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  1. Well, I've gotten most of the units for the first civ (The Kingdom of Hyrule) and their animations in the game: Here's a bit more details on their units:
    4 points
  2. @LordGood: it will be time to decrease it when decreasing unit moving speed and reducing vision (and and and and and...) ;-)
    3 points
  3. Exept solving a different issue that doesn't apply in every detail doesn't help, but pointing that out seems to be nonsense. Ah well, I guess doing research first seems to be a strange way of operation, same as first asking questions instead of providing "complete" "solutions".
    2 points
  4. Projectile speed is way too high, I dropped it way down to experiment and it made gameplay a lot more interesting, and units visually wont be shooting arrows through teammates. Givign an ability to use micro to dodge archer spam would help reduce 'ranged supremacy'
    2 points
  5. (I forget: we have currently some amount of code about formation and it seems a waste if we don't reuse it. So we have to be tricky to complete formations feature with reusing that part of code.) When talking to pathfinding for formations you point out what is imo the more decisive thing, as what we call formation has different meaning. One of my favorite design was perhaps the first one nicely summed up by @Wijitmaker
    2 points
  6. Not so much. If you really want to play with charge, you can also revert, it was implemented many years ago
    2 points
  7. Hello modders! After some deliberation and discussion, we are planning to (temporarily) purge all History Strings from all templates in vanilla 0AD. These can be found in the xml files in the folder simulation/templates/ between the tags <History></History>. What won't be touched: The simulation/data/civs/*.json files. (For now...) Anything else in the template xml files. The technology files. The aura files. The reason we have decided to take this action is simple: The History Strings are not currently shown or used in any capacity in game. We wish to show them in game (specifically, using D297). But, they first need to be translated. There are a couple hundred of them. Adding this many strings to transifex in one go is unfair to translators. We also have to check the strings to make sure they are okay (make sense, well spelt, grammatically accurate, historically accurate, etc). Thus, many of the strings will end up changed or removed, making much of the initial translation efforts pointless. So the plan is: Dump them, Remove them, Review them, Add them back, in batches, over a number of months (so as to not stress our lovely translators). Why are we telling you this? This is a big change. Some of the mods you maintain contain history strings. You might want to check that they are okay as, if everything goes to plan, by the next release they will be visible to your players. Also, we may be looking into changing how History Strings (and historical content in general) are stored. If you have any concerns or queries, post below. Thank you for your attention. (And it probably won't happen until next week at earliest.)
    1 point
  8. @stanislas69 dude thanks a lot! u save me now i can play
    1 point
  9. The more functionality related code you have, the worse to open sources prior to release, because it will spin out of control if your manpower|time is low. Without version control (Git) powers I see no chance to survive such a project (if you were to implement the features you mention). As you have mostly data files (XML, JSON) and release often the opposite is true. Other devs will help you, likely directly fixing things in your repo using pull requests. (because your project is quite reputed) One of the early patches that added healing worked like that. So it depends on what abilities you'd want, and if actually having buttons for those is the best way (which it might be if there are a few). Reminds me _strongly_ of what mind bending code is still being worked on by worlddevelopment club. The capability system is exactly targetting this. It's a fluent redesign of how actions, commands and related are handled in 0AD (yes, UnitAI monster is basically recreated, the new code is dynamic, such that all the actions like teleporting, roundabout attack, mutli-target, magic spells, become a blaze). It's number 2 of 4 very big rocks on our way to release 0 B.C.E. What about hiding resources after they are 0 (or do not change) for a prolonged period of time? This simple GUI mod not restricts other functionality which can be good, because why not have other players|factions tribute something you do not directly gather? One can still trade it or tribute to others. I second @stanislas69 with the projectiles. Once upon a time when I reworked animations it did check props for the projectile. It's a bit hacky (to use leper's words, and it's not a mod, thus not only mods are "hacky") In 0B.C.E. pyrogenesis props no longer exist. Every object is equal. As are structures and units. Simplicity rules. Why artifical separation? It is positive that leper says you should not follow 0A.D. naming conventions. Though a lot has improved in 0A.D. over the recent years to be honest thanks to a lot of great devs.
    1 point
  10. O later or tomorrow now I want rest, my back is hurt. take your time to draw remember close the object , example if you make a circle try to close it. Same with details or human skin.
    1 point
  11. @Lion.Kanzen Woooow.... Supernice! Only remark is that you should try to get the white crown of Upper Egypt, on the left cobra on the crown, to be white. Other than that, marvellous!!! I'll try to trace some more reliefs for you to play around with, but it will take some time...
    1 point
  12. Give me a break. Shopping basic supplement day. cleaning my room. and design this.+ slow internet. quick answer use multiple emboss option, check Terra Magna, is same technique but inverse.
    1 point
  13. psd. im experiencing some slow internet. and the program crash when start to many effects(Illustrator.) I used older version because each change in Ai meaning recalculate the effects. kushiteemblem.ai kushiteemblem.psd
    1 point
  14. You should do some video teasers You could even use the camera features that were implemented recently. See the related section here https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Atlas_Manual_Cinematics_Tab
    1 point
  15. Yes this is the entire Hylian roster, except for their siege units and Heroes.
    1 point
  16. Ironically, DE has already done this for ages now. Projectile range decreased. Archers more vulnerable to faster moving melee units like cavalry. Projectile speed decreased. You can actually see the projectiles now. lol Possibile to use micro and dodge incoming projectiles. The projectiles have a nicer looking arch to their flight. Vision ranges decreased. Maps feel larger. Another significant benefit is that units are more manageable. Unit movement speeds decreased. Units are more manageable. Maps feel larger. Archer firing rate decreased. Now they don't look ridiculous.
    1 point
  17. Every heard of three-letter agencies, which do exactly that and do not target a user individually? In any case opened a trac issue for that: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4707
    1 point
  18. I like exceptions. Formation is a tactic to avoid a weakness. same for example range units in to the walls.
    1 point
  19. Like that? https://i.imgur.com/CY2Twpj_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=high
    1 point
  20. @stanislas69 What is the attach point for the new quivers? Seax is slightly hovering (floating) over the mesh
    1 point
  21. Was an error log generated to find that have look here https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths you might also check that the drivers for your video card are the latest available and you may have to dial down the graphic options as that seems to be one of the most common issues.Not really enough data to be helpful at the moment sorry. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  22. @gameboy, just copy over the two lines(178 & 766) from r19924 into your delenda Player.js file. I tested and works fine...
    1 point
  23. Except it requires updating the clients to only use that mechanism (you'd want to prevent clients from using the old one, right?), someone to actually do the work, quite some testing so it actually works properly. There is a difference between what is the required amount of work needed in theory, and what needs to be done in practice. You suddenly used the word "Web". If you start using words in a context where they just appear to indicate that you didn't think about the problem, then you'll have to deal with being called out on that. If the server is compromised an attacker doesn't even need to look at the passwords to impersonate anyone. And in this case they could just try a downgrade attack to get the actual password (we did disable the plain mechanism, but a few of the supported ones aren't that hard to break). We've known that for quite a while, the issue is that someone needs to do the work. threat model No, they are not secure. You just increase the amount of work an attacker needs to do to get possible candidates that match (and how many users do you know with very long passwords (phrases would be better, but I digress). That's not really long, then again you haven't defined your threat model at all, so if the attacker is someone with brains and a Pentium, then you might have a point. If we are talking about server farms or tons of graphics cards that's something completely different. Windowed mode without decorations, or run things in some other X server, or copy the password, then start the game, or get a better program to handle your passwords. Some things are more interesting than others to work on. And so far I've seen lots of talk and no single line of code. Welcome to the internet, I see you must be new here. Only if you try common passwords, at which point the issue is that you are using a common password. One could just try the list from that one Yahoo! leak and get quite far. Unless rate limiting kicks in. True one can just use something distributed to try those, but that wasn't listed in the attacker model. And there is no issue with that, as long as the places they reuse it for are things that for some reason require an account, so they just use hunter2, because if it gets leaked nobody will even care. Depends on whether they used the same password for something that doesn't need a lot of security as for something that most likely should. Why not? Because someone might get offended because they themselves are doing stupid things? How do they remember 500 accounts? But something that you could fix quite easily (probably a diff with about 5 lines (and most of that is adding a checkbox)). Could maybe be done without any interruption, but most likely couldn't. At least it didn't seem that way last time I checked (which allegedly has been quite some time). Well, I'm not responsible for the lobby in any way anymore, so meh. Also you should really define threat model, attacker model, and most of all help with fixing things instead of writing lots of prose. (Eg upgrading the lobby server to something that isn't mostly unsupported, enabling TLS for lobby communication, getting the actual game download links to use HTTPS, ...) It isn't. Not server admins?
    1 point
  24. A secret plan hum...? ----------- seriously what need to happen to have accurate or logical combat. spaming rams and skirmishers with some cavalry, the infantry melee lost their meaning.
    1 point
  25. Still in the wrong forum @feneur ------ So nostalgic this idea.
    1 point
  26. Of course! I enjoyed a lot grand ages of rome! (Imperium civitas)
    1 point
  27. I checked; there is a bug in the code. Petra will still try to expand in some cases with Sandbox difficulty, even though it shouldn't. Patch: D764
    1 point
  28. I agree. We will likely change this in alpha 23. Unfortunately, alpha 22 was released recently so it will take a few months.
    1 point
  29. they only run if they are chasing, fleeing, or catching up to a formation. do we have formations still? idk
    1 point
  30. Delenda Est might have a hacky way to do something like that. A nice implementation might need some work. Well, in that case, all mods be a little hacky. Although, I will pat myself on the back here and say that the way Glory works by praying at statues is quite ingenious in using the engine how it currently is to make something like that possible. In short, you just make the unit's capacity for that resource 1, and then make that statue a dropsite for that resource only. In practice, it looks instant when the "resource" is dropped off. You don't even see the resource show up as 1 in the UI, it just gets immediately dumped to the dropsite, the statue the unit is already at. So, in this way, praying for Favor at Temples, ala Age of Mythology, is already 100% possible in the game's engine as-is. In fact, all ways possible to gain Favor in Age of Mythology are already possible in 0 A.D.'s engine. I do all 3 for Glory. Praying at statues -- Greek Favor; Killing enemy units -- Norse Favor; Statue trickle -- Egyptian Favor. One could easily make an Age of Myhtology mod for 0 A.D. right now. The only major problems would be some UI stuff and the God Powers.
    1 point
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