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WFG Programming Team
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Everything posted by Imarok

  1. Should be doable, by giving trees a big obstruction,so that they overlap.
  2. This just means you don't need to install visual studio and compile the game yourself. You still need git or svn. It is very easy to use, so don't fear it.
  3. Sounds like a good idea, but we would need someone writing them. Till then: there is a tutorial for basic economic things. So if you have ideas, feel free to post them.
  4. Afaik accounts are never reset
  5. No. Sorry but that is wrong.
  6. Yep, that is planned for (hopefully) the next alpha after we got in the anti-smurf patch. Do you have any suggestion about how it should work in detail? The problem is: you need to differentiate between a connection loss and someone really leaving the game, so that nobody can "steal" your slot if just had a short connection loss. Maybe some timeout, or a voting system?
  7. Thank you for the new animations. I really like them. But for the galopp animation: It looks like the rider and the back of the horse doesn't move. Could we maybe fix that?
  8. Sounds like a good idea, but we would need someone writing them. Till then: there is a tutorial for basic economic things. Guess what feature is coming for the next alpha (which will be released soon)
  9. Imarok


    Which version? Any mods? When does it happen?
  10. No discussion. Just change the wrong translations.
  11. https://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/
  12. Do you maybe have some antivirus software active? (Maybe it is gdata security?)
  13. Sure you didn't place the same tree as entity after the reboot?
  14. There are also actor trees that are just decorative.
  15. Here is an A22 binary with the fix applied (you just need to replace your standard A22 binary and rename that one): pyrogenesis_a22fixed.exe
  16. When you do a screenshot it prints out the path on the top left.
  17. Have you installed all dependencies listed on the trac wiki page?
  18. Imarok

    Trees inside

    Yeah, sorry. Thought you meant changelog.
  19. Imarok

    Trees inside

    Also the error of @(-_-)?
  20. How could turtlers win, if walls are - as you say - useless?
  21. Some of the hotkeys are not available in the current alpha, but come in the next one. These are at least: O and I + leftdrag and the next/previous tab hotkeys
  22. Look at https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1245
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