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Everything posted by Genava55

  1. That's the dataset from Zhu Kezhen, probably made around the 1970s. He was a brillant scientist but at this time the methods in palaeoclimatology were limited. This curve mostly follows the dataset from Camp Century ice core in Greenland. So I would not say it is accurate.
  2. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ancient-mesoamerica/article/abs/lowland-maya-protoclassic/5335DC5DED61C9C3E634731A9FAF9995 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00934690.2018.1438690 http://www.caracol.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ACDC2018.pdf From a 2016 book, titled "The Origins of Maya States":
  3. Hackers are targeting everything. There are some groups specialized in massive attacks against specific targets but most hackers are alone and independant, looking for easy targets to keep them busy, to learn new tricks and to earn a bit of fame. Sadly, security is mandatory everywhere and people thinking otherwise are naive.
  4. Really? Honestly, do you really find it broken? Because I am quite surprised, the game still managed to be playable with such population and movements.
  5. A nice reenactment of a 1st century BC legionary with a real bronze helmet Blog post from Res-Bellica about the Montefortino helmet: https://www.res-bellica.com/en/montefortino-type-helmets-a-chronology/
  6. The principal ores used in the Roman iron industry were iron oxides (haematite, goethite, limonite, magnetite), carbonates (siderite) and, less commonly, weathered hydrated silicates and sulphides ores might be used [44]. The ore was broken up, then roasted to remove water and carbon dioxide and to increase permeability. The particle size produced would be somewhere between 5 and 20 mm in diameter. This preparation was often carried out near the ore source [45], although the furnaces were not necessarily in the same location. Roasted ore is found at smelting sites but the roasting sites themselves may be more difficult to identify. During the smelting process, the fragmented ore was reduced and metallic iron formed, sometimes forming as a skin on the surface of the ore particles, [46] and agglomerated in the hottest part of the furnace near the tuyères. At a temperature between 1100°C and 1300°C, molten slag was produced from the gangue, (mainly silica, lime, and alumina) which drained to the bottom of the furnace with unreduced iron oxide. It was removed either by tapping, while liquid, or as a solid block when the furnace cooled, depending on the design of the furnace. - Roman iron and steel: A review. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 32(7-8), 857–866.
  7. Hi. Welcome here. The idea of a limited pause has already been suggested in the past: I don't know if anything has been done in this regard.
  8. We talked a bit about this there: Also debated there: And it is also related to this decision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2815
  9. Thanks! So it is a significant cause of the lag but in a different way than I thought. The suggestion is interesting, it would reduce the amount of computation by workers. Nice. But we could go further, the resources could be directly sent to the player instead of being carried to another building. Like this it would further decrease the computation cost for late game.
  10. I wonder if there would be also a benefit in performance of having mine structures with villagers garrisoned inside. What proportion of the lag is due to workers movements (or pathfinding calculation)?
  11. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/04/20/asia/japan-ainu-indigenous-peoples-bill-intl/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/03/world/asia/03ainu.html We won't question that the Ainu are natives here, this is the consensus.
  12. Sure. It can be used without issue. In general using the original art to decorate structures or models should be a good initiative.
  13. https://exarc.net/issue-2015-3/ea/gaulish-throwing-stick-discovery-normandy-study-and-throwing-experimentations
  14. Yes, the Samnites are described in length in the book 9 and 10 of Livy's history of Rome
  15. Concerning the topic of single geaves, this is attested by an account, Livy: LIVY, 9, 40: Equal danger, and an issue equally glorious, soon after attended the war with the Samnites; who, besides their many preparations for the field, made their army to glitter with new decorations of their armour. [2] Their troops were in two divisions, one of which had their shields embossed with gold, the other with silver. The shape of the shield was this; broad at the middle to cover the breast and shoulders, the summit being flat, sloping off gradually so as to become pointed below, that it might be wielded with ease; [3] a cuirass also served as a protection for the breast, and the left leg was covered with a greave; their helmets were adorned with plumes, to add to the appearance of their stature. [4] The golden-armed soldiers wore tunics of various colours; the silver-armed, of white linen. To the latter the right wing was assigned; the former took post on the left. [5] The Romans had been apprized of these splendid accoutrements, and had been taught by their commanders, that “a soldier ought to be rough; not decorated with gold and silver, but placing his confidence in his sword.
  16. Celts wore their swords on the right side, even at the end of iron age when the swords reached very long sizes. This is attested by classical accounts and native depictions. Edit: also this is correct that the Centurions wore their swords on the left as a distinctive feature. This is corroborated by funerary stelae.
  17. https://amezruyimazighen.wixsite.com/histoitredesberberes/blank https://journals.openedition.org/anneemaghreb/4025
  18. I am not against the kennel, I said it in my first message in this thread. Further, people asked me my opinion about the kennel and I simply said what I think about the design. The recruitment of the dogs can be done through a dedicated building (a kennel), through the houses or through the stables. From an archaeological point of view, most buildings were what we call "roundhouses", with only a few different features although they still had dedicated functions/purposes. But obviously, we cannot have every building in the game depicted as roundhouses. So it is acceptable to drift from historical accuracy. However, it is important to make it credible and senseful/meaningful. I think the Britons can be unique by being a civ focusing on skirmishing and mobility (basically guerrilla tactics). War chariots are a relatively unique feature they got access to in the second phase. I also suggested to highlight the bodypainting/tattooing tradition of the Britons but it would require new talents. If the two-handed swordsmen got removed due to their historical inaccuracy (it was really a fantasy unit), there is still an unique feature of British Iron Age that isn't depicted in the game, some warriors seem to have carried their sword on the back. This is still a simple one-handed sword but at least it is visually distinct. Finally the war dogs are indeed an interesting feature but it seems important to balance it correctly. In my opinion, a war dog should be an unit delivering a lot of damage, moving quickly but being particularly fragile. This is the current direction in the game. I also think they would have been probably efficient against light infantry and cavalry. However the question of how they should be recruited is important because it seems to be the point debated. Personally I think the war dogs should be efficient as a defensive tool in the village phase (quick recruitment and movement) and should become more useful as an offensive tool during the town phase. One way to deal with it is to enable their recruitment from the houses directly at the first phase and enabling the research of some technologies during the town phase from the stables, to improve the war dogs and make them meaningful offensively. Such technologies could be simply converting the dogs from "hunting dogs" to "war dogs" as both were attested by historical accounts.
  19. That's a way to interpret dog breeding. However, were dogs kept and bred in cages in the past? Not really, at least not the hunting dogs. You won't have good behaving dogs by mistreating them. During medieval times, hunting dogs were treated a bit like horses. They had people to take care of them, they had a place where to live and stay warm, a field where to exercise etc. The book "Livre de Chasse" by Gaston Phoebus gives plenty of descriptions and of depictions of the hunting dogs and their condition. And ancient war dogs were probably treated similarly. A large building like the stables or the barracks could work. You add a fence around the building. You can add a few cages with wild animals inside, suggesting they were used to train them.
  20. Indeed the kennel is badly designed. The problem is that people doesn't want to check what was a kennel in the past and prefer thinking on their own (and after they are surprised it was wrong). Preconceived ideas and an excessive amount of modern representations through cartoons and movies are making people to believe a kennel is a tiny single house for a dog. Anyone can check what was a medieval kennel and how it looked, it would be already a good start to realize that the idea of a tiny kennel is bad. So yeah, the current kennel is a lazy model with the least amount of critical thinking and realism.
  21. I think there are using both (spear, sword), even javelins, from a historical point of view. Something to consider is that it is motivated by gameplay, swords are much better in the game than spears. And xiphos and machaira/kopis aren't that short. There are long ones:
  22. https://www.facebook.com/ginkgostory (by the way the pictures below come from facebook, so expect the urls to die at some point) ZHANG JUE (张角) Zhang Jue was the leader of the Yellow Turban Rebellion during the late Han dynasty of China. He was said to be a follower of Taoism and a sorcerer. Giving himself the title of "Great Teacher", Zhang Jue led the Yellow Turban Rebellion in a campaign called the "Way of Heaven", to rebelled against the Han dynasty in response to burdensome taxes, rampant corruption, and famine. After the rebellion's defeat, most of them eventually joining the army of the warlord Cao Cao. 东汉末年农民起义军“黄巾军”的领袖。张角修太平道,利用其中的某些宗教观念和社会政治思想,组织群众,约于灵帝建宁(168年-172年)初传道。中平元年(184年),张角以“苍天已死,黄天当立,岁在甲子,天下大吉”为口号,自称“天公将军”,率领群众发动起义,史称“黄巾起义”。不久张角病死,起义军也很快被汉朝所镇压。 ZHUGE LIANG (諸葛亮) Zhuge Liang (181–234 A.D) was a politician, military strategist, writer, engineer and inventor. He served as the chancellor and regent of the state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period. He is recognized as the most accomplished strategist of his era. 诸葛亮 (181年-234年10月8日),三国蜀汉丞相,是中国历史上著名的政治家、军事家、发明家、及散文家。刘备三顾始见之,为备画据荆益、联孙权、拒曹操之策,佐备取荆州,定益州,遂与魏、吴成鼎足之势。曹丕代汉,备称帝于成都,以亮为丞相。备死,亮辅后主刘禅,以丞相封武乡侯,兼领益州牧。整官制,修法度,志复中原。屡次北伐,与魏相攻战。建兴十二年卒于五丈原军中,年五十四,谥为忠武侯 THREE KINGDOMS - MARCH OF THE SHU ARMY This drawing depicting the fifth march of the Shu army (蜀汉) across Qin Ling mountain range to attack Wei(魏), during the late Three Kingdoms period (234 A.D). I am always fascinated by the realistic and humble narration style of the classic 'Records of the Three Kingdoms'(三国志), and inspired to create this drawing. I hope you enjoy it, thanks! 画作.三国蜀军五出祁山之想象图 今次的画作题材为三国后期蜀汉军队在诸葛亮的指挥下,第五次进攻关中时穿越秦岭斜谷的情景。我一向都比较喜欢古典三国志里相对写实朴素的述事风格,籍同样的方向来制作这次的画作。希望能够以一种平静的心情来三国。谢谢~ 画作.秦国步兵写家书之想象图 今次的作画题材为一队正在写家书的秦国步兵。他们是战国晚期来自同一个村庄的壮丁, 一起被调到遥远的前线作战。为首的伍长是唯一识字的人, 其他队员就委托他为他们的家人写信。这幅画作的灵感来自于云梦睡虎地出土的秦简家书。当然主角并不是其中的黑夫和惊, 而是其他数以万计消失在历史中, 想念家人的秦兵。 在我的Youtube视频上观看此画作的幕后制作过程:https://youtu.be/aTJSM336h3Y Terracotta Warriors (Qin Infantry) Writing Family Letters This drawing depict a group of Qin dynasty infantry writing letters to their families at the frontline. The backdrop is set to be the battle against Chu rebellion around the year 223 B.C. The inspiration is coming from a Qin dynasty family letter (Shui Hu Di Qin Jian) discovered in 1975. To see behind the scene and workflow video of this drawing, please visit my Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/aTJSM336h3Y 东汉武士格斗之想象图 公元25年, 刘秀在河北称帝, 建立东汉政权, 开始对新朝末年在中原各地建立的自立政权发动统一战争。在长达12年席卷全中原的战争期间, 又有哪些可歌可泣的故事呢? 图为陇西之战时, 刘秀与隗纯的部队正在激战。今次想探索一下东汉时期的一些兵器。左边留大胡子的大叔手执手戟与盾牌, 右边的大兄则以环首刀与钩镶对应。 Close combat scene of Eastern Han's warriors Liu Xiu (Emperor Guang Wu) started his campaign to re-uniting China again after established Eastern Han dynasty in 25 A.D. Liu Xiu's troop spent 12 years to conquer other warloard across China. This illustration depicting a close combat scene between Liu Xiu and Kui Chun's troop. The warrior on the left equipped with a Shou Ji (手戟: short halberd) and a wooden shield, his opponent is countering with Huan Shou Dao (环首刀: rounded head blade) and a Gou Rang (钩镶: a type of buckler with hooks) Xia Hou Dun ( 夏侯惇 ) Chief military commander of the Wei army. The most trusted general of Cao cao. He lost his left eye to a strafe arrow during the battle against Lü Bu. Since then, he has obtained the alias "Blind Xia Hou". He is holding a golden axe, a symbol of higest military authority. Xian Zhen Ying 陷阵营 (Formation Destroyer Unit) Lü Bu's strongest heavy infantry unit, their commander is the legendary general Gao Shun (高顺). This unit is well equipped and very discipline, they are feared by many other warlord at that time, including Liu Bei and Cao Cao. The number of soldier is always around 700 people, but their combat ability is equivalent to a thousand strong. The warrior in this picture equipped a unique buckler call Gou Rang (钩镶). It has two hooks on the top and bottom, to parry halberd. Wu Dang Fei Jun 無當飛軍 (Unstoppable Flying Army) Under Zhuge Lliang's order, a special unit recruited from the minority tribe of the southern china. This troop consist the minority tribe of Southern Tribe (南中夷族) and Blue Qiang Tribe (青羌族), specialized in mountain warfare. They are mostly using bow and poison arrow in the battle. In the battle of Zhong Men Dao, they ambush and kill Wei kingdom famous general Zhang He (张郃). 無當飛軍 诸葛亮在南中平定战后徵召的少数民族战士,善长山地作战。在第四次北伐时,于木门道伏击并射杀魏国大将张郃。 Tai Shi Xi (太史慈) A very brave general of Sun Wu kingdom. In a reconnaissance mission, Tai Shi Xi encountered and challege Sun Ce (孙策) alone, his courage had impressed Sun Ce. He eventually being invited by Sun Ce to join his camp and became one of the most important general of Sun Wu. He is most famous for his outstanding archery skill. 太史慈 孙吴大将。 猿臂善射,弦不虚发 Xian Deng Si Shi 先登死士 (Spearhead Suicide Squad) Yuan Shao's special crossbowman unit, equipped with big shield and powerful crossbow. In the battle of Jie Qiao, Yuan Shao sent in 800 infantry and thousands of crossbowman as a suicide squad against Gong Sunzhan's light cavalry. They hide behind the big shield and wait until the enemy get close, and destroyed their enemy by firing their crossbow at once. 先登死士 袁袑的敢死队,装备大盾与强弩。在界桥之战全灭公孙瓒的轻骑兵部队。
  23. The earliest evidence is from Pergamon, there is a relief with this kind of manica: It depicts spoil of war taken from the Seleucid. There is also a small figurine from Hellenistic art:
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