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Posts posted by Sundiata

  1. 18 minutes ago, wackyserious said:

    I'm not really sure if the tail can be depicted due to the restrictions of the body mesh

    Ah, Indeed...

    22 minutes ago, wackyserious said:

    So I will keep the variation for the pikeman and spearman above?

    If it's ok for you, it's ok for me.


    @wackyserious could you do something else for me? I made some sandals, and I'd like you to check if it's ok, or adjust them if it's possible. If they're ok, quality-wise for you, I'd like you to use the red sandals for all champions, and the golden sandals for all heroes. Let the regulars go barefoot (those filthy peasants..!)







  2. @wackyseriousYeah, Pikemen would be generally dark, northern Sudanese (Nubians) have much more variety in skin-tone, so you could use the "lightest" skin-tone alongside the darker ones. That would be the most interesting and most representative of how the Egyptians also depicted them (both black and "reddish brown" skintones).

    [I originally didn't realise different skin-tones for the same unit were possible. The mixing you're doing right now is really ideal, just try to respect the "expected" ratio's, like 2 light, one dark, for Nubians / 2 dark, one light for meroites, something like that]

    By the way, the leopard and lion pelts would ideally not be loincloths, but the entire animal pelt (legs and all) wrapped around the legs, with the tail hanging from the butt. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, wackyserious said:

    Nubian spearman? Should rank 1 wear the same bare chested Kushite clothing? Or should they wear animal pelt such as leopard skin?

    Actually it can be the other way around. They can be bare-chested with a simple loincloth at rank 1, but receive leopard pelt and Nubian sash from tier 2 or 3. Wearing a Leopard pelt was a sign of bravery and symbol of prestige.

    [EDIT] lion cloths are just as good, by the way! 

    • Like 1
  4. @wackyserious & @Alexandermb

    For 3d tier Nubian cavalry. For Champion cavalry:


    From the horse graves at Ballana. It's belongs to the 5th century post-Meroitic X-group, who inherited their cavalry culture from the Meroitic Kushites. Very similar, sometimes almost identical horse equipment is found among the earlier Kushites. These examples from Ballana (and also Qustul) are just much more intact (intact enough to be reassembled!).

    For Hero cav: a modified version of this, with a feather-crown, and a leopard pelt covering the back part of the horse. (I'm still working on an illustration for that one). The feather crown needs to be of the Egyptian type, definitely not the seleucid one..

    Nubian cav would just use leather bands instead of these silver and bronze discs. 


  5. @wackyserious & @wowgetoffyourcellphone, quilted cotton armour can indeed be dyed in many different colours and patterns.

    10th century Sudanese quilted cotton armour from the Kingdom of Makuria (a Christianised successor to Kush)


    Because this organic material decomposes very quickly, we don't have any surviving examples to show :/ But quilted cotton was used very widely from East to West Africa, and I can share some 19th century Sudanese quilted cotton armours, which are very probably inherited from the ancient designs. These armours are often used to protect cavalry (I'll make an African cavalry post soon). The very widespread (definitely pre-Arabic) nature of this type of armour and design, suggests an ancient point of dissemination. The earliest written reference to Sudanese cotton armour backs this notion (4th century BC, Greek text referring to Kushite quilted cotton armour for rider and horse)...

    Anyway: Here are a bunch of 19th century Sudanese quilted cotton armours:

    (be aware that you shouldn't use those decorated geometric patterns of squares, because it's specifically associated with the Mahdist war)











  6. Just now, wackyserious said:

    What will happen to the egyptian style shields that the Nubian spearmen were currently using? Will they still use it?

    Nah, those were just placeholders.. I think these oval shields should be the standard Nubian shield. It's the most basic, but probably most widely used, and most recognisably Nubian shield. I think they should keep it throughout all 3 tiers. Keep the fancy Egyptian looking ones for the more special units (especially Napatan).


    • Like 1
  7. The latest list of sources

    For those who wish read up some more. Or a lot more... A list of sources I've been working with for the past few months.

    I'll begin with one of the most valuable:  4 volumes, c. 1400 pages of text: Fontes Historiae Nubiorum: dealing with the written history of Kush, translations of countless Kushite stelae as well as discussions of Greek and Latin texts mentioning Kush (usually as aethiopia). Among it's writers, one of the world's most respected authorities on Kush, László Török. The texts were compiled in 1994, so it's a little outdated, which is something to keep in mind (many of the other sources I used are post-2010 research, and a lot of new things have come to light in the 23 years since its publication).

    https://digitalt.uib.no/handle/1956.2/3083#preview (Fontes Historiae Nubiorum)


    The rest:

    • Like 1
  8. The Kingdom of Kush, Random Things 

    I still have a few random references that didn't fit well with the previous posts or were sourced after posting, but still deserve honourable mention:




    Firstly, Nuba Wrestling: A suggestion for renaming the fortress tech: 

    - "Will to Fight": inspire your troops with higher pay. All soldiers + 25% attack


    - "Nuba Wrestling": train your troops in the art of wrestling. All soldiers +25% attack


    "Nuba fighting is done by the Nuba peoples in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan state, in northern Sudan. It involves both stick fighting and wrestling.

    The goal of Nuba wrestling is to slam the opponent to the ground. Wrestling is relatively recreational, and serious injuries are rare.[contradictory]

    Nuba wrestling has no pinning and no submissions. Although there are strikes, these are essentially part of the grappling; in other words, this is not a boxing system, as is, for example, Hausadambe. Therefore, Nuba wrestling is best viewed as a system of standing grappling, historically practiced naked, but in towns, today practiced in T-shirts and shorts.

    Nuba stick fighting essentially mimics the movements of fighting with spear and shield. Little armor is worn, so injuries can be severe.

    Training for both wrestling and stick fighting includes practicing under the supervision of former champions, performing athletic dances, learning traditional songs, and drinking lots of milk while avoiding promiscuity and beer."    -Wikipedia- 

    "During the period of the New Kingdom (1550-1070 BC), additional Egyptian artwork (often on friezes), depicted Egyptian and Nubian wrestlers competing. Carroll notes striking similarities between these ancient depictions and those of the modern Nuba wrestlers.[12] On the 406 wrestling pairs found in the Middle Kingdom tombs at Beni Hasan in the Nile valley, nearly all of the techniques seen in modern freestyle wrestling could be found."   -Wikipedia- 

    Ancient Egyptian depictions of "Nubian" and Egyptian wrestlers:



    Contemporary Nuba:





    The Royal palace at Wad Ben Naqa, with a concise explanation:



    An actual dedicated storehouse from Sanam:



    Mapped ruins on the northern part of the Royal City in Meroë:



    Ruins of Hamadab, outlines:



    Hamadab reconstruction:




    Inside the massive temple of Taharqa in Kawa, during excavations. It was subsequently reburied under sand, where it still sits today. Only the top row of blocks are sometimes visible



    The Amun temple in Naqa:




    Other ruins in Naqa:



    Naqa Lion statues:




    A piece of fabric. Organic materials deteriorate much faster than inorganic materials, especially within the rain-belt in Sudan. Therefore wood, leather and fabrics are very rare finds..



    Export of exotic animals from Kush to Egypt, including a lion, an elephant, an antelope and a giraffe, as well as cattle:




    A clear depiction that the composite bow was also used. These lions are a real nuisance to the enemies of Kush:



    Egyptian carving of a Kushite captive:



    Stele of Amanishakheto:



    Meroitic script, phonetic values:




    My name in Meroitic script :) 



    The Pyramids of Nuri, Jebel Barkal and Meroë:






    War games miniatures:






    • Like 1
  9. @stanislas69 I have a final (I think) unit-prop requests: the Kushite skullcap (if you have time of course)

    Currently I believe you're using a retextured mesh of the padded cotton skullcap for the bronze skullcap. I think the mesh works well for the padded cotton, but looks a little awkward and unrealistic as a bronze skullcap. The skullcaps are supposed to be really tight fitting, with more rounded edges and cut-outs for the ears:

    Here are examples of simple skullcaps, as well as elaborate royal skullcaps.


















    I opened an issue on github for it

  10. @wackyserious 1st tier swordsmen could start out with linen corselet, but if you prefer bare chest, that's also fine. Just thought of something: you could give him one of the variations of Wowgetoffyourcelphone's Blemmye tunic for the camel units. Would be nice to see some more of that. Maybe give him that wicker round shield LordGood made (but scale it down a bit to be the same size as the rhino hide shield.

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, wackyserious said:


    They look fantastic! I think they actually look better than the robed version I was suggesting earlier.. This unit texture looks perfect to me as it is. I'm satisfied :) 

    I was really tired yesterday and didn't even notice you using the simple necklaces... They look awesome, and much more appropriate than the large royal ones... Thanks! :victory:

    Kushite units are really coming into their own... Thanks for all the hard work people!

  12. Just now, stanislas69 said:

    Yeah sure. So this time it will be "sewed" on the back (There won't be a frame around it) right ?

    Yes, sounds good!

    Just now, stanislas69 said:

    Just to make sure we are on the same page, we are not talking about the shoulder shields, but the ones @wackyserious displayed above right ?

    I thought those shields were the shoulder shields, just not attached to the shoulder? All pikemen should have their shields attached to the shoulder, even the elite rank Egyptian style cow-hide shields should be attached to the shoulder... I think it would be best if all of the small round shoulder shields would use the giraffe texture or cow hide texture.

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