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Everything posted by Grapjas

  1. Hi @AlphaEpsilon290 and welcome, My tips would be to try break pattern in terrain textures, take about e.g. 3 main terrain elements and add to it with a small brush where needed. Play around and note the difference between left click terrain painting, and right click terrain painting. It's also nice to not only break terrain textures, but the terrain itself too by adding some height differences like holes, bumps, mountains, hills (and by texturing those accordingly) etc. Wildlife and nature can do some wonders to the atmosphere and setting aswell. If you want this map to be played without the unlimited resources setting, it's standard to have the following resources near the civic centre: About 10 chicken and 5 bushes for food, some straggler tree's nearby for early wood without needing a store house, and a big metal and stone mine about a farms reach away from the civic centre. Ofcourse you don't neccesarily have to follow this standard, but it can give you an idea. Good luck and have fun
  2. @Unkind98 thanks once again for reporting an issue. Chariots aren't supposed to have a melee attack (yet), which is why it errors. I did it by mistake and will be fixed soon. I appreciate it. (github was actually updated just didnt make a release for it yet)
  3. 3.1.4 Update Fixed brit hero Cunobelin which in turn made brit fortress unusable as reported by @Unkind98. Updated original post download links (and once approved on mod.io).
  4. I kind of like the idea. More logical would be to do this for archers i think as they generally came in larger numbers than skirmishers. But gameplay wise i think doing it for skirmishers is better.
  5. Sounds like a feature! You shall not leave... /s
  6. @Gurken Khan @Lopess you can change the content view behavior in the account settings, might have what you want.
  7. @bb_ the interesting part is this: But i guess you still answered it with this:
  8. I suppose you could make this a mod for personal use if you want to / are able to.
  9. I think it might be linked to this. The first part of that thread anyway.
  10. That's ok. No hard feelings or disrespect meant or anything.
  11. Individually micro'ing units pays off more than it doesn't and makes your army fight more effective than the enemy who doesn't or who uses all that time to walk close to your army and then to press H. And i'm not saying it's viable in all circumstances. You assume to much. Anyway, at this point there are alot more things to consider that's not even related to what we are discussing here like army composition, how cooperative pathfinder is for the player that doesn't micro, player skills etc. In that new context the point remains the same, it will get easier the better you get at the game. It's just something to get used to for a short moment and then it comes naturally. And when it does it's much less micro then before.
  12. Didn't say this at all. I said i doubt it. Attack group reduces the basic micro that's already there is what i'm saying. You honestly can't disagree with this. How is painting an area to target units more micro than invdividually selecting unit per unit with alt? If that's how you feel we might aswell stop discussing this further with eachother. Which is pretty much what i said. I said the thought process you discribed will come more naturally the better you get at the game.
  13. @chrstgtrYou call it a simplification, i call what you do an overcomplication. Pretty much all elements you name are standard elements you need to take into account when playing the game and will come more naturally the better you get at the game. It's only made much easier because now you can attack groups. We don't have to agree though.
  14. Obviously attack group is better than attack ground, i never doubted that. But do you really want to take away such skill/interaction from the game? It seems like you do, but honestly i don't and there are people on both sides. You say attack group requires micro and skill but i honestly doubt that in realtime, it would pretty much be a simple repaint of an area once in a while. There is pretty much no risk involved with attack group. There is no misusing attack group other than letting your ranged get eaten by swordsmen for example, which would be bad in all occassions, even without attack ground/group. Micro should give you an edge over your opponent, and attack group takes too much from it. You might aswell make it their standard attack behavior unless manually commanded otherwise. People who don't like micro will get balanced by elo tbh. Besides, units are clustered on the battlefield all the time, not just on choke points. A one time volley on a resizable circle attack ground would be a pretty useful thing to have imo, with the choice of a continious one with a combination of a hotkey (for all ranged units, just to be clear, not just archers). But with risk of misusing / poor judgement and without it being the new standard way to play. Attack ground will also give usefulness to formations whereas it wouldn't with attack group. Also attack group needs a heavier rebalance than attack ground but whether that's a problem or not depends on the balancing team.
  15. Do individuals specifically get hit and die by arrows in total war? Never looked that closely to it. Otherwise it's probably just calculating the entire battalion as 1 hitbox and lets random soldiers die when the health drops of the battalion entity.
  16. Can confirm this bug on build 26198. And seems to be accross all civs not just macedonians. It keeps increasing the more blacksmiths you add to the group too. @Purgator_ thanks for reporting. EDIT: blacksmith does this do any building that can produce units. Trac Ticket
  17. Already checked if that was the case, but there is another user who was online yesterday with an underscore in the beginning and at the end of his name, his stats were fine.
  18. @EsteveCould try running it as administrator.
  19. Haven't encountered such thing yet. @Yekaterina Next time he complains can you ask if he gets errors when joining the lobby? Or ask him to post his issue here on the forum.
  20. If i'm not mistaken, a projectile that lands within any footprint (the circle/square below the unit/building) counts as a hit. So a projectile missing the main target can easily hit his neighbour. I'm gonna have to say that i think "target units within area" sounds a little to strong and a little cheesy tbh. Whereas "attack area" can have it's niche and strategic moments where it can be usefull like firing at chokepoint or a clustered group while involving some risk to it. Which would infinitely be more effective (gaining efficiency the larger the army) than if your units would target 1 unit at a time and overkill them, when properly used. Which happens all the time with for example 20 Javelins attacking 1 unit while with attack area you could potentially hit alot more different units at the same time depending on when and how it's used. It also can be backed up a little by history when archers as a group didn't really precisely target individuals in decently sized battles but mainly focused on volley arrows into a group of enemies.
  21. I mean it's a strategic availability to build more farms/traders to go for more elephants. That's alot and pretty much an unstoppable force at that point. Could make the cost lower for them as a more specialized civ for elephants, or with a unique exclusive tech. Nothing wrong with (trying to) keeping them logical though. Pierce weapons have a sharp point, whereas hack weapons has sharp sides, and crush is simply blunt weapons. Tusks don't have sharp sides (unless weaponized).
  22. I noticed this too when modding it lol. Could also just make them cost alot of food imo, because it's not too hard to get a good food income. Say like 1000 food so that they won't be spammed like crazy. It wouldn't be too hard to mix an elephant or two into your army (depending on the flow of the game ofc). The damage type should probably be pierce (main) and a bit of crush because they headbutt and sidesweep targets. Maybe a tech upgrade that let's them hit 3 nearby units at once, but split the damage across enemies hit. It's on my to-do list for the mod (no eta though lol).
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