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  1. 3 points
  2. I thought I'd post about the accuracy changes in alpha 22, i.e. why skirmishers are so good. Here's a graph of the differences in average damage per second between a21 and a22 for the basic ranged units. Their accuracy depends on the target's footprint (larger things are easier to hit), so I made graphs for both infantry and cavalry targets. (The calculations are straightforward but I won't detail them here.) Javelin cavalry versus infantry at 20-28m now do about twice the damage they did in a21: 12-14 instead of 5-8 hp/s. Their base damage was reduced slightly (the dotted lines are above the solid lines from 0-10m), but that didn't make up for the big increase in accuracy. For a23, we'll definitely want to adjust the numbers. Another difference in a22 is that veteran ranged units aren't boosted as much as in a21. Here's a graph showing that, along with the Mauryan and Persian "Archery Tradition" technology. (Archers' accuracy was reduced slightly in a22, so the dotted lines are above the solid ones.) Promotion doesn't come with a decent increase in accuracy like it had in a21, and the archery tradition difference is really stark: against infantry at 80m, archers only do half the damage they used to. We'll want to adjust these numbers for a23 too. Here's a few more graphs. When fighting against other ships, ships are much more accurate than shown above, since their footprints are so large. The bolt shooter (ballista), catapult (onager), and quinquereme have splash damage, which I haven't taken into account here.
    2 points
  3. @Lion.Kanzen: I created a (traced) outline of the god Amun, based on the Meroitic period relief of Amun on the Lion Temple in Naqa. It shows a uniquely Meroitic combination of features, making it the ideal reference: a ram's head with accentuated eye-brow, scaled head-dress, double tall falcon tail feather crown of Amun, with sun disk and uraei and horizontal ram's horns. Quick jpeg version to show the ideal frame: The png version The reference: I'm curious to see what you'll make of this. The possible colors for use are blue (azul and dark-blue), red, yellow, green, gold and brown, green blue or black for the Ram. I think the eye is supposed to be red.
    2 points
  4. If it was rejected, it'd clearly state that. That what LionKanzen said is correct. The ones doing reviews first look at the patches they are interested in, then the patches they are personally asked to be reviewed, then the open ones on Phabricator, then (almost never) the ones on trac with rfc or review keyword, then (basically never) the ones without keywords on trac. We started Alpha 22 development with about 80 reviewable patches iirc. The handful of active developers we have spent their time doing somewhere around 400 reviews that ended in commits, maybe 100 reviews not ending in commits and barely any own coding. Now we have 65 patches on that work-in-progress milestone on trac, 205 open patches on phabricator and the will to spend much less time on reviews. Dunno how this should go on. Other than that, a quick review: Perhaps hiding the Restart button would be nicer for multiplayer. "New map generation" and "Same map generation" would be more clear to players than "Reseed". The Seed property is also used for the random number generator in general, for example the spawned hero in regicide, so skirmish maps will spawn the same one. The Seed setting was changed to use randIntInclusive or so. The AI seed could also be regenerated. Replay saving should be checked (iirc EndGame and StartGame take care of that already though) playerID variable not needed / can be inlined. Don't remove the resign comment. Dunno if it is. Menu -> Exit -> Single Player -> Start Match -> Start. 5 clicks does the same as these proposed 2 clicks. If the player wants to change any other setting besides the seed, he will still have to go through that route. We don't have a way to start the same map with the same Seed, so that'd be something new. Also I recall FeXoR saying that we could offer a Seed setting in the match setup. But that might also lead to confusion (as players dont necessarily know what a seed is) and that changing the teams, civs or other match settings makes the Seed setting irrelevant (misleading that it ends up with the same mapgen) and also would require a way to automatically reset the seed unless really wanted by the player. Dunno. Could be committed I guess if it's so desired.
    2 points
  5. Norse defense tower 4 props Mesh redone, only i keep is the concept and the props. the Wood pillars are better organized and more symmetrical. Screenshots Blender file >>Norse Defense Tower[Finalizado].blend<<
    1 point
  6. Some props like romans heroes are missing. we have Claudius Marcellus.
    1 point
  7. Well, Aoe I hasn't the best counter system design. The design sheet it's okay if you mean that. I tried to make a description about units roles, but devs didn't say anything.
    1 point
  8. I'll admit that the current system is a bit messy. That's to be expected since the larger plans of implementing in depth combat, charging, and other integral parts of the game have not come to fruition. Strictly speaking, counters do not have be in the game, and even with counter systems, there is not always as fluid and desirable gameplay as we would like. Also, there are variations between civilisations. A hoplite should seem extremely different from Persian Sparabda (forgive me if I misspelled it.) The former should be slow and heavily armoured, very difficult to kill with ranged weapons or any other weapon from the front and have a long training time to represent the rigorous regimen any soldier needing to take up this position would require. The latter would be quick to train since they were probably levies and only a disposable meatshield to allow more efficient troops like cavalry to eliminate the enemy. Thus, it would be easier to look at units individually from one faction to the next and through that figure out how each unit should be used.
    1 point
  9. Especially since we have charts
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Man just downloaded Alpha 22 and my Restart/Reseed option didn't show up - did my patch get rejected?
    1 point
  12. For random maps we use several wayt to generate terrain shape. Mainly noise, functions or iterative generation. None or our generation methods procedural but extending the iterative models te be procedural is possible. If you are more interested on how the terrain shape is stored and rendered I'm not the person who would know But in any case I think your curiosity is best satisfied by diving into the code ^^
    1 point
  13. ragnarlothbrok seems to be misusing this feature heavily I suggest to warn him that what he is doing is intolerable and that further continuation of such behaviour will lead to a ban.
    1 point
  14. sphyrth, I agree with your comments. There is a bit too much text. I think an on screen text message that disappears would be a better option for the instruction. An objectives section like in AoK would work well if the player needed to reread something.
    1 point
  15. if someone else... want promotional art Terra Magna Logo Effects 02.psd
    1 point
  16. Introduction . Fallen Empires Studio [FES] we are committed with the Wildfire Games Community. this time, more people ask me how do some of nothing to convert a Emblem, that's can be useful in game. after this you can have some idea how to make your own. this are one way. you need Know use the basic tools and UI about Photoshop and Illustrator [cs5,cs6 works fine for me.] to take this tuto. and now about graphic Design. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Step one research a Icon very plane almost outline strokes etc. Draw you in illustrator. Thanks to dacreativegenius source http://dacreativegen...t/Heru-41692525 Step 2 Go to Illustrator and press Image Trace / live trace. then Selection Detailed Illustration or Technical Draw. then press expand. that the result Step 3 Give Color to each cells. you must have select them all that you can paint, and from tools Menu select Live pain Bucket Paint each cells with apropiate color, this step only help us to have a Color palette/swatches Now we have something like this. Select Red cells with magic Wand tool [press Y] And you will select automatic all red cells. Press Expand, when Window ask, uncheck stroke Step 4: Give some Beautiful Effect[basic] Go to the windows menu, to the end and search Graphic Style libraries Then Select Buttons and Rollovers, and... Select obviously "Bevel Red Normal" when you work with blues and yellows you can modify the Fill color in"Apparience" Then add "inner glow" but change config and put Multiply instead of screen and change black instead of white fill. Now you get this. This all for the Horus Symbol. 5 Next step Export as PSD.
    1 point
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