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Everything posted by sphyrth

  1. Okay, so this is where that discussion of the Mauryan Siege Rams came from. Well, I guess I can understand the Rams being more mobile than heavy. It IS an Elephant Civ after all.
  2. Here's my rough introduction to Vox Populi.
  3. I semi-agree. The UI is already overwhelming with buttons and info. The background is bringing more eye-strain. However, I like the minimap in the corner. In fact, I'd take any corner as long as it's in the corner... not alongside the Unit/Building control buttons.
  4. Counters in DE are quite developed; they're clearly laid out in every unit's description. If you want a slower combat, I think another mod is needed. I didn't mean that to be derogatory. After all this is how I see things as it is: A21 - Age of the Replay Commentaries A22 - Age of the Mods A23 - We'll have to see
  5. I'll consider this project dead until wow decides to revive it. After all, he's still here just in case that happens.
  6. I'm loling at wow's saltiness. But obviously, he still loves the game and is still helping... which is the important part.
  7. Hmm... So this mod has just affected the UI aspect of the core game.
  8. This can be harped from time to time, but in the end of the day Suggesting != Implementing. It's either "You can't." or "You won't.". That's why it's not happening yet.
  9. Is it correct for me to assume that the Replays are version-dependent; meaning that 22.1.2 Replays won't work on 22.1.1 Game and vice-versa?
  10. I'm still putting my trust on the people who are actually doing the work. All this constant whining about "They're not doing a good job in it." has almost put me in a state of depression.
  11. Here are Darc's main theses as I understand them: 1. He's been here for years, and little to no improvement has been made 2. The updates we see are arbitrary at best (not really improvements) 3. Game Design first before producing features! All we have been getting are a bunch of features that don't really define how the game should be played; aimless updates. 4a. I tried modding with people (See Sybillae Vox), but the core game (which is broken) gets all the attention. 4b. Even if the Mod is successful, if all people see is the core game, won't like it and leave. 4c. That's what's happening with Delenda Est. 5. Etc
  12. This is one of the main reasons why I like this mod so much. The other is that dev-players are taking action in it. I have two questions, though: 1. Are there people playing it yet? 2. I plan on doing a video on this. Will I bump into some copyright/licensing problems?
  13. Only the copyright issues can be a big weakness. I've seen the critics expressing their disagreements for abandoning the Total War engine. But a fraction of them held faith that the game would still be good, and with the release... they agree that the pros have outweighed the cons. Hyrule Conquest is a mod that really sticks out like a sore thumb... so much so that it sadly overshadows Pyrogenesis itself.
  14. Looks like the only real "successful" mod in here is Hyrule Conquest. It has two main strengths: 1. Unified Team 2. It has exposure / promotion. Most mods usually lack #2.
  15. What!? You serious? I thought you were already in there.
  16. wow's frustrations were accumulated throughout time. If you manage to search enough of his comments, you'll see why. But I guess his fundamental mistake trying to base his development cycle on the SVN; chasing the fastest moving target. He's had success in doing it, though. But he just blew the lid because of the changes that he sees as too arbitrary to incorporated in his own Mod. I'm also pumped about the fact that his DE was doing excellently. Him abandoning his project personally hurts me big time, but I think he's wrong if he thinks that the game won't improve without him around. Until he calms down and starts working again, I'll just have to rely on other Mods.
  17. It has become the main place to vent everyone's frustrations, and I'm here thinking positively.
  18. I'd prefer the core team to focus on optimization, or the things that they deem very important. We already have Mods that encourage balancing, and those who support them might even get into the core game. We still have the total conversion Delenda Est, and the Pro-game-balance Mod Monkey Wrench. But my current favorite is Vox Populi, mainly because it's the closest thing to DE along with some mechanics I really like (animals running away, for example). I'm quite optimistic about it, actually: Advanced Players are happy with Monkey Wrench Singleplayers are happy with the core game
  19. Well, that seems everybody is done crying over this spilled milk. We've got the Base game ready for improvement, and Vox Populi seems to be satisfying the gameplay design of Classical Players. The nagging issue now is "the game is still in Alpha". Not talking about "unfinished" but "still in Alpha". But this time, it sounds too arbitrary to talk about.
  20. May I know which of the downloads are for Alpha 22 and which are for SVN?
  21. Formations are broken. But I DO like the idea of "Locking in Formation".
  22. I'd rather have someone else fork this project than have someone else (other than the original team members) take over. But I'm not sure about the licensing issues.
  23. +1 on OBS as your Video Recorder - It has a learning curve, but once you got it set-up you can have majority of your video-recording potential in there. Recording via Hardware? I don't know much about it. Video Editor - I personally use OpenShot, but I have experienced enough quirks not to recommend it yet. It's a Use-at-your-own-risk thing. Shotcut seems promising, though. But it's gonna depend heavily on your Video Editing needs.
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