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  • 3 weeks later...
On 28/01/2022 at 8:46 PM, Yekaterina said:

Think: when has vali or borg ever complained about smurfs? The correct play is to become a better player yourself instead of wasting effort on harassing and interrogating anyone you don't know.  

Wrong. Lot of people just don't like smurfs. It's not hard to understand why. It's pretty easy to just accept that fact and not contribute to the problem. 


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3 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

Wrong. Lot of people just don't like smurfs. It's not hard to understand why. It's pretty easy to just accept that fact and not contribute to the problem. 

Such a funny thread, but good to see A22 lobby in action! I don't know what this impostering is but some people have claimed to be me in the past. I have also claimed to be boredRusher and Hamdich because bml304 was convinced that I am a smurf identity of Hamdich. In the meantime, DoctorOrgans thinks I am Isabelle (some very OP old player) although he was the one who watched me improve from cosmic noob. My first game in release A24 was a 3v1 against him and the 3 of us lost. He gave me a lot of tips which really helped me to improve from 1200 to 1500 in just 3 months. 

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5 hours ago, Stan` said:

In previous versions of 0 A.D. you could impersonate people after they got disconnected and play as if you were them.

A lot of people miss that. Now if one person drops then it is over. 

What happened above was people joining by IP with different names that mimicked other players

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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, G.O.A.T said:

and don't forget look to my profile :victory:

Some of your claims are correct, while others are complete nonsense. 

Let's look at your claims:



1. Do not attempt to imposter berhudar. You are much weaker than him and it's obvious. 

2. I'm not Kate. Christoffel-Symbol1-8 are mine, and so are Kensington-Olympia, Sevda. 

3. Karissa is not Kate, we have proofs if you want. The fact that you didn't know the name of Karissa's original account shows your ignorance. 

4. Farmer2000 is not Aoric, he is much stronger than Aoric and plays differently.

5. I, DoctorOrgans and KarissaX are the only active dancers in the lobby (I have seen); I have not seen anyone else dancing so phyZic is not active. 

6. R.U.L is not Aoric, he is another player

7. xZen is not berhudar neither. He is a mercenary cavalry spammer and I watched him improve from noob to unbeatable.

8. Your list is very very incomplete, I can help by expanding it, but I won't. 

9. You yourself is a smurf and have a large number of accounts, so don't criticise others. 


Finally, how did you make this list? Did someone report things to you? Are these reporters reliable?


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19 hours ago, G.O.A.T said:

thanks to all who contributed and contributing

Most contributions are unreliable... I saw a few more incorrect entries since last update and you refused to change what I told you (which was mostly correct)

It's a good sign that you are not believing me right away, but you shouldn't be gullible to other reports neither...

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19 hours ago, G.O.A.T said:

list updated

Frankly I find this activity pointless. Are you asking for all of the people on this list to be banned? Or is this just to show off your 'extensive knowledge' about our player base? 

If you are asking for bans, first, your list contains many errors so innocent players get banned and the master smurfs will escape. Secondly there are many ways to bypass the ban. Thirdly you will be the first to be banned because you are impostering others. I have never seen G.O.A.T active in the lobby, so you are lurking around with other accounts, and not just one, in order to gather all these information.  Lastly many accounts on your list are no longer active players (they quit 0ad or they got bored of creating accounts). 

If you want to flex, there are many errors in your list and I have pointed them out to you already. The real masterminds behind those accounts are laughing at you right now because you have fallen for their trolling. Furthermore, you only sniffed out a small fraction of my accounts and you decided to award them to Kate, who isn't a frequent player anymore...


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@Sevda How reliable these data are I will not comment, developers are aware how it was collected

What it seems to be pointless for you make some kind of transparency for public = other person different opinion.  (yeah others if you like it give me LIKE, THANKS)

Am I asking for somethings? I have not noticed at all. I provide some intelligence if will be used/monitored/watched in some cases or not is not my thing.

G.O.A.T here does not mean same account in game right? so really pointless point.

Last, you are concluding that nick in the  list of smurfs i provided (in bold and underlined is the main account or something like that? I never commented it and it is just first nick in my output)

Also I never said such list is 100% accurate, but very high probability there is a match.

I really don't want to elaborate on reasons why smurfs exists (many already did) so there are legit reason and toxic reasons. I guess you know what class I would assign to you and few others...



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@G.O.A.T in many cases you have only seen the tip of an iceberg. Your false information will only cause more harm instead of improving anything, because you are only encouraging more smurf speculation. 

What I am pointing out is very simple: some of the accounts in a single list of yours don't belong to the same physical person. Meanwhile others share accounts. Therefore if you are trying to list out each physical person and the list of accounts they owned, it should look much more like a Venn Diagram than small lists with distinct names. 

And yes, you can call yourself GOAT on the forum, but it's obvious that 'sanafur' is your lobby name...



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On 27/06/2022 at 4:49 PM, borg- said:

I'm not "hibiki_"  :lmao:

so which one is yours? :o it is in blue text - means unconfirmed

Anyway I beliave there is many players who just lost password and created new account. Such person would you mind just simply report yourself here? :welcome: and i would add you to the list with some special marking.. Maybe it will help developers to see where is also one issue area to fix...

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1 hour ago, G.O.A.T said:

would you mind just simply report yourself here? 

I'd like to report myself with my accounts:












Yulenka (was hacked)

Sixth_Serenade (was hacked)





vatanim sensin


gur sesidir O 

Suskun dunyanin hur sesidir O...


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On 05/07/2022 at 12:15 AM, Sevda said:

I'd like to report myself with my accounts:












Yulenka (was hacked)

Sixth_Serenade (was hacked)





vatanim sensin


gur sesidir O 

Suskun dunyanin hur sesidir O...


Would you mind to explain "was hacked"   there is curently no way to change game passowrd so even you shared it with someone else... such would be always accessible.. or meaning you hacked it trying same passowrd or so? :) if the case well done! such player deserved it.

Thanks for reporting, I will definitely do some add-ons.

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List of account and their passwords: (feel free to use)

Rotherhithe       rotherhithe

Kensington-Olympia 123456789 

Egils_Levits  president

cumhurbashkani  president

güzel_kiz  guzelkiz

Sevda 123456789

Hot_Chocolate chocolate

Eiskaffee eiskaffee or 123456789

ezilenlerin ezilenlerin or 123456789

aslan-shir 123456789

mahtab moonlight

DocteurCanard doctorcanard or docteurcanard

This is as much as I can remember 


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Upcoming smurf accounts: 

















This is a joke, the last one has been left out for you to guess. It will be trivial for Londoners.

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