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Everything posted by Freagarach

  1. @Belisarius17, I am truly sorry that my post made you feel this way. As @Grapjas stated I was merely trying to help. As you can see you are _waaaay_ cooler than me, for you have more reputation per post than me.
  2. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide E.g. your mod folder: "EmpiresAtWar" in that, a folder: "art" in that, a folder: "textures" Et cetera.
  3. I don't think you can call yourself new anymore? Also, please refrain from asking the same question in several topics. Because: 1. the question is likely to be off-topic, like here; 2. you hijack other treads (if people would answer); 3. it risks to someone answering the question but it getting lost in some random thread instead of the original question one. Please be patient when waiting for an answer.
  4. You'll have to create that folder in your mod folder, then place your previews in it. (Be aware that on M$ (W10) systems the path is `<yourmodfolder>\art\textures\ui\session\icons\mappreview`.)
  5. You can propose changes to texts on Phabricator, but they won't be included in A25, since we're in String Freeze, to allow translators to get their language included. Very much welcome for A26, obviously.
  6. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Atlas_Manual
  7. Heroes don't count towards the pop cap, indeed. See: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3265. You can take a look at the example campain, basically it is defining stuff in JSON. Two times a week, IIRC. Friday and monday, judging from the commits. Could very well be possible, you can still review and discuss strings, though. Common desire is different, but I think rams prefer to attack structures over units. Feel free to make a patch to prefer siege, if that makes sense.
  8. I've played around a bit, it is really nice! Especially the different city phases is something I really like. @Nescio might like this also.
  9. Thanks for the report! And the given error, @Palaiologos. A fix has been proposed: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4177.
  10. These changes are for A25 indeed. @Stan` attached a zip, that was for the cursors. Here is the preliminary mod you can try on the release candidate.NoViolenceA25.pyromod
  11. That is because it goes from gathering to attacking (hunting). That is not easy to fix. The rest of the gatherers should stay accounted for.
  12. This is because when the ownership of the structure changes, the rally point is reset. Refs. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3115.
  13. Thanks, @Stan`! If @allalongthetower doesn't have any more requests I can package the mod and upload it on mod.io.
  14. 1. Done. 2. Done. 3. Done. 4. Partly done. There was only a replacement for the small icon, I've asked for a replacement of the larger variant as well. Any more requests?
  15. Actually the file was renamed to helpers/Attack.js (consistent with the rest and less redundancy in the file path), but the simulation name has become AttackHelper (again consistent). The porting guide is indeed our effort of making modders a bit less angry.
  16. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/FAQ You can look "port forwarding" up for your router.
  17. For now: Imagine the fortress has 20 garrison capacity and 10 turret points. It means that you can garrison twenty melee units (the garrison slots) and ten ranged (the turret points). For archers you can choose whether you want them to garrison the fortress or occupy the turret points (either by hotkey or command button). Garrisoned soldiers help in regaining capture points (and increase the arrow count), turreted entities can fire at the enemy themselves. (Note that the feature can be improved.)
  18. We'll be a triple-A game shortly!
  19. (Already possible. To have both melee infantry garrisoned inside the fortress and ranged infantry on top of the fortress, one just needs to change the templates.)
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