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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. @Sp00ky in 0ad there are hard counters and soft counters. Hard counters are forcefully implemented by the programmers, making one unit dealing extra damage to another unit type, no matter what, for example, the attack of a spearman is tripled if it's victim is a cavalry unit. The only hard counters that exist in 0AD are spear and pikes against cavalry. Soft counters are one type of unit naturally having an advantage over another type in certain situations. For example, sword cavalry against archers. The sword cavalry received no damage multipliers or bonus of any kind against archers, but their swift walking speed, fast repeating sword damage and high health makes them ideal for destroying groups of archers who have low damage per second and unprotected by melees. But, even though spearman can beat sword cav, the agile archers can snipe them from a long range and retreat when spearman get close, so it can be argued that archers are soft counters for large groups of spearman. Heavy and light infantry are not well distinguished in 0AD ( at least not in A25). There are only 3 categories of units: citizen-infantry, mercenaries and champions. The specific names of entities might be called "Roman heavy swordsman" or "Numidian light cavalry", but what's important is which of the 3 categories it belongs to. Within each category, heavy or light is just an artistic name with no real reflection on the unit's strength. The Seleucid Romanised heavy swordsman has identical stats to a half-naked Mauryan maiden guard.
  2. It would be great if we can select which Style of graphic we want in the settings menu
  3. Here, realism / art clashes with practicality. Realistic details and scales will be difficult for players to deal with when playing, but's what's easy to see and play with will be unrealistic. This is why I made the StarGUI mod, for players who value practicality (utilitarianism) over aesthetics. I am proposing something more abstract to represent the unit models: geometric shapes / solids. It's too difficult to see whether an unit is carrying a sling or a javlin or a sword if you are zoomed out (you just see a group of units looking approximately the same), so if we use very simple but distinct geometric shapes to represent each unit type (e.g. spheres for slingers, squares for spearmen, ellipsoids for javlin, triangles for archers) then all you need to do is remember which shape is what, then you will never have problem with micromanagement. A more moderate solution is to delete the human model and leave just the model of a sling or a sword, or, we can have something like this:
  4. A very funny situation occured today after a crash on Linux: the first instance is still running and I can hear the music, but the window and GUI disappeared. So I restarted the game and I re-logged in into the lobby and joined the game I was in, then this happened: I have been duplicated, with my first ghost still inside, but now I am behind the unrated Sevda (light blue player). Everyone else thought that I was trolling but actually it's a bug that sometimes happens. The crash was caused by a CPU overload (I was trying to compile A26 and run a Win10 virtual machine), but it didn't crash completely so this happened. Logs: userreport_hwdetect.txtmainlog.htmlsystem_info.txt
  5. My idea to distinguish units is: Those who stand still and throw stuff are ranged units. Those who chase and enemy, charge and walk a lot are melee units. At this stage, it's not too important to distinguish archers from slingers or spearman from swordsman in a battlefield. Just remember the ranged units with a significant shield are skirmishers.
  6. This funny bug shown below sometimes occurs when I quit the lobby and start a singleplayer game. It has persisted over the alphas, and has become especially frequent in A25 that I felt a need to report it. untitled.webm My solution is to delete all of my configuration files and relaunch the game, that often fixes the problem, but then I would have to tweak the settings again. The log files are here: userreport_hwdetect.txtsystem_info.txtmainlog.htmlinterestinglog.html And below are my configurations: user.cfgmatchsettings.jsonlocal.cfg It's also worth mentioning that 0A.D interferes heavily with KDE desktop effects. As soon as I launch 0AD, all animations disappear and become jagged; KDE desktop effects such as magic lamp windows and wobbly windows disappear; round corners of windows become right angles; latte-dock also experiences glitches. I am not sure if these 2 bugs are related.
  7. Please, suggest how I can improve it. A model of what you want the resources to look like would be very helpful.
  8. I will try to incorporate more exaggerated models into my GUI mod, which will just enhance the visuals without changing the gameplay. If you can show me some examples of distingushable models (perhaps from another game), I will try to mimic them. Before I finish the technical side, just try to click on one of the units and see the description. Alternatively, you can look at their shields: Large shields are melee, trianglular shields are likely javlin, slingers and archers have very small shield.
  9. I think he means the Sparabara spearmen of Persians
  10. Screenshots of results: Seleucids on Agean-Anatolian: cleaner front quad without deceitful trees; visible density of woodlines and metal mines to give you a slight advantage in 1v1 duels! Kushites on Sahara: pick the best woodline to lumber from! Carthaginians in temperate Mainland: cleaner front quad, highlighted berries. Mauryas in India: note that the trees have much simpler model, which reduces lag and improves visibility. 'Annoying bushes' are no longer annoying because you can easily spot them and clean them up with a worker elephant. Kushites in Nubia: no more hiding buildings and enemy units under canopies!
  11. Proudly annoucing an update to StarGUI! Download link here: yildiz.zip New features: Replaced rampantly-growing tree models with a modified cypress tree. The density of forests are made visible without completely destroying their aesthetic. The dark green cypress trees have 200 or more wood, whereas the grey ones are bushes with 75 or 50 wood. Removed the decroational trees from the Seleucid, Spartan and Carthaginian civic centres to avoid confusion. Now they look very clean and tidy! Amplified audio for projectiles and weapons. Amplified attack alerts - you won't suffer too much from a sneaky attack anymore.
  12. Perhaps a tech to upgrade palisades, not necessarily into stone walls but something that counters hack damage.
  13. If you look at pure stats, infantry mercs are no less OP than cavalry mercs. However, no-one ever complains about them, simply because it's easy to dodge them, then lure them into a trap due to the slow speed of infantry. The lower survivability of infantry and their slow speed nerf them, making very OP units defeatable. Consider Macedonian silver shield units and champion pikemen. They are just as deadly as the champion cavalry in close range, yet no-one notices them, simply because you are never forced into a melee fight with them: free draw a circle of ranged units around them, then dance with your melee. This will eventually wear out the champion units without costing a single soldier of yours. You can't avoid any cavalry unit using this technique, especially against the Carthaginians (lightening general hero). So an effective nerf would be slowing down these mercenary sword cavalry so that they cannot escape spear cavalry or javlin cavalry.
  14. Consider the same case for women: if they were isolated when the civic centre alarm is raised, they would head towards the closest house and stop at where the passability class is 'ships'. Same should apply for soldiers: they stand at the beach if they can't reach their barracks. It is only necessary to raise alert for soldiers in early game when you are losing against an early push but do not want to sacrifice all of your soldiers. By the time you are able to reach an isolated island, you are most likely able to immediately withdraw your units back to your ship, or, win the fight. So the extreme case isn't a big problem. I am personally for this retreat bell, because in my early days of playing, the AI often push at minute 8:00 and kill all of my infantry units. If such an alarm bell was added, it would make defending against early AI pushes much easier. It would also reduce the deadliness of Carthaginian mercenary cavalry because the defending soldiers can escape to safety easily as well.
  15. After a brief internet connection issue while hosting a game, I returned to the lobby and saw my crashed game still remaining their with players trying to join it. I was able to start a second game and that confused many players because it would appear that I am hosting 2 games simultaneously. What could be causing it and how can we fix it? Sevda2 is the real game that players can join, after I re-logged in twice. 'TG ile Sevda' is the crashed game and players were still trying to join it... Lobby moderator, please can you remove 'TG ile Sevda' if it is still there? Thank you.
  16. Hello, I have a link to her server that doesn't expire: https://discord.gg/hxuVxmt93e
  17. That is indeed great if the initial civilisations are random. However, if the players chose their civilisations then you can simply remember who picked what. I like this idea, it will help with specs' discussions and analysis.
  18. Humans Change the <PreferredClasses> to fauna as well
  19. This error happened to me when I was testing A26 on Windows 10: As discussed above, the error is caused by the build being 32 bit on Windows. Is it possible to compile a 64 bit version?
  20. I recommend just trying out Fedora with the video drivers in that case. I don't think you will need any further configuration for kernel updates, just update your systen with sudo dnf update regularly. I have never used timeshift before so I don't know how well it copes with Fedora. I am not sure about RetroArch and Mame but I did find them in flatpak, which means you can readily install them with sudo flatpak install.
  21. If you are not sure about any distro, you can try it out in a virtual machine (using virtualbox or kvm) first. Having 2 disks in your system is not really a problem as disk management on Linux is quite reliable in my opinion, the only risk is making a mistake while installing.I have 3 disks in my system and all is in good order. With that being said, you can try OpenSUSE (YAST graphical settings manager, good security and community repository, quite stable) and Arch-based distributions (AUR is the largest linux repo, being able to choose kernels, very fast booting times) as well, considering they have much larger software repository than Fedora and out-of-the-box GPU support.
  22. Hi, from my experiences with Fedora 34 and 35: Installing nvidia drivers is difficult but do-able, link to guide here: https://www.if-not-true-then-false.com/2015/fedora-nvidia-guide/ Once the correct drivers have been installed, the performance of 0AD is on par with other distributions. Fedora's dnf is deficient in packages compared to other distributions' such as Debian's apt and Arch's pacman and AUR. However, you can overcome this issue by using Flatpak packages and docker. Fedora is one of the most stable distributions I have used and its packages are up to date with decent performance. dnf may execute slightly slower than pacman and I feel that booting process is slightly slow (between Debian and Arch)
  23. @AIEND 看 template_unit_champion_elephant <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="template_unit_champion"> <Cost> <Population>3</Population> <BuildTime>36</BuildTime> <Resources> <food>300</food> <metal>200</metal> </Resources> </Cost> <Population> tag controls how much population space is taken by this unit. You can change it to 1 or 5. (控制每只大象占的人口数。默认是3,意思是每只大象等于三个普通人)
  24. My apologies, I did not intend to let people misuse it! In the worst case scenario, you can search the player profile for an unknown player. Initially I did not understand why there was a space. However, I have discovered another issue with the custom rating: it cannot mix numbers, letters and special characters. For example, Sevda(>1600) often fails to display.
  25. Hello @user1 , Barcodes quit a rated 1v1 against ISlan without resigning twice, here is one of the replays: metadata.jsoncommands.txt I would suggest adding an auto-report button because not all players are able to register an account on the forum and report.
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