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Everything posted by Belisarivs

  1. No problem. I'll have a look at your problem with Blender and perhaps be able to make some tool to deal with it for you. But I don't know how much free time I will have.
  2. Well, I think, that diplomacy will be like in AoK. There aren't more things to add IMHO. But AI should be better and respond to your call for help and suggestions (I can't say orders, as they will be your ally). But I think, that it would be cool if AI could call for help you (in AoK it worked, to some extent). But it could call you to certain places and also to ask you to send your cavalry to protect flanks and so.
  3. It is like in AoK. Almost everyone knows Settlers. It is entertaining game in its way, but 0AD is aimed rather towards military side. There is also bunch of guys (including me) who can't wait for Total War style to be implemented in game and thus almost remove resource management. Settlers are fun to play, but simply, in MP it is more fun to kill 1000 enemy units than watch wineyard growing. I think, that resource management will be, to some extent, closer to Settlers style (more sources to forage, more animals to hunt or domesticate) but it will be AoK style mostly, still.
  4. Thanks for advertisement You can participate in texture contest for Klibanophoros as you don't have to be skilled in Blender, if you wish. Gimp is enough. Rest is described by guide I posted. BTW, I'm almost sure, that it is J. R. R. Tolkien
  5. There's no need to tell others. Have you tried CVS version of Blender? I did. It adds sculpt mode and lot of other things. It is unbelievable with how pace it is developed. I can see new commits to source code for several times a day. You're not alone Linuxer here, BTW. If you are skilled in Blender and GIMP, I'd aprreciate your participation in development of mod For Honour and Glory. Would you join?
  6. Hi and be welcomed here. If you want, you can have a look there http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showforum=18 There are already announced two mods and one texture competition and are striving to get someone to work on it. So, if you want ....
  7. Hm, I never had chance to play such MP. Shame. Anyway, my nation of choice is Byzantines. For their Cataphracts, cheap pikes and camels and strong fireships. Have you ever recorded your MP game? Could I have one record? BTW, what that "rax up" mean?
  8. I decided to try what community can achieve with painting tool. So, there is premade model and texture for you. Simply download and unpack archive. Then open "blend" file in Blender. You'll see something like this: Then open tga file and edit it at will. Use some painting tool like GIMP or Photoshop. Then save (keep name, location and size of image, and please don't use RLE compression). Texture size is rather low. It is because in game if there are hundreds of such images used, it consumes load of video memory. Thet is why it is useful to have image size 128x128. Then go to Image -> Reload to refresh your texture in Blender. When you are satisfied, click on button with human face on left side and select "Buttons Window". Then press enter and click on "Render" button and wait for while. When black window appears and nothing happens (and PC seems to be doing nothing) it is because Yafray renderer is selected and you didn't install it. No problem with it. Select "Blender Internal" (it is under that big button "Render"). Bress "Render" again. I'f you are happy with your work, press F3, save your render (don't owerwrite your texture !!) and show your work here. Also keep texture you created. It could be used in mod. Some pics of Klibanophoros: http://media.powerapple.com/uploadimages/1151931178_8481.jpg http://www.satrapa1.com/articulos/antigued...clibanarius.gif http://www.hat.com/Othr6/kup13g.jpg http://www.displacedminiatures.com/images/...Clibanarius.jpg
  9. Slow and boring? I had AoK from its release and play it still. Even after years I still find it beautiful and entertaining. I guess you've never tried some AIs available on internet on hardest. I had to kill about 7000 units to win one battle. It was pretty tough. I played as Saracen against Franks. And also tried to fight Japanese as Briton. Almost constant battle from start to end with some 3000 kills. Champions and pikemen held the line and Longbowmen supported them. Also Cavaliers could do some decent fighting on flanks. Whole battlefield was almost entirely covered by dead bodies and I had to send reinforcements still. Four Barracks had hard time in refilling my infantry ranks Ieven when I had some four monks on my disposal.
  10. I got an idea. What if I made some model, exported texture and let people at forum to try to create texture. I'd also prepare some short guide how to change texture so people could just use some painting tool and then try to put it to model (which will just mean editing texture, saving under same name and in same position and reloading of texture in blender) and render preview (camera and linghts would be preset). Would anybody be interested? Only Blender and some painting tool would be required. And some skill, too. What do you think? Do you have any idea where to upload those premade things? I can't download from rapidshare as I reached free limit. Any other suggestions?
  11. There's no need to apologize. Actually, I'd be happy to have more enthsiasts like you in team. And BTW, I can handle modelling well. It is 2D graphics (GIMP, Photoshop ...) which is rather easy, but time consuming. So, if you can do it, or anybody else ... I agree, but unfortunatelly, there is none to work on it. And also keep in mind, that your posts will be lost due to other posts which will come after them. Yes but Cortez also faced great number of Aztecs in several battles and caused them heavy losses. Lack of cannons and other gonpowder, iron and cavalry as well as usefull navy is terrible disadvantage. But they didn't face them in open battle. It was rathe gurrilla warfare IMHO. Really? I didn't know that. But I believe, that it still alcked much in quality and quantity compared to Spanish curasses and swords. That is true. But they still didn't have much of them. Yes. That is what I had in mind. Actually, it would be trully cool to to depict conquest of Aztec empire. But it would mean to choose one of those three paths. Actually, I don't work on it much. I had some problems with PC and my University draws my attention. I hope I will be able to do some work in xmas. I know. But simply, I didn't like an idea of indians slaughtered by europeans. But more I think about it, more I start to like it. I'd love to depict Tenochtitlan or Macchu Piccu. I'd suggest that. Start with small steps and then continue higher to finish. I'd start with: Spanish and British. Actually, I'd like to draw attention of visitors by creation of some really nice model (Husaria?, I'm speaking about them too much, perhaps). I can't say, that I don't like any of your civ. Actually, these are good ones. But simply there will be lot of work to be done anyway. I'll have a look at your problem. Actually, there is other software, but it is't for free. And Blender is truly pearl and for free. That is immensely great. I'm thanking god that such project exists. Do you know, that company, which created Blender originally wasn't quite successfull and decided to cease its development but community gathered 100 000 Euro, bought source code and Blender is still under heavy development and it wa simproved greatly. If I can give you advice, don't throw it away. Try to find in your registry keys and folders with word "Blender" and delete them. In fact. I can handle 3D modelling well. It is 2d graphic-artist I'm desperatelly looking for. Just someone make textures in GIMP or Photoshop (or something else). Hm? What's wrong?
  12. I don't believe, that indians were more courageous. I'd say, that europeans were far more disciplined. I'm not against indians in mod, but wonder why. I didn't play AoE III. That "What if" is good, but that isn't what I want to point out. Indians were just much weaker than europeans and whole Aztec empire was conquered by rather small contingent of soldiers. Unlike Gauls or Persians, who weren't deffeated because they were weak. They were deffeated because they stood against most briliant commanders of the world. Gauls had horsemen and strong warriors and Persians had exellent cavalry. What had indians? They didn't know wheel, iron and horses. They were just naked men with wooden or obsidian clubs and spears. Yes, there was military class of skilled warriors, but Europeans had them too and all those technological advantages. Why should indians have tactical advantage? Yes, they were defending own land, but in MP, they will also have to attack the opponent. And he will use scouts a lot, too. Which military units will indians have available? Variation of spearman and bowman and perhaps some javelinman and clubman. Nothing else. No cavalry, no gunpowder, no cuirasses and no other metal equipment. I want to point out, that creation of 1 texture needs lot of time. When you want to have at least 3 variations, it takes three times more. And you have only one unit. And what now? You want at least 5-10 different units for each nation. Time consumption is growing even further. And, you plan 20-30 nations each with different units. Do you get what I want to point out? What was done untill now? Nothing. Yes, your research is valuable, no doubt about it, but simply, texturing itself is pretty heavy and time consuming. And indians are imho waste of time for now. I'd concentrate on 5 key nations, discuss them heavily, get some skills and make them perfect. Then will time show if it is possible to achieve more. I don't want to say, that indians are waste of time and useless at all. But want to point out, that none actually is working on mod (I mean creation of models and textures) and expectations are too high for now. You can feel very unhappy with mod progress because there is planned too many nations which will take ages to create. I'd feel happier with two perfectly made nations than with bunch of unfinished and incorrectly depicted ones. That is my point of view.
  13. I can't resist to ask what will be purpose of indians in this mod. To give opportunity to the player to test how much time it will take his Husaria to cut them to the banners? Will anybody be willing to play indians even though they are heavily technologically inferior to europeans? I'd make natives to provide some auxiliary mercenary troops and that would be all. Indians proved to be unable to match their european opponents in open battle unless heavily superior in numbers. You'll have to screw realism and make indians more powerful so they are able to be somehow on par with their opponents (but it looks weird, have a look at AoK, Aztecs didn't use pikes, xbows and trebuchets, and even Aztec champion looks weird, needless to say, that jaguar warriors, despite their skill, simply couldn't beat heavy spanish infantry with such ease), allow them to heavily outnumber their enemy (but you'll have to face limitations of game engine) or expect them to lose anytime (which is rather bad idea). Tactics to beat enemy by exhaustive skirmishes could work against AI, but definitely not against human player who will just avoid this and lay siege of players city which will turn in open battle and force indians to defend against besieger and thus lose advantage of skirmish tactics.
  14. I guess you already tried it, but google returns quite a lot of finds if you use "Viriato" as keyword. For example this: http://viriato.netfirms.com/ And also some pages from Spanish or Portuguese Wiki.
  15. Well, I'd try to play with that Total Uninstaller. Data about configuration are perhaps stored in registry, so perhaps there would lie the problem. Good idea. I already tried to convince Kor Bosch, but he refused. Thanks.
  16. You perform exellent search. It is better. Because images (when displayed) are little bit confusing. Not making it useless, but siply few lines of text is easier to pass by. What is wrong with your Blender? You set it wrong so it doesn't behave as it should? Did you mess GUI or something else? If it is with GUI, perhaps you could do screenshot, upload it to imageshack.us and post link. In Windows I can't help much. I mean, I can derive some ideas or so, but those random failures are one of reasons I moved to Linux. erhaps you could try something like Total Uninstaller. It reads registry and so before installation of program, then it reads it after installation and saves which keys were changed. Then you could simply remove those changed keys.
  17. I planned it to be rather modular. I mean, when someone decides that some nation would be cool to add, that he would be free to create it and it would be added to the mod. That is why I didn't make final decissions about it. I hope, that someone will join us. But unfortunatelly, in two years (including this) I'll end my studies at the university (if things will go right) and thus will have to find job and start thinking about my own family and so. I just don't know if I'll be here to finish this mod as there would be other things which would draw my attention.
  18. I agree. I think, that Dark ages would be cool. But even timeframe 1000-1492 contains enough units and fun. And in fact it will be loooooooot of work. And for now, we are only two. If you want for example 20 nations and with 10-20 units each, it means total of 200-400 units. Plus buildings, ships, techs .... I'm thinking if I didn't take too much to handle it. Yes, make it more organized. I'm thinking about something like AoK style. So, four periods with different units and so. So upgrade style shouldn't differ so much.
  19. Thanks. I know it and that is why I'm so desperately looking for someone to help me with texturing. Abadu does exellent search, but I need more help especially with that darned texturing.
  20. Cool pics, Abadu (that musketeer is out of scope of mod which ends around 1492 and IIRC Huscarls were using two-handed axes and were Saxons). I had some issues with my graphic card. That is why I was inactive for some time. I'm still trying to create texture for Klibanophoros. But it is rather hard. Much harder than 3d modelling. I must do that promised gude so others can participate, too. Could someone do texture editing? I can handle modelling, but those textures ... bah. Only some bitmap editor is needed (GIMP, Photoshop ....).
  21. I don't understand it. It is just because of feeling that you could have something more? Because I don't see other point of this. Why this game shouldn't be as beautiful as developers want? As long as it can be tuned to fit well on middle class machines.
  22. Well, me to. But it will be perhaps implemented in Part II. Not now. So, take what you get.
  23. My feature idea. I'd like to have some gallery where members would upload their work (models, textures ...) to make it publically available. I've done something and like to share it. Yeah, my model is pretty lame, but I'm improving my skills and someone could make a good use of it. And when game is released, need for this feature will rise. Don't you think?
  24. AFAIK it has none limits this way. Actually, I think, that it won't be like Total War, but rather like Age of Kings. So having too much unit types will be useless as player will tend to use just few of them.
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