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Everything posted by Genava55

  1. The Roman Coolus is a bronze helmet. Some of them belong to Imperial Italic serie. https://www.res-bellica.com/en/tag-prodotto/coolus-en/ The evolution is probably from the late Montefortino Montefortino => Buggenum => Coolus type C Maybe there is a bit of influence from the Coolus-Mannheim which is Celtic (and in bronze). But I think the Buggenum is a better explanation. This is a Port helmet. This is the ancestor of the Imperial Gallic, not of the Coolus.
  2. The black and white drawings are indeed more useful but at least it gives a better idea of the perspective
  3. Finds from Großromstedt https://archive.org/details/eichhorn-1927-grossromstedt
  4. The actual consensus is that the migration period helmets come from the Sassanian/Parthian helmets. This is the origin of the so-called Spangenhelm and Roman ridge helmets. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spangenhelm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamellar_helmet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_Roman_ridge_helmet https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1058733865261502465.html But it is plausible the Germanic auxiliaries at this time got their helmets from the Sarmatians or the Dacians. Which would be an earlier version of the segmented helmets. A different branch. Those are nicknamed "skeleton helmets" although this is not a suitable name from a typological pov. Some people think it is related to the Samartian find from Stanica Tbilisskaya: And it is indeed true that later Germans used such design for their helmets. Here is Thorsberg helmet: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorsberger_Moor And here is Benty Grange helmet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benty_Grange_helmet Valsgarde 6 helmet (burial N°6): Valsgarde 5 helmet (burial N°5):
  5. Identity Markers in South-Western Fazzan Were the People of the Wadi Tanzzuft/Tadrart Akakus Region Garamantes? gatto2019.pdf
  6. A short article about it : The Garamantes of Fazzan.pdf @Lopess do you have the lead on this faction?
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germa The Archaeology of Fazzan, Volume 1 - Synthesis https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/54515 The Archaeology of Fazzan, Volume 2 - Site Gazetteer, Pottery and other Survey Finds https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/54095 The Archaeology of Fazzan, Volume 3 - Excavations https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/54108 The Archaeology of Fazzan, Volume 4 - Survey and Excavations at Old Jarma (Ancient Garama) https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/54098 Edit: "Gaetuli" y Roma - XV Semana de la Ciencia https://www.academia.edu/29611766/_Gaetuli_y_Roma_XV_Semana_de_la_Ciencia
  8. http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?735996-The-Libyan-Kingdom-of-the-Garamantians
  9. Yeah that's a good one. https://www.despertaferro-ediciones.com/2019/estandartes-militares-de-los-pueblos-prerromanos-de-la-peninsula-iberica/ Dialnet-NuevoSignumEquitumCeltiberico-4338399.pdf 27-Texto del artículo-28-1-10-20080122.pdf
  10. https://www.academia.edu/37321372/IN_TEMPORE_SUEBORUM_El_tiempo_de_los_Suevos_en_la_Gallaecia_411_585_Catálogo_de_Exposición_Español_ The Suevi in Galicia, Spain
  11. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yacimiento_arqueológico_de_La_Alcudia What makes you think of a relationship with Lusitanians?
  12. Ouais du coup ce sont les troupes des Teuta Arverni et des Drungo. Deux groupes de reconstituteurs que je connais. Les références ne manquent pas sur le forum pour habiller les Celtes. C'est plutôt qu'ici la décision se trouve surtout chez celui qui fait. À la base, seuls les fanatiques devaient être nus. Je ne sais pas comment les modifications ont été planifiées et décidées. Là, il y a plus de concept ni de ligne directrice, les combattants sont à poil en gagnant de l'expérience... c'est super. Enfin bref. À ce stade, je m'en fous. Il a fallu deux ans pour mettre un fourreau en fer à droite au lieu d'un fourreau en bois à gauche. Dans cinq ans, ils récupéreront leurs vêtements.
  13. My apologies, you were right. There is much more nakedness in the new alpha than in the previous one. In the scenario editor: Gauls: Britons:
  14. That's weird. Normally, it shouldn't be like that. I will check this evening. I will watch it this evening. I speak French, this is my mother tongue (I am Swiss).
  15. I disagree that it is a stereotypical barbarian depiction. The Thracians and the Scythians weren't depicted regularly as naked by the Greeks. Nor the Germans and the Dacians by the Romans. Only Celts have been depicted consistently like this. Above, I showed you different evidences from Etruscans, Greeks and Romans but also from native Celtiberians and Venetians. In addition, we have at least two accounts mentioning Celtic warriors fighting naked. Even if the Greeks and the Romans exaggerated their depictions, it is difficult to dismiss all those evidences. In the game, there is only one unit naked. Other units start bare-chested and gain body armor with experience.
  16. 1. Not all the Celts are "naked" in the game. This is an exaggeration. 2. It is not that rare to fight naked or bare-chested in ancient times. 3. There are evidences for the Celts:
  17. In the case of a historical RTS, this is an important point because hard counters are generally unhistorical... although it is necessary to make compromises for a game, I find the article interesting for understanding the gameplay.
  18. This kind of fibula is already used during the 5th century.
  19. https://www.laaventuradelahistoria.es/vaso-de-los-guerreros-ibero https://elcorso.es/reportaje-el-arte-ibero/ https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pátera_ibera_de_Perotito https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arte_íbero https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escultura_ibérica https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pintura_ibérica https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerámica_ibérica https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Figura-12-A-La-imagen-del-ave-y-el-carnicero-en-la-ceramica-ilicitana-Garcia_fig11_321424448
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