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Everything posted by Genava55

  1. Lol. Good luck being convincing here with this attitude.
  2. You have entirely misunderstood his point and why I sent you this video. You mentioned the Russian community in Ukraine and their relatives the Ukrainians, I have specifically quoted this part from your message. The speech from the Kenyan ambassador specifically deals with this idea of ethnic unity. I think you are underestimating what's going on and you are thinking it is only a matter of skin color. It is not. If it was China invading Taiwan, it would have been the same worldwide reaction.
  3. збере́ження (zberéžennja) or preservation/conservation/saving/safeguarding, it can be used in different context. Otherwise there is Mykola Zerov, a writer and poet. http://www.encyclopediao@#$%raine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages\Z\E\ZerovMykola.htm Edit: the other alternative is making an official statement instead of naming the alpha.
  4. Zelensky is jewish in case you didn't know. He lost family members during the Holocaust. Under his government, Ukraine passed a law punishing antisemitism. The problem of neo-nazi soldiers is limited to the Azov regimen which is complex because it initially involved a private paramilitary structure. Its integration into the military isn't due to Zelensky. Maybe you are not used to this, but a president didn't have all power and authority on its people and Zelensky cannot dissolves a regimen by snapping its fingers. But honestly this bullshit about neo-nazi is silly, it is a minority even among members of the Azov regimen. I don't think there is more nazi among Ukrainian army than there is among Russian one.
  5. You would prefer Zarubintsy just to be in 0AD's time period?
  6. It is. Not because the Europeans worth more than any other human beings but simply because this is the place where superpowers could potentially start a fight that even someone at the other side of the Earth doesn't want to see. Do not underestimate what's going on.
  7. In this case it is to support a nation being attacked by another and showing a pacific form of protestation as did thousands of sport federations, sportsmen/athletes, companies etc. Fair point. Zelensky is more often on the moderate side, he tried to make compromises with the separatists, even up to grant autonomy to the Donbass. I don't see him ordering such things but who knows the future. Maybe a word in Ukrainian or a historical reference from Ukrainian history ?
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dong_Zhongshu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zou_Yan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Heng https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Cang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Fei https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuge_Liang
  9. @TKogumelos This profile on facebook contains great stuff: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006067278243 It's Benjamín Collado Hinarejos Edit: in addition, a nice document 197247844_Armamentoibricoslide.pdf
  10. https://www.moddb.com/mods/battle-for-middle-earth-2-hd-edition https://www.reddit.com/r/Bfme2/ It's amazing how much the LOTR community is active in modding
  11. The dao is a thick one edged sabre. The jian is a double-edged sword. Two-handed Jian is fine, if you want to go for a chinese label, zhanmajian is correct too.
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhanmadao https://wikihmong.com/en/Chinese_swords#Han_dynasty_(206_BC–220_AD) https://greatmingmilitary.blogspot.com/2015/04/zhan-ma-dao.html For an Imperial guard or an executioner ? Or for a special cavalry?
  13. http://thomaschen.freewebspace.com/photo.html It seems to have existed during the early part of the Han dynasty
  14. I think they practiced cremation as burials.
  15. I wonder if artillery projectile could be ok for fortresses or wall towers
  16. Strabo. "At any rate, the Lusitanians, it is said, are given to laying ambush, given to spying out, are quick, nimble, and good at deploying troops. They have a small shield two feet in diameter, concave p73 in front, and suspended from the shoulder by means of thongs (for it has neither arm-rings nor handles). Besides these shields they have a dirk or a butcher's-knife. Most of them wear linen cuirasses; a few wear chain-wrought cuirasses and helmets with three crests, but the rest wear helmets made of sinews. The foot-soldiers wear greaves also, and each soldier has several javelins; and some also make use of spears, and the spears have bronze heads. "
  17. Yes, label it iber_helmet_cigarralejo it is better. This is a unique helmet in the current state, I would say it is better to not classify it as a montefortino. Yes. Although the straight neck guard is difficult to reproduce in low poly. As I said this is a unique piece. There is no decoration visible and described. Nor any crest or cheek guards. There is a kind of crest found at Cigarralejo but it doesn't match the helmet, it belongs to an organic helmet probably.
  18. That's not bad but I think there is a misunderstanding I want to clarify. The typology of Montefortino helmets is a mess. Everybody call Montefortino a family of helmets that have very different features, conceptions and technology. This is due to a 19th legacy from early historians and it has spread everywhere. First of all, a helmet in bronze is always different from a helmet in iron. This is simply not the same technology and the same conception. They could cast bronze, because bronze can be easily molten. Not iron, at that time the only way to make an iron helmet is to forge it, hammering iron sheets and giving it the desired shape through a long processing. Finally, the Montefortino are made by various people. Romans, Etruscans, Celts, Phoenicians, Iberians and even Greeks at some point. It has a very long history and it has seen specific cultural development. The biggest difference is between the Celtic iron version and the Mediterranean version in bronze. Here's a link about the Roman Montefortino with several variants: https://www.res-bellica.com/en/montefortino-type-helmets-a-chronology/ You should notice that the bottom and the neck guard are all straight: While a Celtic Montefortino in iron is like this: As you should see now, this is really two different helmets. The iron helmet made by the Celts has a neck guard going down, because it is a separated piece riveted to the bell. While in the bronze helmet made by the Romans, the neck guard and the bell are made of a single piece. Those examples are simply to show you the most different features. Some Celtic helmets in iron don't have neck guard going down like this. There is even some Celtic Montefortino made in bronze. Those examples are simply the extreme cases to help you picture it. But generally bronze Montefortino have this straight line. It has changed only at the very end of the Republican period (1st c. BC) when the Buggenum variant started to appear: So back to the Iberian bronze Montefortino, it has clearly the same straight line feature: The case of the iron helmet from Cigarralejo is bothering. Quesada-Sanz calls it a Celtic type, and it has been found in a purely Iberian context in south-east Spain: However, I think this is a case of unintelligence due to the horrible mess constituting the Montefortino typology. This is not a Montefortino. Quesada-Sanz is mistaken and the only one having a clear mind on this one is Garcia-Jimenez. He has questioned the classification of this helmet as Montefortino and see similarity with the older Bockweiler type that has been found in Hallstatt. Cigarralejo has no tip, it has a straight line at the bottom and it is made in iron. There is not a single comparable evidence from a Montefortino helmet. If it is a Celtic type, then the tip is missing. Which is possible because Garcia-Jimenez mentioned that the helmet has been poorly restored.
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