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WFG Programming Team
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Everything posted by Freagarach

  1. In the simulation/data/resources JSON, you can specify what actions you can do with the resources. You can't have currency yet. (I have an old patch: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1957.)
  2. Your mod is a user mod. The indentation doesn't really matter, but you'll need to embed the resource cost in a "resources" tag, like can be seen in other templates.
  3. Correct, but: and: ;P (So you can ask it in another thread and I might respond it is on my gigantic ToDo-list already. )
  4. Probably aura's/techs actually being JS functions.
  5. They didn't stay long enough to fix everything. Also patches thereafter were not always too correct. FYI: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/EnglishStyleGuide
  6. Nothing. ^^ (Not yet: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3523)
  7. I must say you're missing one very important person here: @Langbart, who tests our game very frequently and thouroughly and reports (and bisects) many many bugs.
  8. Again: C++ changes offsetting balance? We have autobuilds for M$ W[7,8,10] so I would encourage players to try SVN, that is the most "progressive mod" you'll get. (We've also got some pretty clear documentation about how to compile on *nix and moreover there is a Snap that gets updated to trunk quite often.)
  9. Like https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4250?
  10. What version of the game do you use? This is the condition that fires: if (data.Identity.Civ != this.DefaultCiv && civCode != this.DefaultCiv && data.Identity.Civ != civCode) What I see in your civ.json is that you use spaces in your codes, while in the templates you use underscores for the civ codes. That may be the problem?
  11. Sorry, but it sounds hard. Changes to the pathfinder made cavalry very strong, so engine changes would affect both mods. Also, we'd need to maintain both mods, two times the work and duplication.
  12. More like a trillion games with machine learning, as @ChronA kind of points out.
  13. Fixed in https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/26885.
  14. (FYI: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6512.)
  15. Hotspot? Transfer your patch to your phone via other means? We can't wait two months for your patch. Please!
  16. Luckily patches are much smaller and can still be uploaded.
  17. Not for healing in structures, idle healing and healing by healers?
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