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I will be presenting my paper on the next semester. It aims to generate and integrate a mod in the game that is based on the major indigenous groups that inhabited the Philippine islands before the Spanish Conquest of the archipelago. A secondary objective would be, to raise the global awareness and interest in the Pre-colonial history of our country, just like with the indigenous tribes of the Americas before the conquest and colonization of the Europeans. I will be working on the contents this summer and in the months to come. I need to have at least 50 respondents of different any nationality and ethnicity (other than Filipino) which will play the mod and provide some response through the use of online surveys. Posting this here will hopefully provide me with the respondents that I need. Though, I still worry if I will be able to get at least 50 respondents before I present my thesis. I will be posting here to give some updates on the development of my paper. I will be greatly thankful to those will take time to participate. Please do submit a reply here if you are willing to undertake in my thesis.4 points
Make capture more special. Capture the civic center and gain all of the surrounding houses too. Decisive. Important. Have merc camps around the map to capture for special merc units. Points of contention.3 points
It's a casual "let's play" type video where the author is exploring the game and demonstrating it to his subscribers / viewers. He wasn't much concerned about playing effectively and winning. At one point he says "Since I have plenty of resources* I don't need to gather them, I'm just demonstrating how it's done". (*he selected the 'deathmatch' mode when starting the match) Go ahead, it would be interesting to see alternative casts of the same matches2 points
Disagreed. The meta-play here would be capturing the animals before the enemy does it, and then keeping control of the animals. This wouldn't be entirely unlike the relics or the sheep of AoE, as wow said. And it would be a completely different thing from farming. If we added mechanic such as shepherds having to guide the sheep instead of capturing them a-la AOE, and we allowed laming the shepherd and/or the sheep, we could even have an interesting, high skill-ceiling early gameplay just based on capturing the sheep. It shouldn't be a huge food income but give you a definite edge as the game drags on, making it worth it but not absolutely terrible if you don't do well. Obviously this is only worth it if we seriously slow down the early game. Regarding corrals, I'm really not a fan of how they are implemented now because they just seem to be extraordinarily "game mechanic"-y. Anyhow, I think hunting is not working properly and probably never will, and I think berries are a bad idea given our usual starts and we should either reduce the starting resources and the starting pop or remove berries from our RM.2 points
Let me go to bat for the corrals, just this once, and see if I can come up with good pro argument. Corrals as they are now are broken and not good, this is universally accepted I think. But... but... Corrals as they are now are not what they are intended for completion. Here's what they can be/should be use for: storing relics. Wait, the game does not have relics? The relics are herdable animals. No one says relics break AOK or AOM. Herdable animals are the relics of 0 A.D. So, you capture them and then garrison them into the corral to gain their benefit, just like a relic from AOK or AOM. These are not meant to unbalance the game, but to give the player a small edge, like relics did in those games. They provide a nice little benefit of scouting before the enemy does, just like relics, and add a nice little layer to the game. Just remove the animal training aspect from the corral and readjust the techs toward this new paradigm.2 points
I just lost hours of my work on another project, so I guess a big warning is in order. Transifex has a new "feature" that if you correct some strings offline and then upload, Transifex will silently ignore your changes. At least with translator permissions, I haven't checked yet if this also happened with reviewer permissions. Already reviewed strings are now completely impossible to correct offline - at least the upload window will inform our about that one. I already contacted Transifex about the issue.1 point
Hm, as I understood it, D227 is a go. You've had 3 explicit OKs in the ticket, I'm adding mine here. Getting 5 people to agree on anything is already a miracle so imo you should go right ahead with that feature.1 point
It seems that this discussion has derived so much from its original topics that it is becoming useless and should be recentered. I'll just add my own feelings on some of the points raised: - several kind of food is good imo if they are different enough (which is currently the case) and allow more diversity in the gameplay. I would say that it is to the map maker to make its map interesting by a good placement of berries and animals for hunt. The only potential problem i see is with fields and corrals which both provide infinite sources, but as specified above, corral's implementation is far from complete and we should find a way to make it more interesting. In addition, one possibility is to remove the slaughter attack to cav, so that they can't kill domestic animals while still being able to hunt, that would be more realistic and also would make corrals only a supplemental source of food for some maps where fields are difficult to place or when we will have a variable rate depending on the terrain (that rocky or snowy maps have their food better based on corrals rather than fields for example would be nice to force diverse gameplay). That both fields and corrals are not feature complete is to my mind an important fact to keep in mind. - concerning citizen soldiers, i'm completely for keeping them and do not agree at all with the comments that it is a broken concept. I think it is rather a very nice one which adds some originality to 0ad compared to other games. In addition, the player has to make some choice between investing in cs which are weak but can gather or in champions. They are also more realistic. Now let's go back to the original topic (now in https://code.wildfiregames.com/D227) which is to make the rate of fields variable (relatively slow when the field is built, and then increasing with time up to its nominal rate) so that at the beginning other sources are more interesting, but after some time, fields would become the dominant one. The second mecchanism in D227 is that when unattended, fields productivity starts decreasing, which makes them more vulnerable to raids. I'd be happy to have feedbacks, but preferrably from people having tried the patch. General discussions on gameplay should rather stay in one of the numerous other threads we already have in this forum.1 point
I think that berries are a great feature because they are a nice start for different strategies on how gather food ( corrals, fields, fishing boats). The bushes could even be incremented from 5 to 6-8 as standard starting resources, since they aren't enough for starting corrals efficiently as alternative to grainfields. An economy based on grainfields and corrals mix without delaying phase up would even be more interesting.1 point
I like this. One issue I have with capturing civil centers currently is that the houses, markets, etc. are all destroyed before they have time to convert. Stronger buildings like towers and fortresses last long enough for me to claim them. I think we should fix it so that those other structures have time to convert. (Or we could just automatically convert buildings under the influence of the civil center.) I personally think building conversion is a feature as important as the citizen solider concept. I do think it would be nice to have a mode (gui button or hotkey) that can be set to quickly change the default action between capturing and attacking.1 point
Sooner or later I might do commentaries on replays that the Anavultus has already covered. There's just a few after all.1 point
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I like the seasons. Hmm, let's say in 0 A.D. if it had seasons, combat would be nerfed somehow in the winter, as well as food production, so large attacks are difficult and booming pop in Winter becomes problematic unless lots of food stored up in the summer. So, each match gets a rhythmic cycle. I like clean the UI btw.1 point
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Welcome. here is game modding forum if you want explore the possibilities. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/forum/18-game-modification/1 point
Please don't post things to the suggestion thread unless they absolutely belongs there. I created this forum about twelve hours ago.1 point
Regicide: a no attacking unit could be changed instead of a hero Survival: first wave can be delayed Unknown nomad: You could add additional starting units. (all are easy changes) Instead of adapting the important core decision, adapt the secondary game modes.1 point
Yes, you could. Alternatively you could just remove combat units from your starting building to make players actually require something remotely related to a "buildorder".1 point
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