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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. I recommend just trying out Fedora with the video drivers in that case. I don't think you will need any further configuration for kernel updates, just update your systen with sudo dnf update regularly. I have never used timeshift before so I don't know how well it copes with Fedora. I am not sure about RetroArch and Mame but I did find them in flatpak, which means you can readily install them with sudo flatpak install.
  2. If you are not sure about any distro, you can try it out in a virtual machine (using virtualbox or kvm) first. Having 2 disks in your system is not really a problem as disk management on Linux is quite reliable in my opinion, the only risk is making a mistake while installing.I have 3 disks in my system and all is in good order. With that being said, you can try OpenSUSE (YAST graphical settings manager, good security and community repository, quite stable) and Arch-based distributions (AUR is the largest linux repo, being able to choose kernels, very fast booting times) as well, considering they have much larger software repository than Fedora and out-of-the-box GPU support.
  3. Hi, from my experiences with Fedora 34 and 35: Installing nvidia drivers is difficult but do-able, link to guide here: https://www.if-not-true-then-false.com/2015/fedora-nvidia-guide/ Once the correct drivers have been installed, the performance of 0AD is on par with other distributions. Fedora's dnf is deficient in packages compared to other distributions' such as Debian's apt and Arch's pacman and AUR. However, you can overcome this issue by using Flatpak packages and docker. Fedora is one of the most stable distributions I have used and its packages are up to date with decent performance. dnf may execute slightly slower than pacman and I feel that booting process is slightly slow (between Debian and Arch)
  4. @AIEND 看 template_unit_champion_elephant <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="template_unit_champion"> <Cost> <Population>3</Population> <BuildTime>36</BuildTime> <Resources> <food>300</food> <metal>200</metal> </Resources> </Cost> <Population> tag controls how much population space is taken by this unit. You can change it to 1 or 5. (控制每只大象占的人口数。默认是3,意思是每只大象等于三个普通人)
  5. My apologies, I did not intend to let people misuse it! In the worst case scenario, you can search the player profile for an unknown player. Initially I did not understand why there was a space. However, I have discovered another issue with the custom rating: it cannot mix numbers, letters and special characters. For example, Sevda(>1600) often fails to display.
  6. Hello @user1 , Barcodes quit a rated 1v1 against ISlan without resigning twice, here is one of the replays: metadata.jsoncommands.txt I would suggest adding an auto-report button because not all players are able to register an account on the forum and report.
  7. The only civ that is truly helpless against camel rush is the Ptolemies, because their only way to counter camels is making more camels. Javlin cavalry can chase camels and kill them Spear cavalry can kill camels even when outnumbered Archer civs will outnumber camels with infantry so they are also not vulnerable
  8. They have archers, spearman and sword cavalry in phase one. If you use spear cavalry, then you can beat their sword cavalry, after that, archers can also be defeated by spear cavalry easily, therefore you can raid their farms without distraction. However, you will need more than 10 spear cavalry to do significant damage. You can also do an early infantry push with a javlin civ and that will also beat their archer + spearman combination. In phase 2 they only have crossbowman, which is also sitting duck against melee cavalry or javlin units.
  9. They are extremely vulnerable to spear cavalry rush, so you can easily kill them in early game.
  10. Even if this does happen, you can focus on destroying just one piece of the wall, prefereably the gate. Use 5 catapults and 3 rams so that he cannot counter your siege easily. Prepare spearcav to counter his mercenary sword cav and javlin cav to counter his elephants or infantry.
  11. @seeh what should happen if a person exits a server? We don't know whether they will come back (could have been a connection issue or ragequit). I think it is unreasonable that multiplayer games involving more than 2 players are not rated. There should be an option to make multiplayer games count, as many players in the lobby only play 4v4, 3v3 or 2v2. I often play 1v2 or 1v3 as well and I don't understand why the outcomes of those games are never documented in my player profile.
  12. Greetings, I tried to run 0AD on my virtual machine running Manjaro 21. The performance was bad and when I joined a multiplayer game, all of the textures were pink or purple although the shape of entities (.dae files) loaded correctly. What could be causing this bug? This isn't very serious at all, I was just experimenting with the limits of my virtualbox machine...
  13. Gauls have an easier starting economy and have always been friendly to new players, because of their simple structure tree. Caros The Carthaginian walls are 3 times stronger than default walls, so once a wall has been constructed they are quite invincible.
  14. I have some ideas, assuming you know that your enemy likes to turtle: 1. Choose a civilisation with elephants. Seleucids, Kushites and Mauryans are recommended. Focus on producing large numbers of elephants (5-15) instead of infantry. 2. Produce pikemen and use ranged cavalry for ranged units, so that you can survive longer under enemy tower fire. 3. If your civ doesn't have elephants, flood them with rams. Make 10 rams, garrison them with infantry and ram down their fortifications; remember to research the armour plating and crush damage techs. 4. Catapults defended by champion units. Be even more turtle than them to frustrate them. I think the Gauls are bad at turtling; the civilisations you must beware of are Carthaginians and Iberians.
  15. I made some changes that reduces pabalancing.zipth finding issues with ships, see this mod for A26:
  16. Another bug found, when a whale is killed, this is shown as the corpse. There is no error returned but a sudden square black hole in the middle of the ocean does appear strange: Apologies if this is a duplicate thread, I saw many naval discussions on the balancing forum but I don't have the permission to post on there.
  17. Greetings! After a naval game in the lobby with 7 other people, I noticed some frustrating issues with ships in 0A.D: Straits are too small for biremes to pass through, so they get stuck and cause pathfinding problems Ships cannot spawn at times Ships deal too much damage against units but not enough against other ships. Quinqueremes are wildly inaccurate and cannot do any damage. Some civs have stronger ships than others and there is nowehere for ships to escape and garrison if they are losing. My proposed fixes: Decrease the model occupation size so that seemingly large ships can manoueuvre through straits without causing huge pathfinding issues. Change the passability class to include beaches. Change the attack type to crush damage then give a negative bonus against buildings, such that they are effective against other ships but deal moderate damage to structures and soldiers. Map designers, please consider the width of straits.
  18. No, I don't know how to change player colours. However, I am aware that BoonGUI is capable of doing that and there were many players in that room so perhaps one of them had BoonGUI on and cause the issue.
  19. Greetings, this error happened when I was joining a game hosted by woodpecker. There was no major crashes but these error messages suddenly filled my screen so I am reporting them anyways. @nani this seems to be related to autociv?
  20. I would recommend the tutorial level being a level with pop up hints at appropriate times instead of forcing the player to complete certain actions. This will reduce the number of bugs and prevent new players from giving up at the tutorial stage.
  21. Thank you @Gurken Khan, now I understand that Stan is pranking me, although I was unaware of the April Fools tradition beforehands. The Spagetti harvesting video was utterly confusing without this prior knowledge. On a serious note: what will happen after A27? Will the game always remain in alpha or will we switch to betas?
  22. Why not use my trees? The trees of 0ad can certainly be improved.
  23. I still don't understand. I would not expect the Project Leader Stan to joke about discontinuing alphas, and I do not understand what is special about 1st of April, especially when today is a Friday and not a Tuesday (Tuesday Boy maths paradox).
  24. This excuse is inadquate, becuase ISO basic Latin alphabet is not the only alphabet in the world; there is no reason to discriminate against other alphabet systems and ignore them. Even the extended Latin alphabet has not been used! Consider adding accents to letters, é ú ó á Ö, Ü, then there is Turkish ç, Ğ, Ş and many to choose from in Vietnamese. Please consider using those, then move onto Greek and Cyrillic, after which you have Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Japanese ... Almost every language in the world except Chinese has some form of alphabet system. After you exhaust all of these, you can switch to Chinese characters, which opens up a limitless number of alphas and possible names.
  25. That is very sad to hear, as there is still much potential in the development of this game and many features to be improved on. New features perhaps could be implemented in the form of mods on top of vanilla 0AD, such as Delenda Est and Hyrule Conquest. Then 0AD can become a game like Minecraft.
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