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About DarkAngelBGE

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  • Interests
    Programming, Psychology, Phylosophy, Football (Soccer), Mathematics, Computer Science, Web Design, Community Administration
  • Badges
    Donator Indiegogo

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DarkAngelBGE's Achievements

Legatus Legionis

Legatus Legionis (10/14)



  1. Hi guys, I made a new website - http://stop-the-smoking.com. A website about how to best stop the smoking, which will feature some nice surveys, tools and good content. Anybody willing to write an article or two? Personal experience articles would be very cool. Anyone?
  2. Hi all, I made a new website, a blog about coding practices in php. http://php-coding-practices.com What do you think of the design? The layout and the content? There are still some articles unfinished, but I am working on them.
  3. That's a good suggestion. If the AI is still strong enough, that would definately be better if it didn't know what you were doing.
  4. Are there any new wishes related to the AI?
  5. It's the one with the name Wildfire Games *
  6. Bernd, awesome! How much did you pay for that if I may ask?
  7. Hrm amybe her email adress is blacklisted on ou server. Welcome aboard!
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