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Everything posted by vladislavbelov

  1. I think it's not the expected difference. Could you show an example? Highly likely it's related to material refactorings. I'll investigate it further.
  2. How do your screenshots look like? Do they have the same artifacts?
  3. So if you're making a screenshot or recording a video the game looks correctly? Which version do you use? Could you attach a userreport log file (path to it you can find here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths)?
  4. You might attach errors about a "model_solid_tex" material. Did notice any difference with OpenGL? If you enabled Feedback in the main menu then it should be enough.
  5. Any other option maybe? It might mean limitation of 32bit application. Your GL crash says: "JavaScript error: out of memory", which means out of available RAM. Highly likely it's the same reason for Vulkan. Might want to build with --large-address-aware.
  6. Your logs report out of memory (Vulkan says out of GPU memory). Does the shader or texture quality option changes the behavior? I suppose there is new more expensive art in A27.
  7. Not yet. The first step is to reduce the number of driver dependent bugs and crashes and to have a more predictable performance.
  8. Currently no, but we plan to make an RC relatively soon and it'll be bundled with this mod.
  9. First you need to download it by the link in the first message and then install just like every other mod.
  10. Vulkan is disabled in Atlas, as wxWidgets doesn't provide loader for that by default. Then it seems the known problem of broken materials.
  11. Updated. Could you run the game with validation enabled? It'll cost too much my time now or too much space for shaders. So I chose a compromise, I believe there're not so many shaders left and I have a validation script to fill possible holes.
  12. If you'd try to resize the window by a mouse would fix the stretching?
  13. Only view or window as well? Did you experience any performance difference? Yeah, I'm aware of it. It needs some investigation as we can't distinguish that SDL error from a regular one.
  14. Can't say yet, it requires MoltenVk integration. It shouldn't be hard but might take a while.
  15. Nice! Missed shader, thanks! Does the game work for you except the missing shader?
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