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Everything posted by Belisarivs

  1. So, you installed Blender and did some setting. Now you are unsatissfied with it and want to set it back? Hm, I don't know where Blender saves it's settings in Windows. I use it only in Linux. BTW, if I can suggest using jabber instead of this thread for this purpose ... It is quite simple. As a bonus I'll be able to answer immediatelly. If you need help to set it up, my ICQ is 289601727, but I almost don't use it. Personally, I don't like it at all. I keep it for backwards compatibility with those delayed and try to persuade them to switch to jabber instead of those insecure, crappy, proprietary communication protocoles.
  2. I'm not sure if I understand you. Actually, I'm sure I don't understand you.
  3. I'm not sure if I understand you well, but I'd try to press and hold middle mouse button (or wheel) and move with your mouse. Press also numbers 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 to switch view. Buttons 2, 4, 6, 8 will rotate. Rtead through that guide. It will teach you a lot.
  4. Yeah. FirePowa8, you made good point. That was what I started with. I'm far to be expert in it, so don't feel ashamed. If you are confused or so, I'm thinking about writing some Quick Blender start which will guide you to the point you'll be able to create some basic modells. See my model I've posted. That is the poind you'll reach with it. You are welcommed to ask me via jabber. However, I'll be available only at weekend (well, now I should be at home in thursday - Sunday, but it is unusual) though as University keeps me busy.
  5. To Abadu: Good job. You perform cool research. Now lets make some models. Could you please post just links to the larger images? Those pics are nice ingeed, but they make heavy load for server 0AD is in (keep in mind that this thread is visited quite often). I mean, I like these images, but webmaster won't. If I could ask you to look also for origial names. I mean, I'm not into naming arabic units by english names (like heavy cavalry or so). Just if you managed to find some real names. No more civs need to be done for now. I will have enough work to do. Thank you for work. I'd like also to know how upgrades will be in game (but I know that you can't answer me). Whether it will be like in TW series where units simply existed in certain epochs or whether it is like in AoK. Just curious, are you skilled/interested in 3d modelling and texturing? If yes, perhaps you could give a Blender a try. Personally, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm not much advanced modeller and I will perhaps modell everything alone. Well modelling isn't that hard. But texturing is actually much harder. Just take some painting tool for it and you have ll necessary equipment. But model needs to be done before, it must be unwrapped so texture fits on it well. Then texture template needs to be exported. Afther this you can edit that template and then put it on model. Perhaps you could contact me via jabber and ask or give me some ideas. Unfortunatelly, I will be active mostly at weekends due to university studies.
  6. Hm, Companions? What about some screenshot?
  7. To Abadu: Cool pics, but count with fact, that time starts around 1000. So perhaps some early stage units won't hurt. Personally, I don't like gunpowder units. I'm thinking about making game end sooner than those become more widespread. This would also perhaps solve tiny problem with Hussite soldiers fighting on Polish side (it isn't ahistorical, but actually I'm not in love with idea of Hussites serving in Polish army and not servig in Bohemian, both are real but make it somehow weird).
  8. Singular - Kopiník Plural - Kopiníci or Singular - Pikanýr Plural - Pikanýři Both regard to Pikemen, but that latter regards to Picaneers. So, it would perhaps fit better. Singular - Moravský jezdec Plural - Moravští jezdci Singular - Jezdec Plural - Jezdci Eventually (I'm not sure if it will fit the time frame) you could try translation of Hussar. Singular - Husar Plural - Husaři If you see screwed text instead of Czech symbols, you could try to use UTF-8 or Latin2 (iso8859-2) encoding. Or just report it.
  9. Not at all. If I forgot them (which is very highly improbable), Cegorah wouldn't forget them at all. Husaria belong to the 16th century, or so. This is perhaps timeframe of Colonial 0AD mod.
  10. Nice pictures. If you wish, you can spam this thread with ideas, pics ... whatever. It will be welcommed. There is my picture of improved Clibanarius. I didn't have much time to work on it, so improvement isn't that significant.
  11. I guess, that this mod has timeframe which will fit you best. I think, that it takes part in same time as your PMTW mod. So you are free to post anything relating your mod, I think.
  12. Cool. Did Polish use some sort of troops specialised in ambushes and so (like assassins and so, these could be perhaps good addition to the game). Could you also provide some pictures or links, please?
  13. Hm, I thought about timeframe 1070 - 1492. I'm uncertain about it, though. If someone will want to change it, I can reconsider it.
  14. BTW, I've found this and this. Perhaps you could contact Cegorah (but he is very busy now as he mentioned).
  15. 1) Ooops, I didn't count with it. I'm from Czech Republic. 2) I appreciate your willingness to help. But if you can't do it from stated resons, than I don't know how could you help. Perhaps history research could fit you well. Simply choose some nation and find some info about its history and especially military in these times. I'm not sure if Tathar mentioned time period in his mod, but if it will be sequel to my mod I guess, that it will start at the end of 15th century and end in 18th century or so.
  16. My textured model of Klibanophoros. Pretty lame, but everyone started somehow. If you think, that tail is weird, it is because I tried to make it look as knotted (it was usual for Byzantines these days).
  17. Hm, you won't have to do programming. 3d modelling and texturing with Blender or 3DS will be more useful. Or you can do historical research. Simply coose some medieval civ and find anything useful about it (architecture, military, naval power ...).
  18. I've seen it already. Magnificent as ever. But I wonder why do you use resolution 1280x1024 when it doesn't keep ratio 4:3 as monitors do. It must screw it. I use 1280x960 and it is 4:3 (Yes, difference isn't big, but still).
  19. Hm. I think, that it would be best if civs differed more. I think, that between Spain and Russia there were bigger differences than few units. You don't have to gather informations about too many units. I'd choose one or two nations and gather informations about them and their units as Tathar did with British (perhaps you could be more complex and make units more original). It also would be cool to make each civ unique if it comes to units until it hurts realism and gameplay. Just imagine that you are modder. What do you need to know to create one nation? How unique it will be .... BTW, these pictures are cool and it is viable to post them if you want to present some unit. My suggestions are also: Austria-Hungaria Prussia Turks Saxony Polish (I'd love to command group of Polish pride - Husaria - Winged Hussars) Japan (would you really forget Samurais and Kensais, me not) China Perhaps Americans won't hurt, but their implementation would be somehow difficult.
  20. Simply. Download Blender and create models of units with about 300 faces. When propper models are released, you'll just scale your models to propper size (remeber, it is just bunch of vectors, so scaling doesn't hurt them at all, unlike raster graphics) Great. You are free to research any nation you'd like in game. In mod "For Honour and Glory" I'm in research of Byzantines and Bohemians, so if you can choose another ones (or comment my posts about research with your ideas). BTW, if you speak about mod "For Honour and Glory" perhaps it would be good to post questions and so in appropriate thread and not confuse this one. If not, perhaps Tathar will answer you better. Thanks.
  21. If I were developer, it would demoralise me heavily. I think, that graphic side of the 0AD is on great level. Keep in mind, that you cannot make every unit high poly and thus high detail. None graphic card would handle it. However, I wonder, how MTW2 does it that it has many, quite high detail, units and I've read somewhere, that geForce 5700 should be enough to run it.
  22. I hope so. I had no skills before, too. Acutually, I have none still. But I'm learning modelling in Blender which is for free. So, this shouldn't be problem for, you too. BTW, none says, that you have to mod something. Historians are welcomed, too. But now, he should have hollidays, shouldn't he? Actually, this is between you and your brother. I understand. I'm not telling, that you are bad because you only want to get but don't want to give. I'm just telling, that you are too demanding for now and you could help. Nothing else. Yes, it is. But why? You can create models, you can create textures, do some history research and so... You can have everything prepared when game is released.
  23. Well, I plan to include any nation. But actually, now we don't have menpower to achieve it. I'm now preparing Byzantines and Bohemians (as mentioned in For Honour and Glory thread). If someone is interested in other nations, he can just join our team and contribute his work. Come on. We all know, that it would be cool. However, it won't be that simple. And we have life to live, work to be done, school to be attended ... We won't have time to do all alone. That is point. I'm trying to persuade many people to join and contribute and only with partial effect. Many people would like to have many features done by few people. That is all.
  24. This mod is planned to be sequel to my mod. Nothing more, nothing less. There are factions, thich weren't included in AoE III. These could take part in this mod. But how can you expect something magnificent from one man show? I've observed your resigns of shieds. Yes, they are nice. No doubt about it. But keep in mind, that it is only shield and for only one unit. Tathar will have to create at least textures for dozens of units and modell other new ones (new ships for example). This is incomparably greater amount of work. And even though I plan to help him, or at least provide him my models and textures, he is still alone. Also in development of my mod aren't many people involved (in fact, I was really surprised how few are willing to join). For now, team of mod "For Honour and Glory" contains only Tathar (who will be perhaps too busy with Colonial mod) and illirian (who didn't respond to my welcome to the mod developing team, yet). So, be patient. And if you wish, join us. We'd be glad.
  25. Persian navy was quite large. Don't you think that it should be as I say? If you wanty win, you are trying to build as large navy as you can afford, not as large as some virtual limit allows. Have you ever played Cossacks: Back to War? Absolutely strongest uni there was battle ship Victoria. Mostly devastating unit I've ever seen. Can wipe out anything that is in range (which is also ubelieveable) of her cannons. So, it is perfect candidate for main battleship. But its initial price is truly great and you'll have to wait quite a time until you can afford to build one (and its price even grows with built ships of same type) and yet, when it is built, it consumes load of money each second to maintain. And when you run out of money, it will rebel. It becomes unavailoable to you and attacks any unit in vicinity. I've never had more than three such ships. Even when there is no pop limit for them. You are simply allowed to build as many as you can, yet you can't afford too many of them. Simply, I dislike such limits. And now another idea. I'd need it for my mod "For Honour and Glory" and perhaps for 0AD, too. I dislike limits to superunits the same way as to the ships. I'd like to have such limit to be removed. This could be done the same way like with battle ships I mentioned, but I have another ideas. What if every one unit of Super Unit class required some support unit to be trained. Example: Each Triarius won't be available to train until there are trained two Hastati and two Principes? Or, each Heavy Knight won't be available to train until some lesser troops aren't trained. Hm, perhaps this would fit only to Triarii, because it happened later in Middle ages quite often that only elite units would appear on the battlefield, but before, it were just massed armies of any troop type Landord managed to gather. Perhaps some upgrade could disable this.
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