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Alpha 26 Pre-release/Release Candidate Build Testing

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1 hour ago, Sevda said:

On second thought, this is a good 'feature' as players have to work hard to regain their rating each alpha. This prevents rusty old players from being overrrated and also gives new players a chance to refresh the leaderboard.

That is nice, I am around 1350 but I have not played ranked in a long long time. Most of it is still from A23.

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18 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

These Britons houses seem wrong.

Also I really wish the Fortress map would be reworked to give every spawn point starting minerals. Ditched this game bc no metal. :(

fix: https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP26940

3 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

With boars it's all chill now? They don't attack and don't get auto-attacked?

they are passive now, so only attack back when you attack them first.

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Can anyone tell me what those ~thingies above half the U's are? We have a lot of that stuff, but whenever I look something up I never see it anywhere else.



+20% territory influence and -50% techcost; that's a mighty mighty artifact! There's a wrong space at the beginning of the last line.



Caledonian Meadows still is prone to have relics out of map.

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10 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

Can anyone tell me what those ~thingies above half the U's are? We have a lot of that stuff, but whenever I look something up I never see it anywhere else.

Those are diacritics for accentuation


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5 hours ago, Stan` said:

Those are diacritics for accentuation

Right. And why are we using them like natural written parts of names? I never see Brutus with a diacritic anywhere else, unlike for example José or René, where I'd say that's just how they're spelled.


 0ad-grashide.jpg.9a75a4a4cc805df3ad0671b80ef1096e.jpg  0ad-grashidesfield.jpg.05704ce842b1c7125e5d554992bfcd1c.jpg

Still not a fan of grass hiding stuff.


I think the AI could use some tweaking regarding docks and ships. I played Wild Lake with five AIs and none of them were using any. (Only saw one foundation of a dock as a desperate last attempt before extinction.)

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3 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:
8 hours ago, Stan` said:


Right. And why are we using them like natural written parts of names? I never see Brutus with a diacritic anywhere else, unlike for example José or René, where I'd say that's just how they're spelled.

Because technically they are natural.



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Cavalry acceleration is fine but I think their minimum speed should be increased a bit.

Ok I have not played any MP yet, but just taking a look at han civ and their bonuses:

  • han farming upgrades: +25%---> +20%, or remove town phase farming upgrade
  • han farming base rate .6-->.5 like other civs, perhaps increase farm occupancy to 5
  • keep in mind the small sized farms/rice paddies are a great bonus by themselves
  • laozi gate should have same minimum distance as iberian monument and perhaps increased cost 2x
  • infantry balance seems ok, a wide array of choices for infantry, cavalry, and champions could be op, as well as new CS and champion crossbow units. This will need to be determined by testing because it is not blatantly op like the han food bonuses.

One thing for certain needs to be changed and that is the food/population rate of Han, 1.17 is so much greater than the next contender .95 (gauls) who dont have +10% population space. Han will have 10-15 fewer farmers and 20 more population space against regular civs, this will mean the largest han army will have 30-35 more men than the largest regular civ army. In addition to this, having fewer women makes it easier to withstand raids, and easier to reallocate units onto wood and metal for the production of champions.

The civ needs some serious work and we won't be able to balance its units properly if the farming bonus remains this overpowered.

Edited by BreakfastBurrito_007
Wow's english lecture = lol
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The Han Dynasty also needs to be revised on the issue of historical authenticity.
1. The faction name should be called "Han".
2. Regarding the crossbow cavalry, although there are brick carvings to prove their existence, this kind of cavalry uses crossbows because they cannot use bows, not because the power of crossbows is stronger, so there is no need to exist as a unit.
3. Then there are special buildings. Han's current unique buildings have no historical basis. "laozimen" is completely fictional, so is the Imperial College. "guanshu" is the office of the local administrator, which is actually the core of a city. In other words, the government office is the civic center.
4. The information of Osprey Publishing referenced by the warship is unreliable and needs to be redesigned.
5. The melee cavalry of the Han army use pike or JI with both hands, so they are not equipped with shields, only cavalry with swords will use shields; the shape of the sword is also wrong, it is the style after the Ming Dynasty.
6. The Han Dynasty actually recorded a chariot with a winch crossbow, but the shape has not been properly restored, and it can be considered to be added in the future.

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4 minutes ago, AIEND said:

The faction name should be called "Han".

it is.

5 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

Maybe the description of the Laozi Gate could also be specified. What 'Humans' get healed? Own/allied/all including enemies?

yes. It is also OP so there should be a limit on construction like iber monument.

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On 12/06/2022 at 10:13 PM, Gurken Khan said:

Caledonian Meadows still is prone to have relics out of map.


7 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

Still not a fan of grass hiding stuff.


1 hour ago, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

han farming base rate .6-->.5 like other civs, perhaps increase farm occupancy to 5

the distinction between grain and rice was removed, so they now only have the regular gather rate:


48 minutes ago, AIEND said:

1. The faction name should be called "Han".


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The fauna seems pretty tame in this iteration, aggro and following distances are generally reduced, from what I can tell so far. I would have liked something halfway between a25 and now. And ofc a much longer following distance for eles, so one can kite them again like in the good ol' days. ;)

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I ran into a problem making a batch of Imperial Ministers. So, nice that the game realizes I'm only allowed three more and it won't let me increase the batch size above that, but it won't actually let me produce that batch; when I shift click nothing happens. It lets me produce three, one after the other, but that's not how it should work.


Edit: After trying to increase the batch size and changing to another building, the batch size there was increased; maybe something like the game registering the increase but not showing it or whatever could play a role...

Edit2: Had another look - if I land on '3' properly it will produce that three Ministers batch, if I scroll the batch size up in the single digits (still shows 3) it will still produce it; when I reach the '10' position it won't.

Edited by Gurken Khan
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