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Posts posted by Sundiata

  1. @LordGood

    Another nice lion example, and a public domain cartouches of King Anlamani and Tanwetamani:


    The double cartouche is visible, but I guess it's too small to actually show up in game. Could of course enlarge it, but don't know if it would look credible



    Just for your information, almost everything in the mfa archives is public domain :):):) 




  2. @Alexandermb, ok, you ready for the final attempt?  

    Looking back at the size of the crest itself, and how you fix the crest to the shaffron/chamfron, I've chosen to reduce the overall size of the crest, and reduced the size of the gold semicircle as well. Try to keep the edge of the feathers at the same level as the edge of the gold semicricle. 1 straight line, no upward curving in the feathers' edge.

    Like Nescio said, there's a small angle/kink at the top of the crown. Maybe adding another pane to that area will reduce this?

    @stanislas69 I added some detail to the semicircle, hope it's ok like this?

    So I completely desaturated the feathers, and put opacity at 13%. I had to play with levels, contrast and brightness to retain some detail..




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  3. 6 minutes ago, wackyserious said:

    Edited the ones below, the cloth sash and the cloth wrapped around the shoulders is supposed to be a single piece. As you mentioned.

    I think there was a misunderstanding: I meant to say that the cloth around his legs, is supposed to be the same colour as the cloth going around the shoulder. The entire thing is one cloth wrapped around the body in a particular way. The "belt", cloth around his waist, on the other hand could maybe be a different colour, although even that could be part of the same cloth. Up to you.

    I think the Nubian sash on top of the tunic is a bit much though? The sash goes very well with that other elite spearman texture, but seems out of place on these ones. I hope I'm not too frustrating :/ 


  4. @LordGood, I like blob the lion :) 

    Don't forget his lower legs, though, that poor amputee... A nice feature to have would be that semicircular stylised mane in the front, followed by that rectangular section covering his chest (kind of like a baby bib). Hieroglyphic inscriptions (specifically a double cartouche) go on the rectangular part. As for colour, I don't know, probably they were, but plain white/beige is fine for me..

    1 hour ago, LordGood said:

    A plastered CC might look a bit odd among all the warmer buildings, but that would be as easy as copying and editing the texture pack and assigning it to the CC

    It would be nice to see a mix of white and beige/brown plaster in the common houses as well.

    1 hour ago, LordGood said:

    If you wanted to copy and edit the texpack as you see fit, feel free to do so

    I'll play with the texture very soon. :) 

  5. @LordGood You have done an amazing job with the Kushite architecture, and it's basically good to go. But if you have time, and since we're reaching new heights in historicity with this faction, I wanted to add my final list of suggestions for the buildings as well. I'll just discuss one building per post, and try to keep it as clear as possible. 

    Sundiata's selected nitpickery, part 1, the CC: Please don't shoot me : ) 

    Ok, so for the CC, I have no suggestions for the building itself, it's just perfect! One thing that bothers me is the way the steps are only at the front and don't go around the sides. Many of their important monuments were built on raised podiums (only a meter, maybe two high), and your steps represent that very well, if they go round the sides as well (not necessary for the back), and connect to that lonely little wall segment. Of all the buildings in the set, the CC is the best candidate for a finishing with white lime-plaster. Other buildings could also have white plaster, but the CC needs it in my opinion.  Houses and other buildings covered with white lime-plaster are a sign of wealth. Also, most of the ruins of the palaces clearly indicate them being plastered white (and sometimes even coloured brightly). Lastly, the lion-statues :) . Lion statues are a lot more common than I originally realised (like really common), and lined the front of palaces, lion temples and even some townhouses had smaller versions lining their facades or flanking an entrance. A seated (upright) lion statue is a prop that should be used for the CC, lion temple, and even the harbour would look fantastic with a pair of them facing the water on either side of the structure. (I'm surprised that these people haven't been dubbed "The Lion Kingdom"...)


    • Steps should go around the sides as well
    • white plaster finish
    • A row of Lion statue for the facade 

    Please forgive my butchering of your model... Here's an amateuristic mock-up (colours all messed up, but you get the picture..): 


    That's an actual lion statue from Naqa, if you're wondering :D



    My favourite lion statue from Jebel Barkal (the palaces there had many lion statues lining their outsides): 



    I hope this public domain white plaster texture will come in handy:



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  6. @stanislas69, The scabbard is specifically for the Meroitic swordsmen, and can hang diagonally across their back (ideally), or hang at their waist (usually still suspended from a strap hanging accross the shoulder), so this might need a texture update for this unit as well (the strap).

    About the horse-crown, we can either:

    • 1) give it to the cavalry hero only
    • 2) Give the one with the black base to the royal cavalry (upgraded from noble cavalry who don't get it), and give the one with the golden base to the cavalry hero

    I'd prefer option 2, but this depends on wether we go with "champion cavalry upgrade" (Noble Cavalry becomes Royal Cavalry after tech-research), and @Alexandermb using the gold texture base for the hero variation.

    The new spear should be used by the champion cavalry (maybe noble cav gets it, and royal cav gets a longer lance). alternatively a scaled down version could be used as javelins by higher tier javelin cavalry.


    8 hours ago, wackyserious said:

    You double checked their creative licenses right?

    Yes, it's all good ;) 


    9 hours ago, wackyserious said:

    Any idea on per unit tier variation of the hexagonal wicker shields?

    I don't think Nuba units even need to rank up, that's how basic they can be. Of course that's a little boring, so you could:

    • use plane shields for tier 1
    • use simple variations for tier 2
    • use complicated variations for tier 3 (and add a single simple bead-necklace)

    @wowgetoffyourcellphone I think we need another variation for the face painting: Herodotus wrote the often quoted line: "When they went into battle they painted half their bodies with gypsum and the other half with vermilion" Which has an eery resemblance to some designs still popular up until recent times among the Nuba:



    Apparently a red hairdo with crest of short white feathers is a thing. More complicated geometric face paint designs: 




  7. @Alexandermb I just went to grab a bite to eat and came back to this... Nice!

    My suggestion is, when viewing from the front, to let the sides of the crown be straight instead of curvy (My own fault for making the texture like that), and bring the whole crown down a bit:



    Other than that, no suggestions. It looks... Fabulous! Thank you! The old horse-crowns were really bugging me...

    • Like 1
  8. @Alexandermb, with a day's delay :/ 

    Here's the new Seleucid horse-crown texture I made:



    I imagine it something like this:


    So the lower part of the mesh of the shaffron will bend slightly inwards, while the top part of the shaffron bends inward to almost form a semicircle. Then you fit the feather crown on top of that semicircular part, at an angle of about 45° (ore more). When the horse is in rest, the crown should almost stand upright at a 90° angle The whole piece should fit snuggly on top of the horse's head, just in front of the ears, with minimal clipping :) 







    Maybe these are useful for other units? I don't know...





    Used images in the public domain: 



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  9. 19 minutes ago, wackyserious said:


    Oooh...! Nice texture!!! Ok, this comes to mind: could you use this texture for the back of the lower tier Nubian spearmen (front should stay cowhide), then @Nescio can sleep soundly ;) 

    Then make another shield-mesh, something in-between oval and rectangular, a little smaller than this thyreos sized one, with the wicker texture and give those shields to the Nuba javelinists:



    Check tribal dude's shield:




    The Azande (or Zande) a North Central African people living DR Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan...



    Second dude from the left is holding a makraka, which is quite similar to the khopesh. 




    2nd dude from the left is casually playing a 5000 year old Egyptian harp like it's the most normal thing in the world...




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