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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. The directory is simulation/data/damage_types There will be sample files in public, but the general form of the files is this: I am not entirely sure what order means.
  2. Chess' map is very balanced although boring. Both the black player and the white player have a queen so the civs are balanced.
  3. StarGUI final.zipGreetings! I am proudly announcing my first mod: StarGUI. This mod aims to be a one-stop optimisation for your 0A.D experience, consisting of several other other useful and popular mods. It is a single zip file which is to be extracted and placed into your mod folder. I am still working on improvements to this mod and I am open to any suggestions! Please give it a try and reply below any comments. Download here:StarGUI final.zip Features: Autociv, Feldmap and Custom Rating all together, many thanks to @nani @Feldfeld and @go2die. The custom ratings mod had a bug which adds spaces after any numbers, but I fixed it so that the rating looks more realistic: my actual lobby rating is Sevda(1603) Large training icons to prevent misclicks (similar to the size in A23) Highlighted, golden projectiles. Amplified attack sounds from KateGUI. Borrowed metal mine, berries textures, blue chickens and enlarged British war dog model from KateGUI. (Thanks to @Yekaterina Golden projectile for better visibility.
  4. Greetings! I am proudly announcing my first mod: StarGUI. This mod aims to be a one-stop optimisation for your 0A.D experience, consisting of several other other useful and popular mods. It is a single zip file which is to be extracted and placed into your mod folder. I am still working on improvements to this mod and I am open to any suggestions! Please give it a try and reply below any comments. Download here: StarGUI.zip Features: Autociv, Feldmap and Custom Rating all together, many thanks to @nani @Feldfeld and @go2die. The custom ratings mod had a bug which adds spaces after any numbers, but I fixed it so that the rating looks more realistic: my actual lobby rating is Sevda(1603) Large training icons to prevent misclicks (similar to the size in A23) Highlighted, golden projectiles. Amplified attack sounds from KateGUI. Borrowed metal mine, berries textures, blue chickens and enlarged British war dog model from KateGUI. (Thanks to @Yekaterina Golden projectile for better visibility.
  5. These are the results of my experiments. If the initial separation of the 2 armies is greater than 45m without melee units, then slingers will win. Otherwise, skirmisher units will win. Melee favours the skirmishers as their dps is higher.
  6. You need to extract public.zip, then go into simulation/templates, where you will see templates files for default structures and units. Open the XML files with a web browser or a text editor, e.g. Atom, Sublime-Text, Visual Studio... There will be a tag named <Spread> with a value next to it, that is the accuracy. The larger spread the lower the accuracy.
  7. If we change the unit to infantry then we can maintain their current damage and cost, but no one will complain about them because they would be easier to counter. Infantry units are slower than cavalry, meaning they cannot chase and kill a retreating enemy army, unlike the current fire cav unit which leaves them Zero chance of escaping. On the other hand, if the fire infantry is on the move, they can be caught up by cavalry units and be forced to engage in a fight, which makes them less survivable. A wave of champion melee cavalry will be able to decimate them, so that they have a natural counter unlike the current fire cav which is above everything.
  8. In most cases, the side with more numbers will win. Therefore infantry would seem to be the safer option here. Cavalry production from multiple stables also require you to float some food beforehand, which is bad efficiency. The cavalry units also arrive later. Most players would have 2 or 3 barracks set up early anyways, but not the same for stables. So comparing fast and cheap infantry mass to a few costly cavalry, I would pick infantry if I had to fight at 14:00. However, by 18:00, I would be inclined to choose cavalry to ensure my superiority in late game.
  9. You can copy the limitation lines from the hero templates to your unit's template. In my opinion, adding a number limit to fire cavalry or mercenary cavalry can resolve some discontent with these units, as the lack of numbers will counteract with their OP stats. Consider heroes for example. Each hero itself is incredibly OP compared to any other unit, but because you only have 1 hero among 200 or 300 other units, the strength of the hero is negligible.
  10. I would like to know a few more details of your experiment: 1. What formations did your units stand in? 2. What was the initial separation between the back lines of both armies? 3. How dense were your formations? 4. Did you do any micro, upgrades or if any other civ bonus came into effect? 5. In which directions were your soldiers facing before the battle? Turn time might affect the outcome I have a more reliable method of testing this: using Atlas scenario editor. Place both armies down in straight lines with each unit facing in opposite directions. If you want to test dps then place the 2 armies as close as you can, otherwise if you would like to test an encounter from a distance then place them 80m apart so that they will be aggressive to each other and can still detect the presence of enemy. I will test this myself. If slingers are able to defeat javelin units at close range then that is a cause for concern: slingers are OP again.
  11. There are 2 possible reasons to explain his reluctance to use cavalry: 1. Cost. Cavalry require a dramatic amount of food, which would be difficult to produce in early game if there is insufficient hunt. Even in late game, cavalry is a significant investment. In addition, their train time is slower than infantry on women, which means a much slower economic growth and difference in numbers could result in an infantry vicotry over the stronger but fewer cavalry units. The weaker economy places the player in a risky situation. 2. Strategic choice. Cavalry isn't always the best strategy in all situations, especially if you are the border player or if there is a lack of open space. Infantry army can be built faster and can be fielded into combat earlier with greater numbers than a mass cavalry army. Sometimes I try to transition from infantry to cavalry in late game, but that doesn't always happen. At other times players simply agree to 'ban' certain types of cavalry from the game because they are too OP and are dishonourable to use. Please elaborate
  12. Huseyin is complaining about cavalry being too OP and the stables are helping his opponents to spam out cavalry too quickly, therefore in order to resolve this problem from the root we must first NERF cavalry units in general, then consider changes to stables. The acceleration mechanics of A26 will be a blow to the strength of cavalry, so I believe this part of the problem will be fixed. Furthermore, we can decrease the attack value of javlin cavalry to 16, equal to their infantry counterparts. If Huseyin is discontent with spamming stables, then perhaps we can raise the stone cost to 100, identical to a that of a barrack. I cannot understand why the stables should be any cheaper than barracks or vice versa.
  13. We also need g=9.8 +-0.1 ms^-2 (to 2s.f) and not some javlins experiencing g=42 right next to some archers with g=17 nonsense
  14. I am for removing stables and putting cav back into barracks. Problems with stables: 1. Wastes space and nerfs cav strategies. If the enemy sees that you have stables then they know for sure you are doing cav, ruining the element of surprise. Also it makes switching between inf and cav and back too difficult. 2. Stables themselves are a liability. They not only cost more resources and time to build but also are easy to capture. Furthermore you don't always have enough space to build them especially when the host picks a pizza map
  15. Melee cavalry will perish instantly to your spearman but will massacre ranged infantry. Ranged cavalry will dance-troll your melee infantry but will perish to ranged infantry if outnumbered. Slingers and archers counter skirmish cavalry, so consider mixing a few ranged units into your infantry army, and put melee units ahead of your ranged units to scare of the cavalry. My recommendation is to try a 1:1 melee to ranged ratio first, then adapt this ratio to whatever suits the best.
  16. Perhaps I can suggest a middle-ground solution to your argument: Projectiles maintain the same accuracy as before, but the launch speed is near infinity. This will ensure absolute precision but Not necessarily guaranteed hit. If your archers did aim accurately, then the projectile will hit the enemy unit and there is no chance to avoid projectiles by dancing. However, if your archers aimed inaccurately in the first place then the probability of missing is also 1. After this is implemented, dancing will be obsolete but there will be no unrealistic homing missiles or any additional pathfinding issues.
  17. Allowing cavalry to come out of infantry barracks only helps the cav spammer and makes you die more quickly, because the spammer only needs to get 8 barracks and suddenly he can spam either inf or cav en mass. But if cavalry stables exist then they have to build inf barracks and cav stables, which cost more time and resources. About cav being OP, that is true. If you only have spearman then I can kill all of your 100 spearman without loss using only 10 ranged cavalry unit. One can simply retreat and free-draw an arc around your spearmen then fire, repeating this process whenever your spearmen gets close.
  18. So now I play a lot of Super Mecha Champions instead of 0AD, and I play(ed) both in multiplayer mode. SMC is a battle royale first person shooter with mecha battles, driving and anime characters. Now, I am a FPS pro so I get used to it very easily, but for someone who has never played either games: Both types of games require high actions per minute and fast reaction times 0AD forces you to consider more about strategy, placement of units, managing. You are the dictator and you tell your people what to do. SMC is more about cleverly positioning yourself on the map, picking the correct weapon and choosing which fight to get involved in. Players are the units. Both games require skills in fighting; SMC requires aiming skills, prioritising weapons / targets, whereas 0ad is about microing your army (commanding skills). 0AD requires eco skills whereas supplies in SMC are gathered easily in dropsites. Both games need time to gather resources / do eco. AI is stupid in both games (or maybe I am too OP at both ) Both games are in active development and both dev teams are good. Why someone would pick SMC over 0AD: 1. Larger player base - you can automatically join battle royale games 24/7, the waiting time is very short and if there is a lack of human players, a few AI bots can join to fill the gap and you won't notice them too much. In 0ad lobby there is much more waiting and in European mornings there are few players. 2. Insensitive to balance - good players win and bad players loose, obviously. Each match of 100 players is only automatically matched between players within a certain range of levels so there isn't too big a difference between you (e.g. level20-30 in 1 game, 40-60 in 1 game). This makes the game inclusive and there is no drama about imbalanced games or 'I don't know you'. 3. Less personal involvement. Solo mode (1 against 99 ffa) is very prevalent and there is no need to communicate in that. For squad mode, you can use set phrases, e.g. 'Enemies ahead!'. When you send out this message, it will automatically be translated to whatever language your teammate uses. Since everyone uses this type of set messages all the time, there is no such thing as profanity. You can add people as friends of course. You rarely see the same player twice so you will never 'know' anyone and hence you can't just guess people's playstyle based on the dude behind the keyboard - no smurf speculation drama. In 0AD knowing your enemy's playstyle is too important to your victory (whether they are rusher or boomer or turtle) so people always try to make sure they know who is behind the keyboard. 4. Hackers, smurfs, DDOS is less of an issue. If someone hacks and make themselves OP, then they will likely shoot anyone they see -> exposes their position -> all people target the hacker -> hacker dies quickly or gets weakened. Smurfs... using a smurf account means you have to start from scratch, from the very basic equipments and no upgrades -> smurfs can't play to the best of their skills -> not so much better than other noobs -> harmless. Therefore smurf speculation doesn't exist. DDOS is almost impossible because the server is in US and they have good defence (NetEase OP) so don't even think about it. But smurfs in 0ad can ruin games too easily; hackers and DDOSers as well. Why 0AD might be more enjoyable than SMC: 1. A lot of different strategies, maps and contents to explore. 2. Completely free and open source. SMC has a lot of paying involved if you want the prettiest skin or unlock the most OP mechas before you reach the requried levels. 3. Uses more brains and micro skills. 4. Opportunity to engage in long conversations with 'real' people and not some chatbot. (ignoring the few toxic dudes in the lobby) 5. Some people might have motion sickness or 3D thickness and feel dizzy after running around in circles for 10 minutes.
  19. Super Mecha Champions is an amazing game for free, available on Windows, Android and iOS Battle royale but with mechas, anime girls and transforming vehicles!
  20. That means an empty production queue, i.e. the building doesn't produce anything. If you want to train units, then: <ProductionQueue> <Entities data='tokens'> unit_a </Entities> </ProductionQueue> In A26 it will be replaced with <Trainer> tag
  21. Even Ptolemies look weak compared to these But I like the idea
  22. we can do a Newton II analysis of the situation: If the 2 white conditions can be satisfied then the witch can fly safely without falling off.
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