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Everything posted by andy5995

  1. Or to be more clear, should I finish it? It's just a "concept" map right now and not very refined. Artistically it could be improved I think, if I had any intention of making a playable, complete map with it.
  2. This is a random map I started working on. Should I do more with it?
  3. This map has been removed from the last release of the cm2 mod until there's a more complete version available.
  4. For example, if you have 10 barracks selected, but you only have enough money to build 8 spearman, you click the icon to queue them up (even though it says 10), and 8 barracks will queue up 1 unit each. Another example.. 30 houses selected, but only enough to produce 10 women; click the icon and 10 women will be produced.
  5. Thanks @norjay. I migrated it and I'll commit the map to the community maps 2 mod later today.
  6. This is no longer the case. I used the river placement function and things look pretty good for now (screenie attached).
  7. I made a random map from the the Cliffs of Carnage skirmish map. It supports all the different biomes. The map will be included with the next cm2 release (that will be v0.25.12). Players start as nomads (whether or not the option is checked). That's because I don't know how to write the code that would make sure players start with a cc and base on the cliffs based on teams. But they get 16 more women than usual to help speed up initial build time.
  8. @Stan`So how do I make that change to the pmp files in the cm2 mod??
  9. Asian Campaign from the cm2 mod. Don't worry, if that ever happens with a map included with vanilla, I'll be sure to name it in my report.
  10. Segfault when loading map (a map that has no problem in a25). The problem seems to be because a texture (alpine_grass_a_fancy) was removed or renamed in a26? So... apparently more map migrations like what happened after a24 was released must take place after a26 is released?
  11. @imperiumI've made the replacement in 43d8882
  12. I fixed the loading errors in 44e2624 @SolarEagleyou can take a peek at that to see how some changes are made. For the Kush clubman, I wasn't sure what that needed to be, so I searched https://code.wildfiregames.com/ for "clubman" and found this 0ad patch, which also told me what the "nuba_village" was changed to. I used this script to speed up testing a bit #!/bin/sh pyrogenesis -autostart=scenarios/Asian\ Campaign \ -quickstart -autostart-disable-replay \ -autostart-ai=1:petra -autostart-aidiff=1:5 \ -autostart-nonvisual Shows any entity loading errors and starts the game (but I hit ctrl c to break from that) @Freagarach@Stan`0ad could probably use an extra flag that terminates 0ad after the map is loaded.. exiting with 0 if no entity loading errors, 0 otherwise (Ticket created)
  13. I don't know. The readme shows the forum post where the map was originally introduced by the author if you want to ask them.
  14. I removed Halicarnassus from the git repo in February. Messina starts all black if you are playing, but if you set player slot 1 to AI instead of assigning yourself (making yourself an observer), then you can see the map. When I joined as observer, all the AIs had 0 pop and that didn't change after a couple minutes. I removed that map yesterday after you told me about it. I removed Southeast Asia today. That map was never finished... Besides the issues you mentioned, there was no metal or stone (except for some treasure) placed on the map. Thanks again @SolarEagle.
  15. @SolarEagleThanks for the feedback! I haven't fully reviewed all the maps in this mod since I took it over. I'll have a look at those two you mentioned and probably remove them if your description matches with their current state. Could you open a discussion and post any other map names that are unplayable or unfinished? Either on the repo Discussion or a DM here on the forum, or this forum post? As for this map, I'll keep it in the mod for now... but I'm thinking that the pop cap should be changed from 300 to 200 otherwise I don't really see that it would be playable due to lag later in the game. What do you think?
  16. This is a nice map, very well thought out, but it currently produces a lot of errors when loading. I was thinking about removing it from the community maps 2 mod. Has anyone played this map yet?
  17. I think the placement that D4303 offers would be appealing to new players.
  18. @NeptuneGamerIt doesn't sound like you did anything wrong. I've been using Manjaro for almost a year, and right now, the 0ad package I installed with pacman works fine. Though the current svn build of 0ad is broken, that's an unrelated issue. I don't know why you're having that problem though. Have you tried running 'pacman -Syu' since you first installed Manjaro? Can you tell us what graphics card you have?
  19. The build appears broken on Manjaro 21.2.4 Latest update to Manjaro updated gcc to 11.2.0 and glibc to 2.35 At git commit d25309b (Wed Mar 2 05:00:23 2022 +0100)
  20. Bug: Near the end of the game, Han Chinese enemy building gets destroyed infinite number of times and game doesn't end. Video clip on Twitch Using self-build at git (GitHub) commit e723cc4 mods enabled: community maps 2, v0.25.11 commands.txt metadata.json
  21. @YekaterinaYou might also want to try a gui front-end for svn: RapidSVN
  22. I've removed this from the community maps 2 mod because it was never completed. The latest version of this map is in the last release (v0.25.11) and also in the repo's history at rev c69e829 The only changes made to it while I've maintained the cm2 repo is just migration to newer versions of the engine (iirc) The map can get re-added later if it becomes completed or playable, of course!
  23. The map preview provided was causing a segfault after being converted to a dds file (when creating the .pyromod file). I replaced it and issued release v0.25.11 of community maps 2. See Creating a map preview in the Atlas wiki
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