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Everything posted by soloooy0

  1. A25 with these mods has some variety and benefits certain civs early attack tactics in phase 2, and rome recovers the splendor of the roman castrum, used for the fall of Numantia and more sites. thx @Yekaterina for this work rome-camp.zip thorfinn.zip
  2. I liked the Athens upgrade, but instead of the bolt thrower in phase 1 I would have put the crossbowman, and the tower, just because the bolt throwers have been a bit outdated since 3 versions ago. just because the bolt throwers are a bit op since 3 versions ago, the athenians and spartans I liked that they have champions again in phase 2, they need it, to the athenian marines I would put an exclusive upgrade (marthon) that gives them some more speed. I'm soloooyo
  3. @Yekaterina by the way I have a map that I am unable to finish the AI, to make it a trigger map, like danubius or jebel barkal, do you know how you can configure the gaia to attack? the number of players or that the iberos have walls on that map? I did some things, but with the A24 it gives error -.-
  4. this is very well done and gives me the option to do my old A23 tactic with ibero now, if they put it in the A25 it could be a lot of fun hahahahahahaha
  5. I liked the mod, it gives reasons to go fast to phase 2 to many civs to make an early attack in phase 2, which was my tactic in A23 in duels with athens ... thanks for your work
  6. thorfinn ? Where do I look or see it?
  7. there is an Iberian weapon, which was very important against Rome and in the Punic Wars, but it has not been added to the 0AD, nor mentioned. the Soliferreum is a heavy spear of ductile metal, created to disable shields or pierce armor and in the best case the death would be quick. to include an Iberian heavy ranged infantry, similar to the Hellenic heavy javeliners of A23, would be very nice to bring back the champions in phase 2 for all Hellenes. macedonian, sparta and athenaeans http://www.redjaen.es/francis/?m=c&o=29312&letra=&ord=&id=92508 http://www.museuprehistoriavalencia.es/web_mupreva/catalogo/24865/fr https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soliferreum https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Figura-11-Punta-de-soliferreum-a-Vista-de-una-cara-de-la-pieza-Las-lineas-discontinuas_fig11_310662843
  8. hablo español, he cambiado de buscador y se ve que el traductor no me ha funcionado -.- pero la idea se entiende, desde que empece a trabajar no tengo tiempo para jugar ni nada, si hacen falta traducciones avisa por privado, me pondre un rato, cuando tenga libre o acabe "pronto"
  9. el traductor no me ha funcionado, lo tengo que volver a rehacer todo, seria maquinas de asedios a distancia
  10. The Roman castrum used of siege at a distance, , it would be nice if they would bring them back to be really useful (numantia siege reference). https://www.numanciamultimedia.com/en/chapter-5/The-Calendar-Changing-Celtiberians-Wars/6 It would be nice if certain civilizations had unique features or technologies of the time, one of the most useful, and named a long time ago, are the Roman roads to make better use of siege machines. Another interesting technology, Plains Frisios, would be the fields ibéricos, celtibéricos, lusitanos, etc. Some reference to the marathon, for Athenian sailors, or as a hero or theater improvement, to make troops within the area of influence move faster. mmmm
  11. The only thing I can think of is that the phase 1 units are more efficient taking resources and the phase 2 units have a bit more armor, to simulate that due to that weight, they cannot load so much, nor go so fast With a subtle difference in the stats, more tactics would be viable, to favor the ascent to phase 2 or the rush mmmmm
  12. I would like to see the Chinese and I love crossbows Chu-ko-nu power and his siege team
  13. On the A25, will the Roman castrum be able to create a siege from a distance? The other improvements of the other posts that they said will be put, like the wonder
  14. Then civs will have morale bonuses, whether they use formation or not Romans and Greeks, with closed formations will have bonuses, on the other hand the Celts and Iberians in open formations or without formations The naked fans and the fire cav iber will have more morale than normal if they go alone and have more than x% HP i love this concept
  15. Some reference to marathon could be made, such as enhancement to the Athenian sailors or hero bonus
  16. in some game I saw that the first technologies are global and later they are divided into specific example armor technology 1 = cavalry + infantry technology armor 2 cavalry technology armor 2 infantry or armor technology 2 ranged units armor technology 2 melee units So the technologies would not be so expensive and each player has to choose at least one tactic mmmm
  17. for games that the loser does not want to give up, if the enemy has less than 10% or 5% total pop that using the spies you see the last units
  18. I have published it well, it is metro 2033 with a 100% discount in steam
  19. metro for all :V https://store.steampowered.com/app/43110/Metro_2033/
  20. things that should change in the A24 the Iberian ship needs to create fire damage the Iberian castle needs + 1,000HP the archers are op, they need a major nerf the Romans should have the castrum with siege and take away the workshop The civs only with a battering ram, I don't see it useful either, the workshop could be made in castles default formation produces troop suicide heroes needing bonuses: agis II and chandragupta the Athenians should have some champion in phase 2, or all the Hellenes the stoa phase up, you have to give bonus to units again
  21. I think I have put 8 players with help, but T.T does not work
  22. They were preceded by falcado chariots and Arab archers mounted on dromedaries32 https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batalla_de_Magnesia
  23. I have made another thread with Iberians, I have put something that could be useful as a wonder, a fort that used the greatest Iberian technology of the time, unique fertility rituals in that area and all the defense measures that were never used, because it is about of an exceptional historical and monumental complex, unique in our Spain From here the people of the ilergetes were born, who had Indíbil and Mandonio as main
  24. fort els vilars, lleida cataluña in iber zone ruins "map" 3D https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/els-vilars-9ffeefc1a2ad47bd97c51e08b7731f77?sscid=11k5_l1cii&utm_source=shareasale&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=742098_1272560 https://www.behance.net/gallery/37443505/Iberian-fortress-of-Vilars-dArbeca There are a thousand Iberian deposits in Catalonia, but none like this one. Between the 8th and 4th centuries B.C. the territory was fragmented into small political units. From the century Va.C. they were decomposing to create larger populations, being Iltirta (Lleida) the largest, with 170,000 inhabitants and 9,500 square kilometers of extension, ”says Junyent. Already in the 3rd century BC. the Iberians would be involved in the Punic Wars that faced the two powers of the Mediterranean, Rome and Carthage Despite the great fortification of Els Vilars, the town was a small nucleus, with 150-170 inhabitants. «80% of the built surface was occupied by defenses. There is an immense disproportion with the inhabited space. Which shows that it was an architecture of power and ostentation: everything is theatrical. The town was the residence of the head of some lineage in an increasingly complex society. The fortress has an ideological dimension, it is an identity and cohesive element of the group, ”says the historian. This community of farmers developed a hydraulic and metallurgical technology, with kilns and rotary mills. But in addition, it was also a town dedicated to horse breeding. And here appears one of the most unusual rituals: horse fetuses have been found buried under the houses. In a widespread custom, the unborn (either stillborn or aborted) were buried under the perimeter of the house, not in the necropolis. “He was obeying some kind of religious practice. But no other place is known where they were made with horses: they treated them the same way as human babies. It is a ritual directed at some divinity related to fertility or protection, ”says Emili Junyent. https://latunicadeneso.wordpress.com/tag/iberos/ I do not put pages in Catalan in case the translator goes crazy and finally video of an ancient Iberian city
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