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ModernGUI A27


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I'm happy to announce that I've been porting all features of boonGUI and proGUI into a new UI bundle for A27! Doing it made me realize once again how much work has been put into the development of 0AD but also to all those who contributed to the components of this bundle. So thank you!

GitLab link: https://gitlab.com/4trik/proGUI/-/tree/modernGUIA27
DirectDownload link: https://gitlab.com/4trik/proGUI/-/archive/modernGUIA27/proGUI-modernGUIA27.zip

In this mod:

  1. Retrieve your favorite A26 GUI style with a Quick Configuration page once you launch the mod.

  2. New exclusive features, like kill counts, flare message and more!

    (the skulls near unit icons indicate for Player unit kills and Gaia entities kills)
  3. Explore tones of extra options in your settings to customize your GUI!



Hope you'll try it out and enjoy! Please report any bugs and feel free to suggest improvements.

Edited by Atrik
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23 hours ago, Atrik said:

I'm happy to announce that I've been porting all features of boonGUI and proGUI into a new UI bundle for A27! Doing it made me realize once again how much work has been put into the development of 0AD but also to all those who contributed to the components of this bundle. So thank you!

GitLab link: https://gitlab.com/4trik/proGUI/-/tree/modernGUIA27
DirectDownload link: https://gitlab.com/4trik/proGUI/-/archive/modernGUIA27/proGUI-modernGUIA27.zip

In this mod:

  1. Retrieve your favorite A26 GUI style with a Quick Configuration page once you launch the mod.

  2. New exclusive features, like kill counts, flare message and more!

    (the skulls near unit icons indicate for Player unit kills and Gaia entities kills)
  3. Explore tones of extra options in your settings to customize your GUI!



Hope you'll try it out and enjoy! Please report any bugs and feel free to suggest improvements.

did you drop the "blood meter"?

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17 hours ago, sarcoma said:

Can we have this mod for smaller displays?
i couldnt use progui because it takes the whole screen and the summary doesnt even fit

Hi @sarcoma, there are a lot of options to save screen space for the game GUI.
You can try the following existing options in settings :

  • Resize the minimap
  • Hide allied stats from top panel
  • Resize or even disable right panel

As for the summary, I was checking how could I adapt it better for small screens. Thanks for reporting this issue I wasn't aware of since I never worked on it. One solution on your end could be to disable the modifications to the summary. To do this you can :

  1. Go into the mod folder ModernGUI/gui/summary
  2. rename "summary" folder with "-summary" or whatever

And there you go, you will have the classical summary!

Edit: I've just pushed a small rework of the summary that should work for small displays.

Edited by Atrik
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37 minutes ago, alre said:

did you drop the "blood meter"?

@alre I made it optional. You can enable it in options under "minimap perks".
Short therm KDR can be displayed in top panel too now, and it's a option that I use now.


Here you can see in the top panel a bar growing blue or green depending on your kdr of last 10 sec. Very useful to tell if a ally or yourself is currently losing or winning a battle, especially when the kdr is consolidated already (like in late game when you already have tones of kills and deaths, your kdr won't change much, but this indicator helps).


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