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  1. 5 points
  2. Anglo-Saxon monks surveying the Roman period church ruins.
    3 points
  3. I don't really understand what the problem with the current system is. All generic properties go in the parent template and child (often civ-specific) templates can override those properties. Perfectly understandable and perfectly moddable. (and that last point is very important when considering groundbreaking template changes)
    2 points
  4. @LordGood Loving the reliefs and the use of flora on this structure. Very well done
    2 points
  5. Wonder's in, and edited the barracks. took out the banners just to be safe, you can't really see inside with them. Looks like the citizen soldiers get to train in the art of fighting under heat exhaustion, haha also, statue in the temple. No screenshots, so you'll have to take my word for it... or have a look yourself!
    2 points
  6. A greeting and I hope to be welcome. Italy at that time was rich in metals, and agriculture. The mining part of the peninsula used by the Etruscans and then by the Romans was the Maremma. The first Etruscan mines were on the island of Elba and in Gavorrano (Pyrite). The climate was different than now, was the "Roman Warm Period." The second was the "Medieval Warm Period" Only when Rome expanded much had the need to use the fertile plains of northern Africa. They arose in that period several Castrum to defend the barns now called Tunisia Algeria and Libya KSAR which derives from the Latin Castrum. From KSAR result, the words ALKA'ZAR in Spanish, Portuguese ALCA'CER, and CASSERO in modern Italian The granary of the empire was for many years the north africa. The beginning of Rome, moreover, came with the League of farms on the Tiber. Throughout Italy there are old remains of farms Republican expansionary period. For the stone the areas used were for the TIVOLI Travertine, the Apennines to the sandstone; Lazio was an open quarry of tufa and pozzolana to mix the burnt lime to make the first concrete. On this occasion I congratulate you for the work you are doing with the historical tuning of the game. PS. Sorry for my English
    2 points
  7. That's not something with a high priority, you can work on it as a side task if you have textures to make. For some reason every color is **** up, and so is the anglo saxon texture.
    2 points
  8. Realism mod would work wonderful if battalions implemented actually.
    2 points
  9. Ruins of the current age? nooo we need to delve into the history of a region, and ruins are a fantastic way to go about that, Theres a good opportunity for early classical and pre-antiquity peripteral temple ruins, or even the cyclopian ruins at Mycenae and Tiryns. Ziggurats would be fun too. But all of this belongs in its own thread, if anyone would like to do the honors of starting one when the ruin ball gets rolling
    1 point
  10. Best way would be to "ruinify" generic civs temples, but that's another thing.
    1 point
  11. That will get somewhat complex. We already have the {civ} element in templates for inheritance, but what you want to do is add it to the filenames as well. I guess that's doable. Problem : Even if all the houses share the same caracteristics, it's not said they will have the same footprint.
    1 point
  12. The first one would be really cool if the gate anim while garisonned was fixed =)
    1 point
  13. Indeed, I think the same. The templates are great to avoid work duplication.
    1 point
  14. Maybe I can add vine props above the ruin meshes, I still can't model advanced things like arches.. Textures are dependent on roman_struct2.dds texture Currently there are 3 meshes, obstructions are the same as the stone fence I discussed the other planned pieces here,
    1 point
  15. Ah, too bad the French install instructions do one step wrong at 5:12 (some French around to tell him that? )
    1 point
  16. (Stables = Town phase structure) We can make the border horseman as a Town phase unit, make them trainable only at Stables
    1 point
  17. Right hand of statue has bad geometry and possible flipped normals. Overall it is a very cool wonder.
    1 point
  18. The technique was called wattle add mud(clay) and used for walls and buildings becoming wattle and daub construction. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  19. @fabio, the amount of natural resources also changes with the natural resources you need, and how you can extract them. Like Norway currently has a lot of natural resource: a lot of oil and gas in their seas. But given that oil and gas weren't important then. And there was no way to build an oil-drilling platform in the middle of a sea, they didn't have a lot of resources back then. The converse is probably true for Italy, where there were a lot of small, superficial mining places. Very easy to do surface mining and extract the metals and stones from it, but by now already depleted or too small to be commercially interesting. Belgium is a bit in an intermediate situation, there are no mines that are very easy to access, but we had some coal mines that weren't too deep, so it gave Belgium a good start during the industrial revolution. But most of the mines are depleted by now, and the places that still have coal are too small to be actually viable.
    1 point
  20. The size of siege engines is determined by their clearance in the pathfinder.xml. Sieges fall under the "large" category. So if you want, you can experiment a bit with the value and propose a better value. You can also open the "obstruction overlay" in the dev console to get a visual clue of how big the obstruction is.
    1 point
  21. Yeah, it will be for good use for sure. It's more or less explaining almost the same things as the videos I posted on this thread too: The wind-up movement he does will definitely be included in attack loops for the game
    1 point
  22. I think your definition big temple is smaller than my big temple. haha, well this was a fun way to spend a Saturday, at least. I would love to squeeze in some fountains, but I'm already really pushing the wonder size limit...
    1 point
  23. Made a video of myself playing a game, with some commentary.
    1 point
  24. WHAT?? WHO?? Haha, is this an April Fools joke/easter egg?
    1 point
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