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Age of Empires IV

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The Game is very limited, very basic.

It has no imagination, it is seen that they wanted a clone of StarCraft 2.

The game mode of the sacred sites is like the one of the ruins of the first one(AOE I) but a little more complex.

Otherwise the maps would feel empty.

There are few things that I like about this game but separately.

Healers work better than in 0 A D.

With 3 healers you can already camping (turtling) a position well.

I like walls and palisades but they cannot be joined to close a position.

It only has 3 special victory modes.

All that is enjoyed in this game is the early game.

Defense is interesting but still behind Stronghold Crusader II.

Everything in this game is generic.

It feels completely empty.

There are no treasures to collect.

Resources run out fast, faster than AoE I.

I like the farming  plus the role of the palisades, That enhances the experience.

AOEO feels better than this.


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Sacred sites are a way to make the game winnable while each civ has some ridiculous combination of free, generated units, resource trickle types, and other kinds of unraidable eco. 

On the surface level it seems great that each civ has many unique features. It is easy to see that those unique mechanics are the sole basis of civ balance and design, so those unique aspects of each civ are forced and so they lose the gameplay benefit of being unique. Basically the player has no “basic” or “universal” unit or mechanic to choose while playing.

It would be like if burgundians from aoe2 always had to get Flemish revolution as part of their win condition, or if Iberians always had to make firecav as their win condition.

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47 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

From what I've seen, the Sacred Sites look super generic. Would be better if they were biome-based. A ruined Monastery in European maps, etc.

That could be done better with pilgrimage sites so typical of the Middle Ages.


ironically most Roman Catholic practices are pagan.


The processions for example have a Greco-Roman origin.

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  • 3 months later...
On 3/10/2022 at 9:31 PM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

From what I've seen, the Sacred Sites look super generic. Would be better if they were biome-based. A ruined Monastery in European maps, etc.

This is also true, they seem very bland. My main issue with it is that they are so forced as a gameplay mechanic. The developers seem to be unnecessarily messing with the classic conquest formula.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 03/10/2022 at 10:31 PM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

From what I've seen, the Sacred Sites look super generic. Would be better if they were biome-based. A ruined Monastery in European maps, etc.

Political correctness. You won't see that in games like these.Extremely woke.

So I want to correct that in 0 A.D.

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4 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

Extremely woke.

Remember that corporations are textbook right-wing (hierarchal) organizations. But I don't think it's political at all, I just think they want to appeal to the largest base of users they can and err on the side of caution and unfortunately dilute the historicity by doing so. AOEIV is as if AOEO and AOE2 had a baby, making neither camp satisfied. 

Luckily, as you've mentioned, we don't have to worry about investors and corporate, so can do things other creatives are prevented from doing in a commercial space.

Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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On 15/01/2023 at 10:49 PM, real_tabasco_sauce said:

This is also true, they seem very bland. My main issue with it is that they are so forced as a gameplay mechanic. The developers seem to be unnecessarily messing with the classic conquest formula.

Hmm, as long as they provide different victory conditions which don't include the Sacred Sites, then they're fine. Does the game shoehorn Sacred Sites into every victory condition? 

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  • 5 months later...
On 07/02/2023 at 7:38 AM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Hmm, as long as they provide different victory conditions which don't include the Sacred Sites, then they're fine. Does the game shoehorn Sacred Sites into every victory condition? 

No, but because of the balance, they can become front and center for winning the game. AFAIK there are builds for civs that are specifically designed to 'cheese' an early sacred site victory. I think I saw this in a aussie drongo video.

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What honestly disappoints me about the variants is that they could have made something like Outremer, the Teutonic Order, and Norman Sicily be represented, which I think could have some really fun distinctions historically and geographically.  As is, they feel like a wasted opportunity to both blend existing assets and new ones to create cool hybrids.

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13 hours ago, Thorfinn the Shallow Minded said:

What honestly disappoints me about the variants is that they could have made something like Outremer, the Teutonic Order, and Norman Sicily be represented, which I think could have some really fun distinctions historically and geographically.  As is, they feel like a wasted opportunity to both blend existing assets and new ones to create cool hybrids.

Age of Noob made a rebuttal video on the matter... we need to wait for more content:


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On 15/01/2023 at 11:52 PM, Genava55 said:


I am curious, do you like the campaigns in AoE 4?

In comparison with AoE 2, AoM, AoE 3,which one do you prefer?


AoM campaign was gorgeus. AoE3 campaign looks a lot like AoM, AoE4 campaign looks very silly.

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  • 3 weeks later...
El 14/11/2019 a las 18:00, Alexandermb dijo:

Ensemble Studios ya sabía que lo arruinarían mucho si no hacían la edad medieval. Saben el fracaso de la era AoE 3, no la jugabilidad, ni el diseño, The Era. A partir de ahí podrían comenzar una nueva era 3D para los juegos de estudios conjuntos, sin embargo, hacer la Primera o Segunda Guerra Mundial es más difícil ya que probablemente será una copia de Empire Earth o Command and Conquer.

Honestamente, los aspectos más interesantes del género RTS son: fantasía, juegos de rol, historia antigua, historia medieval.

La era de la pólvora en el género RTS no se vende demasiado a menos que estés preparado para manejar tal cantidad de entidades como los cosacos. La era de la pólvora es más para shooters en primera persona o espionaje.

Un juego de la Primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial encajaría perfectamente con la jugabilidad de Dawn of War. Pero en un juego como AoE 2 o un juego como lo hace Ensemble Studios, es solo un género básico de estrategia en tiempo real. A menos que vayan con todo con una gestión de Settlers Economy en AoE 4 mezclada con la micro gestión de AoE 1/2.

The Second World War RTS game already exists, it is called Company of Heroe

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On 15/01/2023 at 5:52 PM, Genava55 said:


Tengo curiosidad, ¿te gustan las campañas en AoE 4?

En comparación con AoE 2, AoM, AoE 3, ¿cuál prefieres?


For me, the best campaigns were those of AoE 2. I found them very fun and they had their historical contribution. In AoE 3 I think they had to take advantage of the story more and add other campaigns, although AoE 4 I must admit that I liked it a lot but at the same time I was greatly disappointed, I am picky about the story and I had many hopes but when I saw the game reality hit me hard

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On 3/10/2022 at 16:25, Lion.Kanzen said:

Sinceramente es un juego al nivel de Empires Apart.

Y Empires Apart se equivocó por el lado conservador.

Tiene cosas buenas, lo de los sitios sagrados lo hace intenso.

El último juego se vuelve aburrido, se nota que es un StarCraft orientado a ser multijugador y medieval.

La parte histórica demuestra que les importa poco. No hay herejías, ni guerras santas, todo es familiar. Y políticamente correcto por eso no logra ser como un juego con identidad.

Captura de pantalla_20221003-141931.png

It would be great if monks and religion were not only healers and also influenced the game and the performance of the game, such as the motivation of the servants and things like that.

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