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Tower Defense mod


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This is the first version of my Tower Defense mod.

Tower Defense maps were very popular in Warcraft III times:

Basically a Tower Defense is a game where waves of enemies walk into your base, and you have to build and upgrade towers to protect it from these invaders. In the case of this mod, I included two maps, one for 1 player and another for 2 players. The map for two player can only be played in multiplayer, as the AI cannot play this map.

The goal of the game is to protect your base against the invaders by building towers. The one who survives longer wins. The strategy consists of choosing the best positioning and the best types of towers. As you upgrade your towers, there will be choices to be made between different types of specializations.

As you kill the enemy waves, you gain loot. With these resources you can trade in the market and build towers/upgrade.

Some Questions for you:

Should I include this in the Community Maps mod? Or is it better to have it as an independent mod?

The mod include some new templates for the towers, but it does not change any template that is used in the game. So you can use this mod without affecting any other map.

Want to make another map in this mod?

It should be quite simple. If you open Atlas using the mod, you can place the structures and units of the mod, search for "tdef" (the "fake civ" that has all the new units. It is a fake civ because you cannot choose it in game, it is by default in the Tower Defense maps).

If you don't want to mess with scripts, it should still be easy to make a map using the mod. Just include this in your map (in the ScriptSettings part of the XML):

  "TriggerScripts": [

Then you just have to place the Wonder (tdef_wonder), which is the only "Conquest Critical" object (that is, if it is destroyed you lose), some workers (tdef_pawn), and the trigger_point_A and trigger_point_B (these are the places where the waves will spawn: A goes for player 1 and B goes for player 2). The workaround I used for the singleplayer map is to place a super OP tower for player 2 that kills all enemies instantly. You can use it in your map too: tdef_tower_ultimate.

Next Versions

I still want to improve it before sending to mod.io. Your feedback is welcome.

Definitely will need balancing.

One thing I wanted to do was to include an option to heal some life of your Wonder, costing some food, as this resource is not used much in the map.

Have fun! (y)

(and let me know how many waves you can survive.)

Spoilers below:

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tower_defense.zipFetching info... tower_defense.pyromodFetching info...

Edited by coworotel
Updated to version 0.0.2
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  On 10/06/2019 at 7:45 PM, coworotel said:


Some Questions for you:

Should I include this in the Community Maps mod? Or is it better to have it as an independent mod?

The mod include some new templates for the towers, but it does not change any template that is used in the game. So you can use this mod without affecting any other map.

Want to make another map in this mod?

It should be quite simple. If you open Atlas using the mod, you can place the structures and units of the mod, search for "tdef" (the "fake civ" that has all the new units. It is a fake civ because you cannot choose it in game, it is by default in the Tower Defense maps).

If you don't want to mess with scripts, it should still be easy to make a map using the mod. Just include this in your map (in the ScriptSettings part of the XML):

  "TriggerScripts": [

Then you just have to place the Wonder (tdef_wonder), which is the only "Conquest Critical" object (that is, if it is destroyed you lose), some workers (tdef_pawn), and the trigger_point_A and trigger_point_B (these are the places where the waves will spawn: A goes for player 1 and B goes for player 2). The workaround I used for the singleplayer map is to place a super OP tower for player 2 that kills all enemies instantly. You can use it in your map too: tdef_tower_ultimate.

Next Versions

I still want to improve it before sending to mod.io. Your feedback is welcome.

One thing I wanted to do was to include an option to heal some life of your Wonder, costing some food, as this resource is not used much in the map.

Have fun! (y)

(and let me know how many waves you can survive.)

Spoilers below:

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tower_defense.zip 79.61 kB · 0 downloads



can be uploaded to mod.io?

Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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Hi, congratulations for the initiative. One idea that passed me would be a "survival" type mode in which a growing sequence of enemy hordes would besiege your city in the center. Your city with a good food and wood reserve but more valuable resources were found in areas of difficult defense.

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From wave 100, it is impossible to play, in wave 118 the game crashing.

I think I could have gone up to wave 200. The units died easily at this stage, and I still had 35 towers to up.

My suggestion for this would be to increase the units' status and decrease the quantity. This should help in balancing and lag.

Your mod is very fun, congratulations!!!


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