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Everything posted by Sundiata

  1. Brutal... lol... I guess you're right, although... that inner shrine at Ise is a lasting monument (and a nice one). Shinto, the traditional religion of Japan, is still widely practiced today. Some important Shinto Shrines date to the Yayoi period. There are Han Chinese literary works discussing the Yayoi. The fact that they were (sort of) the ancestors of the later Imperial Japan (one of the most powerful empires of the East), makes their early history interesting by default. But I concede that they wouldn't stand a chance against Romans :/ You probably can't... You can choose to play with them at your own risk They're kind of like Zapotecs in that regard. Perfect for Terra Magna. Maybe "just" a mini-civ-derivative for vanilla?
  2. Agreed, 100% But, but, Japanese... "probably too insignificant to be included." Although that might be correct, it's also very subjective. The Yayoi period laid the foundation for the Kofun period, the first unification of much of Japan. The Jomon and Yayoi have been quite the sensation in modern day Japan as well, so I'm sure Japanese gamers would die for this, and they are a huge demographic. I like to look at the Yayoi as horseless Oriental Celts . They're mainly for Oriental flavouring, and contrasting the Han Chinese. I don't think they've been depicted in a computer game before either (a nice first for 0AD), and they look quite exotic. As for Koreans, I don't know... Perhaps a miniciv? I really like the miniciv idea (unplayable, truncated civs), and think a nice list of "lesser" civilisations can really help the flavour of the game, bring maps alive (creeps), and contextualise and connect existing civs.
  3. Uh oh Hahaha... In due time... First I need to round up the Kushite research If I'm done with them, I want to re-focus my research on the various civs in-game, and potential candidates like the Yayoi Japanese.
  4. @stanislas69, yeah, I think they'd be really cool for Terra Magna... They're very unique, not really what people would expect, yet , just recognisably Japanese.. They had relations with the Chinese and the Koreans during this period. Future project, perhaps?
  5. To be frank, I think the Yuezhi are as simple as switching the Asian dudes of the Xiongnu with with white dudes, tadaaa, Yuezhi...! Just throw some Tocharian (proto-Kushan) references in to the mix and we're good to go... Perhaps Xiongnu as a fully fledged civ, and Yuezhi as a mini-civ derivative...
  6. Illustrations of Japan during 0AD's timeframe So I have a bunch of Japanese references I collected but never shared before... This is mostly Yayoi period, and a little Jomon period. I actually think this civilisation can be done... The biggest issue, just off the top of my head, is: no cavalry... Here's a full unit roster... How 'bout that... Temple: The following images are mostly very high quality reconstructions from the Yoshinogari archaeological park: "Yoshinogari (吉野ヶ里 遺跡 Yoshinogari iseki) is the name of a large and complex Yayoi archaeological site in Yoshinogari and Kanzaki in Saga Prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan. According to the Yayoi chronology established by pottery seriations in the 20th century, Yoshinogari dates to between the 3rd century BC and the 3rd century AD. However, recent attempts to use absolute dating methods such as AMS radiocarbon dating have shown that the earliest Yayoi component of Yoshinogari dates to before 400 BC." -wikipedia- Civic Center: Farmstead: Houses: Special building: Walls: Other stuff:
  7. @stanislas69 Napatan Temple Guard Apedemak's Faithful Meroitic Noble Cavalry Meroitic Noble Archer Basically the champion units. One or two of the Hero units can have the Full Body Scale Armour. These scale armours are the only "heavy" armour used by Kushite elites. Ranked citizen soldiers would be using quilted cotton at best.
  8. That's bronze, I believe... And polished bronze does look quite gold/yellow. IMO it looks ok.. Could even be a little shinier... By the way: That's the bronze part of the Kushite bronze scale armour corselet... At least that's what it can be used for Just throwing that out there...
  9. Thank you! Very nice to hear As Stanislas69 pointed out, I don't have access to the link. Feel free to post any progress in this thread if/when you get around to it. Good luck with the film soundtracks!
  10. Host Migration does seem like a really good fix to this rather aggravating issue. Would be especially useful if it happens automatically. Is it doable?
  11. @implodedok Thank you sooo much!!!
  12. Mmmm, dedicated servers... I think another crowdfunding campaign is in order, perhaps after the next release (or even tied to the release itself) to fund this. I'd be willing to donate a little something.
  13. Ticked created! https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4942#ticket
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the Depth of Field effect can be "regulated". It's like an on/off thing, which is a real pity, because it can't really be used like this. The only default setting is indeed way too strong. A wasted feature? Being able to set the intensity of this feature would be a great addition for screenshots and even in-game beauty.
  15. Some examples of instruments used in ancient Kush, including Hellenistic imports: Auloi, Greek wind instruments from queen amanishakheto's pyramid at Meroë Syrinx-player from the Royal Baths at Meroë Flute player from the Royal Baths at Meroë Harp (?) player from the Royal Baths at Meroë Harp-player from Musawwarat es Sufra String instrument from Musawwarat es Sufra Double piped flute-player, Meroitic pottery
  16. The Kingdom of Kush: Music Tracks In order to create the most authentic feeling Kushite faction as possible, we are in need of a new musical track. There is one very Egyptian sounding track, which is good, but the second track currently being used sounds too "generically African". Although we have permission to use them, the license isn't of a formal nature, and more authentically sounding Nubian music would fit this faction like a glove anyway. For this reason I'm posting a tracklist of contemporary traditional Nubian music that should serve as the primary reference for a 0AD original track. @OmriLahav, you seem to be the resident musical genius. Perhaps if you are interested and your schedule permits it, you could work on this? I'd be honoured, if you could. Even if you can't, you could inform us on who else on this forum could assist us. That having said, anyone who wants to work on this and has the necessary skills, feel free! I was told to tag @Itms, to make sure you'd see this. Features and historical considerations for traditional Nubian music: (Sometimes) fairly fast paced percussion, using a variety of drums, typically African, but more nuanced, not so prominent that it drowns out other instruments/singing. Typical rhythmic hand-clapping Modern String instruments should be replaced with the Oud (very similar to the Lute), still widely used in Sudan today (including some of these tracks) Modern wind instruments should be replaced with reed pipe aerophones, or Hellenistic Aulos Modern Violins should be replaced with African trumpet instruments, not unlike the Waza, variants of which can sometimes sound similar to violins. You will notice the common thread running through all these tracks And, finally, what is probably the most "tribal" music video-clip I've ever seen... I know some brothers that would curse me for sharing this, but who cares ... These are Dinka's from South Sudan, very similar to the Nuba, both ancient and recent. In some places their material culture is still very similar to their ancient counterparts, except now they wear Calvin Klein boxers. The southern-most component of Kush, the wild hinterlands... And a Swagalicious Nubian Musician, with ancient instrument:
  17. I really like these kind of natural looking maps. My concern is that the bottlenecks are a little too bottlenecky.. It seems impossible to manoeuvre siege equipment around, and the single access point to each CC-area makes an assault nearly impossible against a decent player. Perhaps increase the CC area size, add secondary access points and broaden the access routes enough for siege-equipment?
  18. Is it possible to make some tiles/textures unbuildable terrain. I'm especially interested in disallowing the building of farms on desert sand. Would make control of certain areas of the map more vital than others.
  19. Strange... My computer is new though, and my connection allows me to watch youtube video's in HD (yes, that's how I check my internet speed ), so I'm pretty sure it's not from my end, that and other people having the same issue.
  20. So any news on this? I still haven't been able to read unread content (about 2 weeks now), and (some) other parts of the forum are indeed slower than they used to be...
  21. Although I agree with most of what you say, I'd be very careful with statements like the one above. Blemmye definitely used camels in war during Antiquity. Their (material) culture is very similar to that of the bedouin, so it's what you'd expect (they were neighbours). According to some sources camels were introduced to the Sahara as early as early as 500 BC, although most sources put this date much later (2nd century AD) and attribute it to the Romans. These common sources are almost definitely incorrect. There is a very rich corpus of Saharan rock art depicting camels being ridden by people carrying weapons (some dating back thousands of years), but as with all things African, this history has been very obscured. Garamantes are actually more known for their horse-drawn chariots (up to 4 horses) which they used to "hunt" troglodytes. So I also think camels should be avoided for Carthagenians unless a clear reference can be found. I must emphasise that I'm not sure about camels not being used by Garamantes during 0AD's timeframe... Also, camels are usually ridden with loose reins, being steered with a stick, not the reins. So the long reins don't only look good, they're actually accurate... Ancient African Camelry
  22. @stanislas69 I'm a (complete) 3D noob, so I don't know how to translate 2D images to seamless 3D ones. Any tutorials?
  23. @Lion.Kanzen Looks really cool!! Maybe you could touch up the edges a little, and blend in/smoothen/smudge (whatever) the helmet texture some more.
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