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Everything posted by Grapjas

  1. If you're on Windows, by default; Documents -> My games -> 0ad -> replays -> choose the alpha of which the replay is from For other OS's check GameDataPaths – Wildfire Games.
  2. Doesn't really change the fact you have been extremely vulgar and toxic judging by the screenshots. You should just man up and apologize and "improve" on your social skills, which is far more important than any game skill. I haven't seen you once take responsibility of the things you have said, but rather take your time to point fingers at others and trying to talk your way out of it. Which also shows how insensitive and inconsiderate you are about other peoples feelings. I think the insulted deserves some leeway when reaching its breaking point and making comments back to the insulter, although it not being ideal. But theres a fat chance you are here to troll, but you can certainly prove me wrong.
  3. Was one of the things i tried to change with a patch, didn't get much traction though.
  4. Saying its made by one man is a bit of a mis representation though imo. He hires alot of people for individual things. Still a really interesting game.
  5. Most of the time these things (patches, experimental forum mods) get tested by a handful of people, i don't really think it translates how the entire playerbase feels about it. But even if you get to reach more people it's hard to get feedback because most people are just silent in that regard and are either just enjoying it or moving on.
  6. Repeat and prepare time values should be either the same or at least near eachother imo. If you give something 65% attack and 50% inreased repeat time they can be abused through their prepare time attack. Manually, or through pathfinding itself when for example a faster (movement) melee unit chases a slow unit. Prepare time is the initial attack and resets when moving. Thought i'd mention it since i saw slinger having prepare time and repeat time as seperate upgrade for example or axe man only increased repeat time. Anyway, having big upgrades with drawbacks is a thing i'd like too see ingame too.
  7. Don't know. My test map which is just flat terrain had that issue too. Maybe there were some changes to atlas in that regard? EDIT: i think my test map was A23 originally, maybe beginning of A24
  8. I recall testing this with Wow on IRC, was it the default map height? I can't exactly remember tbh. But something defnitely changes shadow sharpness. EDIT: Found the log, read from 11:49: https://irclogs.wildfiregames.com/%230ad-dev/2022-01-14-QuakeNet-%230ad-dev.log
  9. This is what i did with Grapejuice, and also removed their fantasy heal on the battlefield.
  10. I just meant they have a civ, but aren't one, was my point. Good point, didn't catch that. (it really should just show the civ though imo)
  11. Isn't the banner suppose to show the civ like it does though? Certainly is more useful than showing a gaia banner imo. Also more consistent.
  12. No need to take down the lobby, but i like the idea of having a message popup when a player joins the lobby that theres a release candidate for the next alpha available to play. Like a popup window with the message where someone can choose Download or Close.
  13. @Wendy22 Are you simply talking about bad performance in big / mid-late mp games? Or does it start with bad performance?
  14. Weird. I have feedback enabled but mine isn't in the list (Ryzen 5700x). EDIT: Ah nvm, must be under other.
  15. I think this is nice to have but not inside the main menu list, but instead in the little square we have for info about the game already. Maybe in the place of chat button instead as i don't really see people joining IRC chat from there. I seem to vaguely remember that theres an ingame report button in the making but not entirely sure.
  16. You can also open the console with `F9` and scroll with `PAGE UP` and `PAGE DOWN`. EDIT: Also good to see players actually testing instead of just talking about it on the forum.
  17. Because it's not that obvious? No need to unzip, unless there is a parent folder inside that zip.
  18. @Player of 0AD The formation bug should be solved if you update to latest rev. rP27034 (wildfiregames.com)
  19. I actually like the mechanic that it takes time to switch but 8 seconds seems way to much indeed. Like 1-2s or something would be fine imo.
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