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Everything posted by Freagarach

  1. I like the implementation of @Grapjas more, to be honest. It makes the stats of your enemy units invisible, until you research espionage. I'm not sure what to do with bribing itself then. But I guess that is what this topic is about.
  2. With some manual work one can combine the replays of different sections into one functioning replay. Each section has its own replay file (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths). Maybe there already is some script to combine replays, else I can write one.
  3. Deathmatch is a nice feature for A27.
  4. What makes you think this, @chrstgtr?
  5. Non-gameplay expert here. To me it seams that the expected behaviour is that entities specific to the civilisation (civic soldiers, champions) are only to be trained by that civ. Mercenaries however can be bought (not trained) by whoever controls the structure. We can give it (back) to @wowgetoffyourcellphone?
  6. Yeah, it is known for a while: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6279.
  7. They prevented setting the rally point of a market on a market, IIRC. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4733
  8. Only is a fix, but not really quick and introduces quite some duplication. ^^
  9. Yeah, the script would be hard. Especially since it would read ,,Most vulnerable to Elephants.'' in most of the cases, even when one can't produce that kind of entity.
  10. I guess their poses weren't cool enough to be able to withstand the pyroclastic flow.
  11. Good catch. The reason is that technologies are (still) in JSON and not retrieved the same manner as e.g. units. In the structure tree the default values are used, whereas in the selection panel there is a call to the simulation what the technology _actually_ costs (including any modifications). Unfortunately I don't have a quick solution. (Only a long-term one.)
  12. Ah, so I'm not the only one! I thought it was my laptop degrading even further. ^^'
  13. This reminds me of some old RA2 maps. Pinging @maroder and @smiley for their interest in maps.
  14. I guess I'm one of the "quality control" guys here, so I'll put in my dime. Units start running when they start fleeing, as described here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/UnitAI.js#L2003. They also run when chasing an enemy that flees (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/UnitAI.js#L2310), but only after they've been attacking them before (legacy, don't ask me why; okay, since you do ask me, it is because running immediately would allow you to run accross the whole map to get somewhere quickly). Searching that file for "this.SetSpeedMultiplier(this.GetRunMultiplier());" reveals those are the _only_ occurances (of something that should be called "this.Run()"; I feel a patch boiling up). I do have to note that there are "cheats" to allow units to run besides this, but I'll leave that to the interested reader.
  15. (This partly could be mitigated by allowing CS to construct siege on the battlefield.)
  16. Aye. The highest construction percentage is already stored, so 1, 2, 3 (all to destroying player, just like all other loot), 4, 7, 8, 9 are good. Regarding 5: when P3 destroys the H1 of gaia, they'll get loot. Ergo, the highest percentage of construction finished should be used to calculate the loot, just like with finished structures (100% finished, so 100% loot).
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