buildings more heath, you'd only need to adjust 1 file. You might want to do this with units but that seems like a lot of effort. Basically, if a tag or group of tags (or entire file) is the same for all the civs you have, make a basic template. Implementing this shouldn't take too long. The mass majority of it is hitting the delete key and renaming some things (renaming is also technically just hitting delete, and typing basic/). The {civ}_temps folder would just be used for additions to that civ. Idk, up to you. This might make the upgrade process easier as well.
    1 point
  9. Hello, I would like to make the AI upgrade a unit to another one if the unit is attacked by archers. Can this be done ? If so, where should I look ?
    1 point
  10. For managing the attacked units see defenseManager.js:checkEvents , for upgrade -- I don't see any code where Petra issues 'upgrade' commands (doesn't it upgrade towers?), but it should be possible do to in the same way as all other commands (see 'Engine.PostCommand' calls in common-api/entity.js , 'upgrade' command definition in Commands.js, and its usage in gui scripts).
    1 point
  11. If you are waiting on features that the community might or might not build, would it be easier to instead first port all the factions over into the current 0AD setup? This would get the game functional, then you can add the specific features and specialized resource gathering methods as they become available in the engine. Also, have a question for you regarding buildings. Gerudo and Goron structures are quite huge and do not fit well into the build area of their civ centers. Would you consider either increasing the percentage of the territory aura from the town center, or shrinking the buildings to fit better into 0AD's scale?
    1 point
  12. @stanislas69 Hey ! Wait ! I'll finish this map script business first ! Then maybe I'll give a go since it' badly needed. I think I have seen somewhere some description of the feature and it's a pity if it is broken. OK, it's not a problem. I'll give a try rotating them by hand and test the result. For now, I don't want to put a lot of stuff into my mod, making it impossible to include in OAD distribution if this is the final decision.But if the idea is abandoned, then everything becomes possible ! Sparkling animated eye candies, strange looking terrains and fantasmagoric landscapes ! Hurray ! Friendly,
    1 point
  13. I believe you actually encountered a bug in gcc 6.3.0 where the parallel build fails for some reason (looking at the assembler messages above it must be some race condition on the access to some temporary file). If you have some time maybe you should report it upstream or ask your package maintainers. You should try make -j3, there are good chances that our code doesn't trigger this bug, and it will allow you to build more quickly (you shouldn't have to build SpiderMonkey too often). You're welcome
    1 point
  14. Btw @Pyrophorus If you need more eyecandy stuff for your map you can have a look at the mod here -> https://github.com/0ADMods/eyecandy and just ask me also look at the official art task thread to see if the vegetation you want as already be planned or not.
    1 point
  15. Hi ! As @stanislas69 suggested, I finally refactored the whole thing to make it a mod and push it into GitHub. There's no feature change from the previous version, but the script has been split in three files, two of them holding most of the code: fractal.js: all the height map creation is here, including a fractal painter. placers.js: various utilities, constraints and placers using the global tile map object. I removed from the script and the library all uses of points objects (PointXZ and Vector2D as well), because I don't need them. There is still one place where it can't be avoided: the place() method of the placers objects which must return an array of one of these types. To make things easier, I return those arrays through a convenience method (zoneToPoints) located at the beginning of placers.js. It creates a point array from a cell array and one can change this to the particular object type (s)he expects. Just for fun, an impregnable fortress : I have to fix this... Friendly,
    1 point
  16. Apologies to every modder that worked on template and or unit changes as I recently broke every single one of your mods. I reorganised actor hereby changing templates referring to them. However this doesn't affect the root templates so if you didn't touch the others you are fine. The only way you can easily migrate is by applying your changes to a clean SVN before my recent commits and letting SVN merge the changes then extract back the files to your respective mods. Really sorry for the inconvenience please forgive me. We now have a coherent file naming scheme. Goodnight everyone.
    1 point
  17. Yes skhorn@Morgul ~/D/0/0/b/workspaces> g++ -dumpversion 6.3.0 That worked! But i don't understand why, as far as i know, -j# wasn't the amount of cpu cores used to compile it? Used too the make -j1 My only bet is, that a few weeks ago i was messing with the sources.list, added a a few from the Kali repo and when i did an update/upgrade i forgot to delete them, so it installed a lot of packages, but not really sure if one of those affected the gcc. That's my only bet, don't know what else could be. Thank you!
    1 point
  18. Hi... Adding a hedge around the players fields to protect them from the desert wind (... well, to hide bad transitions too). This one is a 'Normal' map, but rather strangely, the execution time is not much larger on 'Giant' maps. Friendly, EgyptOasis.zip
    1 point
  19. Your modelling skills have become great now you need to boost them texture skills. Have a look at how the armor for the elephant is done for reflections. Look at prolighting sky's demo by Andrew price and look for free HDR textures you can set in the world as an environment texture.
    1 point
  20. Well that's not exactly true. You can change stuff in a laptop. Thing is its complicated, but you can find pieces, you can also oc it with modded bioses, and even make a custom aeration, I will post mine when its done if someone interested.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Perhaps the mirror tower could scatter troop formations
    1 point
  23. The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus was actually the most lavishly adorned temple of its time. Sounds pretty special to me. There really is nothing else in Republican Roman times that compares, except the aqueducts, but those would make for strange "Wonders."
    1 point
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