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Everything posted by asterix

  1. welcome also do not forget to look at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide and https://github.com/0ADMods for its usual structure
  2. @stanislas69 @LordGood @wackyserious @Rolf Dew guys, do you know about this? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1316911428&searchtext=
  3. @Exodarion download it from moddb page and try to run it with wine or playonlinux, then everything that the installer installs copy it to another folder for later use.
  4. lack of manpower, sometimes everyone has a different idea on how to implement it so are stuck in reviewing phase.... many factors.
  5. This guy should really update 0AD, he is on 0.20, also nice that it could be played somehow on a tablet.
  6. Welcome to the forums and you may look at other posts here about guides or directly look at youtube at guys who play 0ad they do have some tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpT-xlJcSRE or at others who made eg. civ overview or other guides.
  7. Maybe you can consider to put it on moddb page as well?
  8. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/25052-13th-century-europe-mod-in-development/
  9. btw there is also https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad/commit/4d2b9f9ae426583155569e2ac045fa32d616feb7
  10. so you are using content from other council of modders mods then .... yeah good idea but sooner or later you would need to add some new techs or units, buildings and so on so that it would feel a bit special.
  11. modify the art/actor xml files of all the actors of all the units you wish to gather this new resource so as to tell the game which animations and props to use on units for gathering and returning with your new resource. Every civ that has that unit, every promotion level. The easiest way to do this is to use variants (see the contents of the art/variants folder for some idea of how this works), but it will still require modifying a lot of actor templates. This step could be seen as optional, as the gathering will still take place without error, but without it units will just stand at the resource (playing the idle animation) until their resource capacity is full. in their templates under tag promotion change the name to the first one
  12. Nice, just as it functions all right, do you need to help with it , later on, I can maybe publish it officially under Council of modders moddb page and on mod.io or if you want it so another way maybe under your name and mine with my help.
  13. could you send it to me via pm in zip format?
  14. do you have some repository where you developing your mod? github, gitlab for instance.
  15. if you want to have the counter system look at
  16. @stanislas69 @Angen the foundation is finished https://github.com/0ADMods/A-Mythology-mod-f-or-0-A.D.
  17. I think yes only thing that is missing is god powers and embedded video for cutscenes.
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